Chapter 30 (The answer game)

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SUPER SHORT CHAPTER!!! It's more of a sneak peek of the next few chapters ;)



"Will you marry me?" we have known each other a year but right at that second I had imagined our entire life together. Our wedding, our two children, said children graduating high school and getting married, and us together in rocking chair on a porch with my hair gray and his gone. I never thought about us getting married but at that moment I knew I wanted to wake up next to him for the rest of my life. I knew my answer, but I was gonna make him work for it. I grinned at my thoughts and stood up.

"So... You wanna marry me.. You wanna be with me forever huh?" He nodded as he watches me. I walk around the room. "so I should say yes then huh?" Once again he nodded. "Well if you want me to marry you then you gotta work for it." I chuckled evily and skipped out of the room. He groaned of pain and fell back on the bed. And so begins the answer game.

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