Chapter 24 (He looks awful)

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All I saw was blood. Blood everywhere. It was all coming from Rocky. I screamed and screamed then heard a shot and saw more blood. I looked at Rocky, who had a gun and had shot the croc before passing out probably of blood loss. Where did he get a gun and why did he have it? Was he gonna kill himself? Was he gonna kill someone else?

I couldn't move so I watched through the fence me, Kelly, and, the Lynch siblings never went through. A police officer appeared and before I could understand what was going on an ambulance showed up, Rocky was put in it and rushed away. It all seemed to go by so fast, as I was standing there in shock, hard to progress what was going on. Because I wasn't moving, Riker threw me over his shoulder and we headed to the hospital.

I was asleep while we were in the car and when I woke up we were sitting in the hospital waiting room. Rydel was asleep leaning against a passed out Riker, Kelly was asleep against sleeping Ratliff, Ryland was sleeping sideways on the chair; very uncomfortable in the chair, and lastly, Ross was curled up on the floor. I looked at everyone sleeping and I curled up and tried to sleep too. I moved around, tried sideways like Ryland, tried the floor like Ross. But nothing seemed comfortable enough.

After a while I realized the reason I couldn't sleep is because Rocky was in a room hurting, bleeding, and needing help. I sat there for hours, the light outside was getting darker and it was getting later. It looked to be around 3 in the morning when a doctor finally walked into the waiting room and walked over to us. He set a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jerk and look at him.

"He's stable. Lost a lot of blood but found some frozen in a freezer with his blood type so he's gonna be ok." I felt relived and took a deep breath. Then the doctor continued.

"He will have permanent scars on his arms. He almost lost his arm in the accident. He has a few stiches in his neck and his left arm is in a brace for the next 6 months." I closed my eyes, upset he'll have some permanent reminders of this, but happy he'll be ok. I asked if it was ok to see him and he said yes. Told me what room but warned me he was asleep. I nodded and carfully, stepping around Ross, went to Rocky's room.

When I walked inside he looked awful. He looked so hurt. His arm was in a brace and his neck was wrapped in gause. He was asleep. I sat in the chair next to the bed. The chair was much more comfortable then the waiting room chairs. I sat and closed my eyes ready to fall asleep, when something snapped me out of my wandering thoughts. It was Rocky.



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