Chapter 17 (I smell trouble)

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(ok, short chapter, i just had to get something up)

"Hi Ashton, i'm TJ" I smiled. What better way to get off my mind off my boyfriend who disappeared then make a new friend, especially one that lives near me! I moved so Ashton could come in.

"Thanks" He says and walks in. I walk into my kitchen and he jump onto the counter and sits on it as i open the fridge.

"you want something? a snack, something to drink?" I ask, he's a guest might as well offer something. "Uh... water i guess" He says. I nod and grab two water bottles out of the fridge and walk to the livingroom.

He jumps off the counter and follows. I sit on the couch and hand him his water bottle and he sits next to me. "So... you live here alone?" He asks. Where'd Kelly go? She must have went to her room or left, I shake my head.

"No actually i live with my best friend. I don't know where she went." He nodded. He sees a picture on the table and grabs it. "Who's this?" I look at the picture and its me and Rocky on our first date. I smile a bit remembering that night but frown again knowing he's gone.

"T-That's me and my boyfriend." I say kinda slow. He looks at me. "You ok? you sound like something's wrong." I shake my head. "i'm fine" I say, what am i supposed to say, "oh no i'm not fine, my boyfriend randomly tells me he's leaving for months on end so i'm going to be here alone all the time" yeah no, not to someone i just met.

So me and Ashton talked for a while, talked and got to know eachother. Well more of he got to know about me, not much of me about him cause he kept wanting to know about me. I looked out the window and it was dark. "oh wow. it's already dark?"

He looked at the window and his eyes. they kinda got darker and he hand this look in his eyes i couldn't tell. He stood up, "Sorry i gotta go" He says and runs out the door. I watch confused then sighed and looked at the picture of me and Rocky again. Then something strange happened.

 It looks like Rocky moved. It's like it moved and started talking. "Don't talk to him... Don't look at him... He's not a good guy" It said. I shake my head, and look at the picture again. Nothing. its just like its supposed to be. 

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now