Chapter 27 (What's wrong with TJ?)

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A week has gone by and I haven't left my house. TJ however, I haven't heard from her. She doesn't answer when I call and it's starting to worry me. I called her again today, and she didn't answer. Even her voice mail sounded tired. I decided I should go visit her. So I went to her house and Kelly told me she hasn't seen TJ in days. Something's not right. She told me about this Ashton kid, the guy I thought she cheated on me with. So I went to see if he kidnapped her or something. He said he was worried about her too. He hadn't seen her either.

I decided to wait another day before calling the police to report a missing person. I waited at her and Kelly's place. At 2am TJ stumbled into the house. She turned on the light and went into the kitchen opening the fridge. I walk into the kitchen and watch her. She doesn't even look at me. It's like she's sleep walking, or in a trance of some sort...

"TJ?" She looks at me. Stares for a bit before she jumps and sees to come back to earth.

"God Rocky you scared me...!" She puts a hand on her heart then smacked my arm. I hugged her tight, she whimpered faintly as if in pain. I pulled back and looked in her eyes. She had a slight look of pain in her eyes.

"TJ... are you ok?" She watches me for a minute then nods and walks away from me. "TJ...!" I follow her and stand in front of her bedroom door before she can open it. "Tell me.. What's wrong. Where you've been."

"I.. I can't tell you Rocky." The look on her face showed she was scared. Scared and weak. I opened the bedroom door and pulled her inside. I shut the door and sat on her bed and pulled her next to me. Trying to help her tell me I tried to make her feel comfortable. I wrapped one arm around her. She flinches and moves away, I frown. She's always liked me putting my arm around her, so something was definitely wrong. I put my hand on her arm and moved further away. I touch her at all, she flinches and moves further and further away. She curls up in the cornor of the bed. I thought she was just falling asleep until I saw her shoulders shaking a bit. She was crying.

please be a dream..? a Rocky Lynch Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now