Chapter 7

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~Day 14~
"Line up!" Payne called as we filed out of the training camp and into the courtyard. We had just eaten lunch and were ready for an afternoon of activities. 

Ever since I gave Payne his little lecture he's been including me a tad more...a tad. Louis and Harry apparently got their offenses taken away too...goes to show I'm not completely ignored around here. 

"Alright settle down!" He yelled again making us quiet and turn our attention towards him.

"Today we'll be running the obstacle course with Horan's department. He's on the other side of the building explaining it to them right now. You'll go in groups of five and your aim is to finish it in under two minutes. Twice a week we will host timing sessions because you must complete it in under two minutes before you graduate. Some of you might reach that goal today." He explained as we could see Horan's department rounding the corner to come meet us. 

Once they were situated in with us we were taken to a side of the building we had never been. On that side stood about a five hundred foot obstacle course.

"Alright here she is." Horan said as he gestured towards the course. 

"We're going to be nice and let Payne's squadron go first. He and I will be walking along the sides of the course to make sure you are doing all the obstacles and not evading any of them." He then called out a couple of names of people in his department and stationed them either at the start or the end to time us.

"We're going in alphabetical order." Payne said as he called out the first five last names of our department and showed them where to line up. He had a quick count down before he waved his green flag and they began running. 

They had to climb up and slide down multiple obstacles and when they got to the end they looked completely exhausted. Soon enough I heard my name being called, signaling we were the final group of our department. Lined up a few spots down were Harry and Louis with a couple boys between us.

"Three! Two! One! Go!" Horan yelled as Payne waved the green flag and we were off. I immediately bolted up to the tires and ran through them quickly before getting to the hurdles and leaping over them. "Keep that speed up Styles!" Payne yelled as we finished the hurdles. We then made it to the monkey bars.

"If you fall that's twenty burpees!" Horan called as I began my mad swing across. About three fourths of the way, the two boys next to me fell and had to begin their punishment. Louis finished before me, running off to the rock climbing wall. 

"Keep going Woods!" I heard Horan call as I reached the wall when Louis was halfway up. I found my footing fairly easily as Payne yelled out "one minute!" making my heart speed up. I'd rather just get this done once and for all right now.

Once I made it to the top, I looked down and saw Harry climbing up. I climbed over the wall and grabbed onto the rope and began scaling down as I felt myself slightly lose my footing. I quickly gasped, gripping tighter onto the rope as I began to slide down. I couldn't keep my footing and ended up falling the rest of the way down making me scream out in pain.

"Ouch! Bloody hell!" I yelled as I landed on my left ankle and then onto my back on something that was sharp. My ankle immediately started throbbing as I pulled myself off the ground further scratching my arms as I turned around and found barbed wire for the army crawl...which my back had landed on.

"Cameron!" Harry called as I looked up to see his eyes just peeking out at the top of the wall.

"Shit!" I heard Horan say as he looked at my back.

"Come on Woods! Just a little longer, keep chugging!" Payne called making my eyes rage with fury. I quickly stood up falling down almost immediately, unable to hold my weight on my ankle. From underneath the wire I could see Louis looking back at me with concerned eyes. I shook my head as I crawled my way to the wire and underneath it.

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