Chapter 4 (truth or dare)

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*Rocky's POV*

I really want TJ to stay. I'm not really sure why. She's just so beautiful. Her sparkly green eyes, her dark brown hair that flows past her shoulders and down her back, her smile, her laugh, her engish accent that makes me go crazy- WHAT AM I DOING!? there is NO way i like TJ i mean i JUST meet her! and there is no way she would like someone who threw a football at her head! but i do want her to stay...

"um... i-i guess i could" YES! maybe i gotta chance! Ryland hasn't took his eyes off her. i sent him a death glare and he smirks at me. what does that boy have planned...

*TJ's POV*

later that night everyone's sitting in the livingroom. we just finished pizza that Riker went out and got. i didn't eat much. i'm a bit scared to stay here over night. "so what are we doing no-" before i could finish my sentence Ryland, Riker and Ross at the same time yelled.

"TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!" everyone almost instantly agrees. it takes me a bit but i envantually give in and agree to play.

"I'LL GO FIRST!" yells Ryland so we all get ready. he then looked straight at me. i got scared inside but looked back at him. "TJ.." he said. "Truth, or dare"

i being scared of any dares this boy has said truth. he then asked "what was your first kiss like" oh no not this question i can't awenser that!

"a-actually i pick dare...!" i know its stupid to do that but i can't say it. he then replys with

"i dare you to awenser the question!" shit...

"i-i can't tell you, its embarrassing and you'll all laugh at me..." i said. its true, they all would laugh at me. its probably the most embarrassing thing i've ever done.

"no we won't just tell us, come on you have too! its a truth AND dare!" i groaned knowing i had no choice.

"w-well my first kiss was when I was 13 and it was at a carival and we'd been eating junk food all day and w-when we kissed i uh... i might have ended up throwing up... in his mouth..." everyone then died laughing... everyone but one... Rocky. i slightly smiled and he smiled back at me. I can trust him not to laugh at me. can't say the same for everyone else.

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now