Chapter 29 (The question)

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I Am so sorry I haven't been updating all that much lately i've just been doing stuff with my home schooling. On more news I have a new laptop so i should update more often. I really wanna try for at least one chapter per week, if all goes well i'll try to do more but no promises for this month because I have a wisdom tooth coming in and i'll need A surgery to get it out because I don't have room for it in my jaw. One last thing. This laptop has a faulty caps lock and will randomly turn on and off I will try 'to fix it every time I see it but I can't see everything, if i am meaning for it to be all in caps i'll bold it so you know it's not the faULTY button (Except For TJ which will always be caps). Example... Faulty was not supposed to have caps... Ok story time! :D


*Rocky's pov*

"I work at a strip club"

Those words reply in my head over and over. Strip clubs mean showing your body for money, sometimes having sex with random guys for extra money. I keep hoping that she didn't do that last part.  I just stare into space as I process that my girlfriend is a STRipper. I would rather have stayeD IN jail then to have her do that. I blink a few times. TJ's gone. With no idea where she went I went home and layed down with no intention of sleeping. Within the next day TJ had not came back to her house or my house. I decided to go by the strip club to see if she was there. I've never been to a strip club, and never planned too. I see and wALK oveER to a guy who seem to work here.

"Excuse me sir, do you work her?" I ask. He laughs, it's a very deep laugh, very chillING.

"Work here? son I own this club!" Then he would be to ask whoSE working tonight.

"Ok sir, well my girlfriend works here and I was wondering IF She worked tonight. Her name is TJ Larson."

"We don't have a TJ Larson here, however we do have a TJ Lynch." Oh my gosh. She used my last name. I felt a small purge of happiness.

"Ok then I guess that's who I mean. Is she here today?" He nodded and led me to a room, opening a door then shutting it behind me. TJ was in there, as if she was waiting for someone. She was wearing a very lacy skippy outfit. I wouldn't mind seeing her like that, as long as it was in my room and not a strip club.

"R-Rocky what are you doing here??" She studdered, and had A look of shock. I walked over and hugged her. She didn't respond.

"I Finally found you! I was so worried!"

"Rocky why are you here??" I told her everything about me looking for her, I told her I felt bad about how I reacted to her telling me her job. I told her I wanted her to come home. We spent a while arguing. I want her to come home but she hasn't got all the money yet. She was in debt. She had one week left to make back the last 5 thousand dollars to have all the money. I had the money.

"TJ I have the money. I've been saving money and I can use it to help you. Please let me help you." She looked about ready to start crying.

"I-I can't take five thousand dollars from you I just can't!" I huggd her again. She just fell into me crying. I picked her up and walked out of the room. As I walked by the same guy as before I told her she quit and walked to my car. I put her in and got in myself and drove home. When I got there I put her in my bed and let her cry while rubbing her back. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 20. 60 minutes pass before she finally stops crying.

"TJ please talk to me." She sniffles before looking up at me. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and whispered an ok.

"Ok? Ok what?"

"I'll take the money..." I smiled and hugged her. We cuddled a while before I broke the silence.

"So.. You used my last name?" I felt her cheeks warming against my skin and I knew she was blushing."

"Y-yeah.. I-I thought it sounded better." I chuckled.

"Me too" I whispered. Her head snaps up.

"Are you serious?" She asks. I nod. I've thought that for a while. TJ Lynch sounds WAY better then TJ Larson.

"Yeah, honestly i've always thought that. TJ in the year that i've known you I thought you'd be better off with my name instead. I was gonna wait for a while before I did this but I can't wait anymore." I stood up and dug around in my dresser. She sat up and watched me. I found was I was looking for and sat back on the bed.

"TJ we've been together a year, and though it hasn't been long we've been through so much and I know I love you and I want to spend every minute of every day with you. Forever." I opened a box and I there was a RING.

"TJ will you marry me?"

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now