" Chapter 2 "

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After driving for a few hours, listening to Justin Bieber's new album, Rachael and Tommy were singing along to the songs repeating the lyrics in an off beat key tone, they were horrible but really funny at the same time. Tommy had invited me to sing along with them so that way he said their duet could become a trio, I politely declined. It pained me deeply to see how Rachael and Tommy looked at each other, or how they were having a great time. I felt like the third wheel, it was not a pleasant feeling to be feeling at the moment. I couldn't keep watching how Rachael and Tommy were gazing at each other, or casually brushing their arms or their skin, I turned and gazed out of the window, just seeing the New Mexico desert landscape speed by as we drove. Then it happened, something that I hadn't mentioned to Tommy, but I was on my period and right now my flow, was well flowing, if you catch my drift.

Embarrassed I spoke,

" Tommy do you think we can stop by the road when you can? ". I asked him timidly.

" Sure Zoe, do you need anything?, what's wrong? ", he glanced briefly at me.

" I kind of need to grab some special things, personal things ", I replied, an embarrassed blush flushed my cheeks.

Tommy looked at me, after a few seconds he understood, but Rachael was quicker, she turned to face him and said,

" Please stop at the nearest hotel or gas station, whichever building has a restroom ".

Tommy turned towards me, a sympathetic smile on his face.

" Zoe, you silly girl if it's your special time of the month, if you're menstruating you should've told me so I could stop sooner ".

The way he said it, understanding instead of in a bothersome nuisance way made me blush, redness spreading trough my cheeks, it just made me love Tommy even more.

" I didn't want to be a bit of a burden ", I told him.

" Nonsense when it comes to your body needs never hesitate to tell me Zoe ".

Tommy parked on the side of the road and Rachael stepped out and helped me retrieve my tampons and menstrual flow pads, I packed them in my purse and we got in the car once's more. Tommy started driving and after some period of time he managed to spot a hotel a few kilometers ahead of us.

" Zoe there's a hotel approaching is it all right if we stop there? ", Tommy turned back towards me, watching me on the front mirror, he saw me and I guess he could see that I was once's again blushing to the roots of my hair, I was mortified. Rachael saw me and I guess being a woman too knew what had happened, truth be told I kind of was staining the backseat of Tommy's car along with my clothes. She turned to Tommy and said,

" Tommy we really have to stop so Zoe can change clothes and we might need to do a little bit of cleaning too ".

Tommy just turned to face me once's more and smiled at me, I mumbled a quick apology, but he just held my hand and told me.

" You have nothing to be worried about Zoe, I have my sister's so this kind of thing has happened before, Rachael will help you change and do your girly things while I clean the backseat, luckily I have some spare towels and a bottle of cleaner ".

Rachael kissed him on the cheeks and grabbing a towel, spare change of clothes, panties and tampons, I was escorted by Rachael inside to the hotel lobby and then the ladies restroom. Rachael helped me clean, wash and change into my freshly washed clothes. In my bag we put my dirty clothes, towel and walked out of the hotel, the towel had been wrapped around my lower body that way I could walk in and not feel so embarrassed. I was actually starting to like and trust Rachael Elizabeth Dare as a friend. When we reached the car Tommy was literally up to his elbows in blood, my menstrual blood.

" Oh my gosh, please Tommy I'll clean ", I stepped forward and tried to relieve him of the chore of cleaning up my bloody mess but he gently waved me off.

" Nah it's ok I'm almost done ", he said as he grinned at me.

" I'm so sorry Tommy ", I apologized once's again.

" Like I said no problem ", he replied.

Tommy finished cleaning the blood from the backseat and bundling the towels in a bloody bundle he stuffed them in a bag, well my bag actually, I gave it to him so he could put the dirty towels inside. Tommy didn't comment on my dirty panties or bloody clothes. He wasn't like any other typical male, he didn't run at the first sign of female problems. Rachael smiled at Tommy and said,

" You are the most understanding man I've ever met and I have to say I love you Thomas ".

No, this can't be happening, please Tommy I love you and I don't wan't to loose you.

Tommy washed his arms with a wet towel and whipped the blood off his arms when he was blood free, he approached Rachael and gave her a hug, then kissed her, I mean in the lips. Rachael put his arms around his neck and held Thomas close to her chest. I tried to see what Tommy saw in her, and to be honest Rachael was a red headed beauty. In other painful words she was perfect for him,

" Well shit, this is just great ".

" The fastest way to die slowly each day, is to love someone who doesn't love you back ".

Rachael, Tommy and I got once's again in the car and we continued driving trough the highway interstate towards our destination, Rachael and Tommy held hands. I tried not to cry and I had to blink back tears. Tommy plugged my I Phone in and cranked up a Justin Bieber song called " Love Yourself " Tommy and Rachael started their off key singing duet, they were clearly happy and madly in love. Meanwhile I was dying in the backseat, my heart ripping itself to pieces.

" If you hear something breaking don't worry it's just my heart crumbling into pieces ".

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