" Chapter 8 "

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Ian approached us, he was dressed in typical bad boy attire and he too  packed a bad boy attitude that came with the outfit, he was dressed in a black leather jacket and designer pants and shoes, his outfit screamed wealth everywhere. And he was a ladies heart throb dream killer crush, Ian had so many girls after him it was something you wouldn't believe me if I told you unless you've seen it by yourself. He even had that movie star walking down the red carpet slow motion walk, I won't deny it he was smoking gorgeous and hot, chiseled up and with a model figure so smoking gorgeous I could lick his pectoral muscles and basically his whole body. Suddenly Tommy was by my side, for some reason looking pissed off as hell, his hands were balled into fists as Ian approached us he started looking me up and down, I felt self conscious but Ian just wolf whistled.

" Damn, Zoe you have a great hot rocking body, an ass to kill for and a pair of tits perfectly shaped, want to get in the sack with me, play a little, want to have a little fun with me, I could show you how to have a good time ".

I was about to say something when suddenly Tommy spoke,

" She's allergic to your brand of fun, Ian ".

Ian just replied,

"  Says the guy with hickeys all over his face, fucking pretentious asshole, just because you are fucking Rachael doesn't mean Zoe does not need to get laid once's in a while ".

I was shocked but looking at Rachael I saw that she was blushing, redness staining her whole face, she was mortified to the roots of her hair, Ian must've pushed Tommy's wrong buttons. Because suddenly Tommy launched himself at Ian, Ian managed to stop Tommy's spearhead attack and grabbed him in a chokehold. Ian was strong but so was Tommy, he managed to hit with his shoulder Ian's stomach, being released in the process but Ian retaliated by punting Tommy in the head with a well aimed kick. Tommy was momentarily dazed but with a roundhouse blow punch connected Ian on the jaw sending his designer sunglasses flying trough the air, Ian managed to punch Tommy on his chest and tackled him to the ground. I was frozen, part of me wanted to stop them both, to tell them that they would only get hurt, as I was about to say something Rachael suddenly said.

" Let them, men are stupid they only know one way to let their frustrations out or to communicate and that is by using violence and fighting each other ".

What Rachael had said was true, I knew Tommy and Ian and I also there was some history between them, some unresolved bad blood and they needed to sort their shit out even if it meant fighting each other till one of them couldn't fight back anymore. I've tried making Tommy confide in me what the problem had been but he never told me.

My chain of thought was broken and I once's again focused on reality when Tommy managed to head butt hard and fast Ian's jaw, Ian jerked backwards and Tommy got up quickly, as he was about to return a punting kick at Ian, Ian grabbed his foot on mid air and using a reversible maneuver somehow managed to bring Tommy down towards the ground. With his foot trapped in Ian's grappling and trapping maneuver Ian started twisting Tommy's foot painfully almost to it's breaking point. As it looked like Tommy was about to tap out and surrender suddenly he regained his former strength and in a quick burst of reserve energy managed to somehow raise his other foot and connected it against Ian's face once's again. Tommy stood up and in a burst of anger and barely contained fury slammed himself against Ian sending both of them stumbling and smashing against the Ferrari. They thumped hard against the hood of the car and fell down to the floor where they continued kicking and punching each other even drawing blood. Finally their energies must have been depleted because they both slumped down on the ground with their sore, bloodied bruised backs resting against the car then Tommy said to him,

" I can't believe they sent you out of all people, couldn't my sisters have sent someone less obnoxious ".

" Trust me mate, this wasn't exactly my first choice either, you are not exactly the rain of sunshine in my life, more like a fucking pile of shit ", Ian countered back.

" Yeah, just because you are my fucking my sister doesn't mean I'm obligated to like you as a person, maybe more like an animal that is ".

" Yeah your sister has the tightest pussy of all ".

" You know if I could I would've killed you a fucking long time ago ".

" Yeah fucking ditto, now are we going to kill each other or are we going to the nearest auto repair shop or store so you can buy the required parts you need to fix your old piece of junk and scrap pile you call car and get your ass on the road again ".

" I guess I don't have a fucking choice do I, well let's get going then you fucking asshole ".

" I promised your sister I wouldn't fucking kill you but I don't think I'll be able to hold out that long ".

" What are you waiting for, I'm right here bring it ".

" Screw fucking you, let's get this shit over with so you can drive your lame ass in your even lamer car back to the rest of us ".

They both stood up, several bruises were already forming on their bodies, in Tommy the bruises made an almost artistic contrast against his hickeys. They both stepped inside Ian's Ferrari, Ian was driving of course he had to and Tommy got in the co pilot's seat but a strange thing did happen before they were gone Tommy made a hand sign towards the distance as if warding off something else besides us, it gave me a strange feeling.

" You are a fucking weird dude ", I heard Ian say as they drove off.

It was kind of awkward standing there by the remnants of the bonfire, Rachael and I just stood in silence when suddenly Rachael turned to face me and asked.

" Zoe why do you hate me so much ".

I was struck dumb, her question kind of caught me off guard,

" I don't hate you ", I said.

Rachael gave me a knowing look,

" Zoe please, I can tell that you seem to hate my guts and I don't have any idea why, well I kind of do but you know better than to be jealous of me right? ".

" To tell you the truth Rachael I kind of do resent you a little, I would love to be the woman Tommy loves, I've kind of have had a crush on him since forever and seeing you together and knowing you have had sensual sexual intercourse. And it's kind of painfully when I look at you everyday carrying Tommy's love marks on you, it makes my heart feel like it's about to break ", as I said this with my hand I signaled to the various hickeys on her neck and love bites tracing patterns on her skin, all given to her by Tommy.

" Do you know Zoe that I once's upon a time was jealous of you and resented you something awful ".

" You were jealous of me why ".

" Because before you came along Tommy was my best friend but since he started hanging out with you he left me forgotten. Then many years later passed and he talked to me again for the first time in a long time, bad thing was that you were still there, still his now best friend then he started to like you. Tommy told me he did but that a girl like you would never want to waste her time with someone like him and that he better start accepting that your faiths and destinies weren't intertwined, that you were simply not meant to be together. So imagine my surprise when a few days ago as you know, Tommy asked me to be his girlfriend and me been the pathetic second plate rebound that I was accepted just to be closer to him. So now you know, I just want to be friends with you, is that too much to ask for Zoe ".

I was touched deeply by Rachael's words that I gave her a friendship hug, it was my way of offering her my apologies for having been so cold, hard, distant and judgmental towards her.

" There's just so much I don't know about Tommy, so many things that he's told you but doesn't trust me enough to confide them in me, it's confusing sometimes and hard to understand this current situation. I have so many questions to ask him but Tommy won't answer them for me, merely ignoring them instead ".

" In order to understand Tommy you must first understand and know his past ".

I held Rachel's hand with my own in a gesture of friendship,

" Please, Rachael tell me everything ".

Rachael looked troubled but she just took a deep breath and said to me,

" Tommy wouldn't want his story told but I guess that doesn't matter anymore ".

And so Rachael began telling me Tommy's story.

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