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Ok everyone the time has come. The final chapter of Please be a Dream. Thank you for enjoying this story, if you want a sequel story please comment!


Rocky woke up in the morning and noticed TJ wasn't there. He moved his foot around and his foot felt better so he walked to the kitchen. Before he opened the fridge he noticed a note. Rocky, last night was a great date. buuuuut that's not enough to win me over for the proposal. I love you so let's try again tonight. I've gone to the gym and i'll be back at around 11. Rocky groaned a bit and crumbled up the paper and walked to the bedroom to start planning the next date.

If this date does not get her to marry me nothing will, i'll just have to beg, and to plead until she says yes. Or cry...  He walked into the livingroom to wait till she got back.

"Ok TJ.. You know I love you and I want to marry you, so I though not to plan really anything because something always seems to go wrong. The only thing I planned out was a picnic in the park, but we have to go for a walk to get there. So a walk in the park then a picnic. Sound good?" TJ nodded and stood up. I'm reeeeeally getting bored. I mean his dates are amazing but i'm about done with making him work for it, i'm not sure how much longer I can go before I say yes. She thought. Rocky grabbed a picnic basket he made up and took her down the street where the park was. they started walking down the trail down the park just talking and enjoying the sun. There were children everywhere playing and having fun, they both started thinking about how they wanted kids and couldn't wait till they became parents. Though they knew it would take a while because they wanted to be married first.

Along the trail Rocky stopped, he set down the basket and picked a flower he saw and put it behind her ear, making her blush. He picked up the basket again as they continued their walk. As they got closer to the picnic area they saw a little  girl playing a violin on a park bench with the case to the violin open. They stood there listening for a bit then Rocky put a couple dollars into the case and the little girl, about 8, smiled, and they both smiled back to her. They both sat on either side of her.

"How old are you?" Rocky asked her as she set the violin in it's case. After putting it in the case she looked at him as if he didn't say anything. "How old are you?" He asked again. "8" She said. Her voice sounded different. It sounded as if she wasn't breathing through her nose. "I turned 8 three months ago." Three. When she says three it sounded like tree. Thought TJ. "My name is Alexis."

"So your eight?  That's cool, what are you doing out here alone?" The little girl looked at her after TJ said cool so she didn't notice she said anything else before that.

 "I live across the street. My mom fell asleep so I came out here to play my violin." She said. As she was talking she made some movements with her hands while she talked. While watching her Rocky started catching on of what was going on. He touched the girl's shoulder so she'd look at him.

"Alexis... Are you deaf?" She waited a minute before responding with a nod. "Then how do you know what we're saying?" He asked.

"I can read lips. I had hearing problems since I was a baby so i've been taught me to talk, sign and read lips because the doctors knew I was going to go deaf and they wanted me to be prepared." Rocky looked at TJ then back at Alexis. 

"So you understand us as long as you see our lips?" She nods. "Do you get trouble for being deaf often?" She nods again.

"Most people stare, or laugh at me for being deaf or when they try to get my attention they think that yelling can get my attention or they speak real slow as if I am retarted. Sometimes people throw things to get my attention. What I hate the most is when people think I should not play violin because I can't hear, they assume i'd be aweful. And no one thinks I should ride my bike like a normal person BECAUSE I can't hear. Even my mom doesn't want me to ride my bike, and she can hear." Rocky hugged her.

"Get off my daughter you pedophile.! No grown man should be even TOUCHING an 8 year old girl who is all alone! She started signing fast to the little girl then picked up the violin case. "We're leaving" She then left with the girl.

"Well.. That's a rude mother." Muttered TJ. "Don't worry your not a pedophile. I'm not sure why she called you that, you weren't being sexual twards her at all." Rocky shook his head and stood up.

"We have a date to get to anyway. Ready?"

"I''m ready. You know you were amazing with her, even with her being deaf. Your going to make an amazing dad someday." He smiled.

"Thanks.. I hope that day isn't to far away." She nodded.  Me too.  She thought. After a while they finally end up at the picnic spot where rocky got a blanket out of the basket and set it on the ground. He sat and she sat. After the picnic they stared at the pond that was in front of them. "So TJ as another part of the picnic I have something for you." He reached around a bush and pulled out his guitar. He slowly started playing with TJ watching. 

"I took you at your word when you said you would steal my heart. Yeah, this might sound absurd but would you be my thief, take all of me, every part." He started.

(I took out most repeated parts so its not the whole song just like a couple parts. I added the song lyric video to this chapter.)

"I think we might be outlaws I think I might be in love ‘cause I’m all out of reasons like seasons, winter, summer, fall. They’re all washed up if you’re still way over there if you slide on in, by my side 'cause I’m just an outlaw wanted, if you want me
I love you every day and every night."

"Lock me up for good, right here in your arms you vandalized my neighborhood with your piercing eyes and devilish charm. I think we might be outlaws, I think I might be in love 'cause I’m all out of reasons like seasons, winter, summer, fall. I’m just an outlaw, wanted, if you want me I love you every day and every night." When he was done, tj was about to cry. He set down his guitar and hugged her. They sat there hugging for what felt like forever, when they pulled away tj nodded and wiped her eyes.

"Ok.." she smiled. "Ok I'll marry you Rocky."  he grinned and hugged her tight.

"I love you tj"

"I love you too Rocky." God please dont let this be a dream, she thought.


I promise the ending was going to be better but I lost the notes on the chapter I had so I had to improvise. The only thing I remembered was the song. So now if you would like a second story - a sequel - then comment!

It has been so much fun writing this story, so thank you. If enough people want another book I would be more then happy to write it. :)

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now