" Chapter 12 "

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" I always thought that the only MONSTERS were the ones under my bed when I was little, then came the movie monsters vampires, werewolves, zombies and such, watching all that I lost track of who the real monsters were. The same monsters that walked amongst us, made from flesh and bone just like me, watching all those imaginary monsters, you forget what people do. Do not fear the monsters from your imagination, fear the ones who are human like you ".

I was having great difficulty with the steering wheel, as I continued to drive towards the street that bisected the forest in two, blinking back tears and holding the sobs that were starting to form in my chest

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I was having great difficulty with the steering wheel, as I continued to drive towards the street that bisected the forest in two, blinking back tears and holding the sobs that were starting to form in my chest. I had just left Tommy back there where he just disappeared, no explanations, no answers, no nothing, nothing at all he just up and was gone, in only a matter of seconds leaving me alone. So upset I was by everything that had just happened and also by the turmoil and emotional roller coaster Tommy had just left me with, that I never saw it coming. In front of the car windshield suddenly with a piercing crack in rapid succession the shafts of several arrows smashed and pierced the window glass. Their tips had been shot in my direction, barely centimeters away from my face, if I've been any closer the arrows would have struck me in the head. Be as it may in the sudden scare the arrows gave me, suddenly I felt the car give a slight spur and loosing control of the wheel I barely managed to evade one tree. But in my swerving evading maneuver I only managed to crash into another tree, the impact in the front of the engine was a bit too much for the Mustang because it was then that the engined sputtered and died. The impact was not damaging enough to cause me certain death, but several parts of my body, mostly my legs and chest hurt. In the sudden impact as my body had been thrown forward, thankfully I had my seatbelt on it hadn't been fatal. But my breasts had taken the full brunt of the impact as they were fattened against the steering wheel. I was bleeding from the many shards of glass that had flown inwards slashing me on my arms and my face, my senses were still trying to regain focus, I still needed to stop seeing stars from having being shaken so roughly. Then I heard the most horrible laughter issuing from  somewhere around me, it was like I was being mocked. Frantically I started looking around trying to see what had made the laughter sounds. I would never forget the first time I saw them, on top of a hill between a canopy of trees and pines there that thing was. It looked like a man, but it was all wrong his skin, his features, it was deformed whatever that thing was. It had long wispy strands of white hair and a slightly pointed nose and it was raising a fucking bow, taking aim right at me. I started panicking horribly and with my hands tried to unbuckle my seat belt, but couldn't it had been dented in with the impact and was stuck. Meanwhile that fucking hillbilly thing was approaching towards me taking it's time. Stalking it's prey.

Wait hillbilly, at that moment I remembered Tommy's words,

" The people who live on the mountains don't take it lightly when strangers trespass into their territory. That's why they ravaged, burned down and killed everyone on the town. But the strange thing is that no one ever found any bodies, some say that the hillbilly mountain people took all the bodies and ate them. They are cannibals after all, but who knows, ever since I've been comings here every year, they don't bother me, I keep to my territory and they keep to theirs, and that equal fragile balance is what has kept us at peace all this time. They could be watching us right now but they won't bother you Zoe, well as long as you are with me that is, if they find you alone that's a different story ".

Remembering that particular conversation once's again made me wonder what Tommy wasn't telling me, but now was not the time to dwell on such things because that hillbilly freak shot a couple of arrows at me, cracking and piercing the co pilot's passenger window. I at last after sweating and cursing frantically managed to unclasp my seat belt and using what meager remainder of strength I had in my body, I managed to pry open my side car door and stumbled out. I was still a little dazed, the laughter was getting horribly nearer to me, it sent a fresh of newly waves of panic and terror into me. I stood up, my legs bruised and stiffed from the impact, at least no bone was broken, that I could tell that was, with so much adrenaline pumping trough my body, the pain was at bay for now. I stumbled in a panic as I tried to get the hell out of there, away from that thing, I only got a couple of feet away from the wrecked car. When I bumped into something or someone more like,

" Zoe ", someone asked, that voice it brought the greatest joy and sense of safety that I've ever felt in my life.

" Tommy ", I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly, closer to my chest. Tears started splashing on his shirt and I realized I was crying, from the shock but mostly from happiness on seeing Tommy here with me.

The laughter was heard again from somewhere around us, it brought a renewed wave of fresh panic into me,

" Tommy we need to get out of here, that thing, that freaking horribly deformed thing is right behind us ", as I said this for just one second, one moment I thought I've seen a flash of anger and hatred cross Tommy's face but I decided I must have imagined it only probably because  I was still scared out of my wits.

" Tommy we need to get out of here ", I tugged desperately at his arm but Tommy didn't move or budge that is.

" Zoe you need to go ",

" What, no way, not without you ",

" You want to escape don't you, I'm the only chance you got, so get moving, run and don't look back ".

" But, but Tommy I'm sorry I totaled your car ",

" That doesn't matter now get out of here now Zoe, run and don't look back, I'll distract him and then be right behind you ".

" Wait how do you know what it is ".

" Zoe now it's not the fucking time, now do as I tell you and leave now ".

" I am not going anywhere without you think of another option ".

" Zoe please just remember you made me do this ", Tommy moved towards me and I in a reflexive instinct started taking several painful backwards away from him.

" Do what ", my voice was shaky and trembling.

" This ", in a quick successive rapid, more fast that I ever could've Thought Tommy could move Tommy raised his arm and rapidly smacked me in the left side of my head and I lost conciousness. The last thing I remember before it all turned to blackness and I fell into the void was Tommy saying to me.

" Remember the ring Zoe, always keep it safe and wear it at all times, it will keep you safe ".

Then it all turned to darkness.

I didn't know back then what the ring meant, or why he had given it to me, but looking back on my memories which over the passing of time had turned cloudy and empty. I realize now that despite who he was or what he did, in the end in his own way he wanted to save me.

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