" Chapter 38 "

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( Name Of Video:G-Eazy - " Get Back Up " )

( Name Of Video:G-Eazy - " Get Back Up " )

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" Roll up with the windows up,I'm still sippin' whiskey from the solo cup,She down for whatever cause she know what's up,I'm like, "Roll another one", she said "Oh yeah, yup "

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" Roll up with the windows up,
I'm still sippin' whiskey from the solo cup,
She down for whatever cause she know what's up,
I'm like, "Roll another one", she said "Oh yeah, yup ".

( Rachael's POV )

I kept aiming trough my scope and would shoot down my objective but the problem was that there were simply too many hillbillies freaks, they had completely surrounded the building and Valerie's, Ian's, Matthew's and I suppressive fire wasn't enough to keep them back. Those mutant freaks just kept coming closer to the building's entrances and windows, my rifle was running dangerously low on ammunition and yet all over the streets were filled with monsters, Valerie, Ian and Matthew were also running low having depleted most of their ammunition stock or in Valerie's case her arrows. Belows us the rate of fire from our companions had decreased to almost nothing as well signaling that they found themselves in the same predicament as we did, I decided to fuck it and ignoring my orders said,

" I'm going down there ", Matt, Val and Ian turned towards me with astonished expressions on their faces.

" One way or the other we are all going to die anyways so we can either prolong the inevitable or we can go down there with or family and friends and make sure we die making such an end, things are out of our control but what we can control is how we die so I'm going down there and you can all do what you want ".

Having had my say I lifted the door latch that had provided us with access to the roof and walking down the stair steps I arrived at the lower floor level, Luke, Thomas, Melissa and Zoe were now reduced to their secondary weapons, their main weapons lay discarded on a bullet spent shells casings littered floor. I immediately took my position next to Thomas while Valerie went to stand by Luke's side then Matthew followed by standing with Melissa and in a move that surprised even me Ian stood next to Zoe. Each and every single one of us was tense as hell and looking at my beloved Thomas closer I could see just how scared he was making me realize in that moment that just like Melissa the two of them were our leaders and they hid all of their emotions such as fear from all of us as to not seem or appear weak in front of others. The thumping and growling maniacal laughter sounds were everywhere, the doors were about to give way along with the gated windows it was physiologically nerve and moral racking making us know that outside hundreds maybe thousands of those fucking freaks were waiting to tears and rip us appart. I notice Zoe twirling the same ring Thomas gave her on her fingers and I can't help but feel as if something else was going on, I mean I'm no fool what with noticing the hickeys on her necks, the fact that Thomas wasn't with me when this all began and I knew that no way in hell would Zoe have sexual intercourse with Ian. Not after everything Ian had done, after having to abort our baby I just simply would never look at Ian the same way but still that didn't mean Thomas could just go right ahead and have sex with Zoe whenever he wanted but deep down I knew that me being pathetic me I would just take it all in because I loved with all my heart. Although a little revenge might be in order after all there still was Paul and Chris left so it wouldn't be that hard to seduce one of them into fucking me or better yet seduce them both at the same time so they could both fuck me in a threesome, but right now was so not the time to think such thoughts. All of us kept firing our secondary weapons at will trying to keep them at bay, hillbilly bodies continued to drop forming disgusting carcasses barriers but their brethren just stepped over their bodies blinded by their bloodlust and desire to tears us apart and gorge themselves with our flesh. The inevitable came to happen as I kept firing suddenly my gun started coming out empty with a series of empty clicks, I wasn't the only one for looking around my eyes saw that everyone else was on the same dilemma as me, we had no more ammunition, Melissa slumped down against a wall on a corner of the room, Ian was just starring outside, Matthew sat down next to Melissa, Luke and Valerie were tenderly embracing each other, over the past few months their friendship had blossomed into a romantic relationship and I was happy for them. Thomas I noticed was just standing his hands resting against the door while his head was slightly bowed down, he seemed to be whispering something to himself but despite everything I knew that he was still terrified, here it was at last the moment when even someone like Thomas wouldn't be able to fight his way out of this situation. As I sat down on the floor with my back against the wall too someone made his way towards me it wasn't until they sat down next to me that I realized it was Zoe, she surprised me even more when she began softly speaking to me,

" What happened to us Rachael ".

" What do you mean ", I asked confused, well not exactly I guessed she meant how in the beginning what started first as a simple rocky road trip then we started becoming friends, then enemies and now look as now and what situation we were.

" All of this, so much death, this war, this killing and murdering what has it been worth for, all we've done is kill each other and for what we've only managed to help the Mutant Hillbilly Freaks spread and now we are going to die knowing that our lives have been lived for nothing ", I noticed that everyone else was listening in to Zoe's and I conversation but it didn't matter we were just trying to have a moment of peace before the monsters outside our door broke trough and slaughtered us all.

" Do you know why this land is permanently stained red, Zoe ", Zoe just shook her head letting me know she didn't know the answer to my question, taking a comforting sigh breath I continued with my explanation.

" They say the land is permanently stained red because of all the blood that's been spilled fighting over the land, what this means is that war is pointless and a waste of human life but we as a specie have been evolutionary designed to try to kill each other since the beginning of time ".

" God help us all ", Zoe whispered as she then continued praying softly mumbling a few bible verses under her breath, she had always been kind of religious and I respected that but she needed to understand that this place, the ground we were standing on, our world we were living in eternal purgatory forever agonizing in punishment and penance.

" Trust me Zoe, I used to ask myself too if God will ever forgive us for what we've done to each other, then I remember that God left this place a long time ago ", Thomas perked up suddenly and standing a little bit straighter he turned to each other before beginning to speak to us all.

" We stand before the doors of death with our enemies at our door but this right here is the moment when we forge our character and our convictions, this is the moment we decide how we are going to die, we either die with fear and wallowing in self pity or we die fighting head on and don't stop fighting until we meet our end by an enemy's sword, there's no escaping so I don't know about all of you but I choose to die a warrior's death taking as many of those motherfuckers with me as I can ".

After he finished his motivational speech he suddenly ripped his shirt off and then brandished his broadsword grasping the hilt firmly with both of his hands, Valerie, Luke and I followed his example and I took my katana sword out, Luke his twin pair of double bladed axes and Valerie a deathly thorn spiked metal whip. Melissa took out a spear, Ian a long axe and Zoe a long sword, as the growls and grumbling sounds of the enemies around us we all mentally prepared ourselves to fight the hell that was about to breach our building perimeter,

" Fuck, brace yourselves ", Ian yelled out the warning, we didn't have enough to react when suddenly a whole section of the wall was blasted inwards sending concrete pieces and bricks along with debris flying everywhere.

We dropped ourselves against the ground and as the dust settled my heart and blood ran cold, the reason being that a monstrosity was standing growling and glaring down at all of us, this monster was different it's head almost reached the ceiling and he was bulging and massive in size, muscles riddled his body and he's mouth was full of yellowing rotting teeth, the stench of him made my eyes water. We reacted instinctively and scrambled to get up but our nightmare was just beginning and only turned to a terrifying moment when that thing grabbed Thomas himself and in a brutally quick motion slammed him upwards until his back impacted with the ceiling and as he fell brutally swiped him once's more sending him out of the building and towards the hillbilly hordes waiting to eat us all alive. We all started hacking and stabbing at it with everything we had but the thick skin served as a natural body skin protective armor making it next to impossible to cut trough, one by one we all fell down or were sent flying in different trajectories and directions, the last thing I remember before completely blacking out was seeing Thomas grappling and fighting against a horde of mutant freaks.

" We did not know it back then but the whole game had forever been changed ".

It may have been my pain induced imagination but I thought I heard the sound of helicopter's blades and the sounds of renwed gunfire echoing all over the now ghost town of Fairview Lake, looking up at the sky I saw the first sun rays iluminating the day as the start of a new dawn arrived to this world.

" Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer ".

( A/N ) - Did you all like Rachael's POV?

Please leave all your opinions and feedback on the comment section.

Thank you so much everyone for the support you have given my story, I'm almost to 3.5 k reads mark and it feels awesome and makes me happy.

Don't worry this story is nowhere near to ending there is still more to come.

This chapter is unedited.

I dont have an updating schedule either.

What do you think is going to happen next?

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