" Chapter 37 "

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( Name Of Video: OTHERWISE - " Soldiers " )

" We are the ones who will never be broken,
With our final breath,
We'll fight to the death,
We are soldiers ".

" We are the ones who will never be broken,With our final breath,We'll fight to the death,We are soldiers "

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" This is a perfect day to die,
Wipe the blood out of our eyes ".

" This is a perfect day to die,Wipe the blood out of our eyes "

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( Luke's POV )

Everything on this mission had been relatively quiet but like all others before the moment Valerie received the call from Thomas it all went to fucking hell, we've been on the middle of having sex when her cellphone started ringing and when she put on on speaker answering the call we both heard Thomas voice say.

" Listen Valerie I know that Luke and You are probably in the middle of fucking each other's brains out and yeah I know You and Luke have been getting it on but that's not the point, the point is I need you right here and now, as in move your asses and come to Fairview's Sheriff Department And Police Station. Everything is in flames and they are here as in the fucking monsters we've been trying to track and hunt down and while you get your asses over here get Rachael too, she retired to our room early during the festival so wake her up and the three of you get here now ", Thomas hung up and Valerie immediately stood up from the bed, got dressed, grabbed our weapons.

I had a pair of double bladed axes and an MP5 Automatic Rifle, she had her bow and quiver of arrows along a side crossbow strapped securely at her back, we got out of the building we were currently staying in and getting in one of our trucks we drove towards Thomas and Rachael's separate safe houses. When we arrived at the safe house Rachael was already waiting for us at the main entrance driveway, apparently Thomas had called her too and she was ready for battle, she was armed with a katana sword strapped at her back and an SCAR Battle Rifle. But that wasn't all she was carrying, on a side duffel bag she was carrying there was a pair of .45 Desert Eagle Pistols and a M4 Carbine Rifle, these were Thomas favorite weapons of choice and we couldn't forget the large broadsword that Rachael had packed for him too. We arrived at the police department only to be shocked by what we were witnessing, there were bodies scattered everywhere, bit's and pieces were strewn on everything and brain matter mixed with blood was splattered on everything and I mean everything, cars, buildings, sidewalks you name it, the carnage was straight out of a nightmare. But then again we were used to nightmares, our training immediately kicked in and we sprung into action, we locked and loaded our weapons and opening the doors got out gun's blazing, amongst the hysterical laughter, growl and screams I could hear the faint popping sounds of gunshots around here somewhere. Valerie immediately moved to higher ground and from on top of the nearest building she started unloading arrow upon arrow against our enemies, Rachael and I took defensive position and raising our rifles, taking aim by looking trough our scopes we too unleashed a barrage of bullets upon every enemy in our sight and sectors of fire. Rachael was positioned next to a window display laying heavy fire on various of those fucking creatures when the window blasted outwards and two struggling figures came trough it as glass shards flew everywhere. Immediately rushing towards her but stopped when I saw who it was, brandishing my axes and in a swift movement beheaded the freak sending blood splashing against the ground,

" Thomas ", I offered him my hand and helped him stand up, Rachael rushed to his side and threw her arms around him as she tenderly held his bloodied face against her neck, Thomas reciprocated her hug by wrapping her around the waist.

Thomas then pulled away but continued to hold Rachael with one arm around her waist, turning to me he started telling us the full details of the situation, Zoe, Melissa, Ian and Matthew along with him had rushed to the now burned to the ground police department and like clockwork an ambush had been sprung therefore all of us finding ourselves in the middle of this fucking inferno.

" My Greek demigod, my Theseus son of Poseidon, a hero needs his weapons to conquer and vanquish his enemies ", as Rachael spoke she also at the same time in three fluid monitors tossed Thomas his two pistols, his rifle and his broadsword, he caught them expertly in mid air locking and loading them ready for use in the same synchronized motions.

When Thomas was geared up he then followed a tradition as old as time itself, he bowed down in front of Rachael and like a maiden giving her loyal knight a blessing before facing the prospect of death on the battlefield she tapped his shoulders carefully with the blade of her katana. Following his example I bowed down to Valerie and with the tip of an arrow she like Rachael gave me her own special blessing, Matthew and Melissa were sharing an embrace while Zoe and Ian stiffly and awkwardly hugged, it was then that Thomas stood up and I did too while our he faced us as a group in general.

" All of us here in this room, we are enemies and would love nothing better than to kill each other but right now we need to be a single unit, our enemies are right outside the door, they are coming for us so either we fight two types of enemies at once or we fight against them. Time is  running out so make your choice, we die by our own swords or we die by theirs because we are all we got there's no one else coming to help us, both our armies won't arrive till morning, there's nothing left to do but decide quickly what do you all want to do ".

Melissa approached Thomas and resting her hand on his shoulders she responded with an insight of her own,

" You are my enemy, a monster but at the end of the day you are also my brother, the enemy of my enemy is my friend ", she along with Zoe, Ian and Matthew were armed with multiple weapons of their own.

" Valerie, Rachael and you will take to the roof where you can provide us with cover fire, Luke you and I will cover the front and back door, got it ", Thomas told us our orders and because he was our leader we followed then, Rachael kissed him before she and Valerie started making their way to the building's roof.

While Thomas and I positioned ourselves in front the doors and raised our primary rifle weapons Melissa gave out her orders too,

" Matthew and Zoe you both go to the roof with Valerie and Rachael ".

" No way ", Zoe argued back flatly refusing to abandon her, in the end Ian and Matthew, though Matt tried to fight tooth and nail to stay here but Melissa ordered him upstairs to the roof.

" You know that if we get overrun we will only delay the inevitable right, we need to hold them until tomorrow. ", Thomas said from his position.

" I know that already Thomas ", Melissa stated back, she and Zoe were covering the windows as the sounds of them surrounding us could be heard the came multiple gunshots popping sounds and we knew that hell was here.

" Once's more into the fray,
To the last great battle I'll ever know,
Live or die on this day,
Die ", Thomas was muttering this poem under his breath like almost a mantra, Zoe had a ring on her hand and was twirling it between her fingers as the growls and monsters shrieking growls came closer to us.

Valerie's beautiful face came to my mind and suddenly the hell unleashed itself and I opened fire, the muzzle flash of my rifle illuminating my vision, we all four started unleashing hell of our own as the thumping of hundreds if not thousands of those hillbillies freaks started reverberating everywhere around us.

" And so the hunters, became the hunters ".

" Know Thy Enemy ".

( A/N ) - What did you all think of this chapter written in Luke's POV?

Please leave any suggestions, opinions or feedback you might have for me in the section for comments.

This chapter is unedited.

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