" Chapter 19 "

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I was asleep when suddenly my phone started ringing in the middle of the night, I struggled a bit to find it and fumbled for a bit in the dark. At last I managed to find it and unlocking the screen I saw a new voicemail message notification, I clicked on it and received the biggest jolting surprise of my life, for suddenly Tommy's own voice was heard trough the speakers and what he told me made me cry.

" Zoe, I know that we wont ever go back to how things were before, I know that there's a gap in the bridge of what used to be our intertwining destinies. I know that by now you must hate me, and rightly so, If you want to hate me I can live with it, just like I can live with my sisters and family hatred of me. I know that what we could've been or become is nothing but a shadow of a desire that was lost to me the moment I chose this path. Everyone chooses their own paths and the roads they must travel, everyone has their reasons, and that's ok I can live with the world's hatred on my shoulders, everyone had it's own monsters and tormentors to fight. Their other side, other personalities, their own dark sides, but sometimes in order to defeat monsters you have to become one of them, either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. But in the end it's all up to you Zoe, no limitations, no barriers to hold you back, your own free will to make your own choices. I'm away a going to keep it true and I'm always to be who I am and do my own thing even if it's not with you. But the real reason I called you is because as I stand at the brink of death, keeping the own monsters that raised me, that made me who I am today. I shall burn and pay my eternal penance in purgatory but I just need you to promise that you will always wear the ring I gave you Zoe for with it, it's the only thing that will keep you safe, you Zoe are the last of your kind, I've walked this earth for what has felt a thousand lifetimes and I've never met a woman like you, my beautiful Greek princess of the sea Zoe Nightshade. I just want to ask for your forgiveness, for if neither fire, hell or death can keep me down, if ever should I rise again when we next meet it will be as enemies and the thirst of blood and massacre will not be quenched until either of us lies broken on the ground and death takes us. Despite everything I've done and will continue to do I love ", at that moment suddenly a horrible laughter and then an explosion was heard, my heart ached like it hadn't had before, a million different feelings laid a heavy burden on my heart and soul, Tommy's words had been jumbled and meaningful and significant for me. I just didn't know what to make of them or how I should be feeling. Then I heard Tommy give a bloodcurdling scream and then the gutting ripping sounds of something being pulled apart and I had a sudden feeling that it was Tommy's own body being turned to shreds. The recording was still going and I realized that I was hearing Tommy's last moments, he had done terrible monstrous things but he did not deserve to die that way. I kept hearing gurgling sounds and the incessant mumbling of those fucking things. Then suddenly a wave of freshly blood curling screams were loudly starting to be heard,

" Tommy!!! ", I started screaming his name, my heart ached to reach out for him, for the Tommy I've known all my life, for the boy who spent and played for most of our childhoods with me, I yearned to reach the boy I loved and in his last moments I wished I could hug him and press him to my chest as if just for a moment take his pain away. The door burst open and in stepped my friends and more like family led by Matt as he brandished a rifle and scanned the room, Melissa was right behind him followed closely by Rachael and the rest.

" Zoe what's going on, we heard you scream and we Thought that you were in danger or trouble ", Melissa reached out for me and as she sat down put her arm around my shoulder. I looked up at her face, my eyes glistening with fresh spilled tears, right before I could say anything my phone's speakers erupted in a fresh wave of tormented screams, everyone in the room froze on their tracks and were silently listening as the screams continued.

" Zoe who's that, what's going on ", Melissa asked me.

" Tommy ", I answered, my voice came out hoarse and a little more than above a barely audible whisper. Melissa's face contorted in pain, so did Mandy's at the mention of their adopted brother.

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