" Chapter 13 "

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" I fucking told you to leave her alone until I said so, you fucking useless pieces of shit didn't I ", me three half brothers cowered under the full force of my anger. I grabbed one of them by the scruff of his lumberjack shirt and pulled him several inches upwards, choking him. I threw him against the ground and he stood up and went to rejoin his two brothers cowering by the corner. Meanwhile the struggling, blinded, bound and gagged person that was  on the floor started moaning and jerking around.

" Who the fuck is that ", I yelled in furious anger, one of my brothers moved towards the person on the floor and prodding it roughly turned it around so it was facing me. When I saw who it was I smiled.

" Well, well looked what the cat or more like the hounding dogs brought in, if it isn't my least favorite person in the world. I must say it is my pleasure seeing you again Ian ". My brothers unblinded his eyes and took the gag out of his mouth, Ian started cursing at will but when he saw me he fell complete silent, shocked and disbelief etched on his face, it took him a few seconds to find his voice again.

" What the fuck ".

" Surprise to see me ".

" You, what the fuck are you doing here and who are these fucking freaks ".

I lost my cool completely and moving towards him I gave him a swift painful punt, kicking him in the stomach. Ian struggled as he suffocated momentarily, spluttering incoherently he gave me a glaring look of pure and total hatred.

" I always knew you were a fucking freak, I told that to your sisters and friends when I fucked the living shit out of them, Mandy, Melissa, Zoe and yes poor sweet Rachael. They were sluts and nothing but prostitutes and they moaned my name ass I fucked their holes, their assholes and their pussies, their virginal tight cunts. Ian tought he was goading me, trying to get the best of me but I just smiled and approaching him I said.

" That may be or may not be true but it matters nothing in the end, when this is all over I will bathe in their blood, eat their flesh and burn them all. But for you my friend, there will be no tomorrow, your time of reckoning has come ".

I grabbed a steak knife and approached Ian, Ian immediately tried to free himself as I approached, sweat glistened his body and he stank of fear, sweet delicious fear and terror. I licked my lips, my brothers were getting impatient too. I gave Ian a kick on his leg, with my hand I grabbed his neck and locked it in a chokehold. Ian must've known he wasn't getting out of here alive so he  did the only left for him to do, as I leveled my face to the same level as him, he spat towards me, his spit hitting my face.

" Always a fighter you were  right to the very end, but know you will beg me to kill you ", as I said this I suddenly reached out with my hand and grabbed hold of his  tongue, Ian bit me, clamping down on my fingers.

" Son of a bitch ", I cursed furiously and in retaliation decked him with my fist,  hitting his jaw and making his teeth rattle. Ian gazed hatefully at me and spat out a couple of his teeth that had been knocked loose by my punch.

" Fuck you I ain't going to die begging you,  I don't beg or bow down to no one ".

" Oh but you will ", I assured him.

" Hold him down you fools ", I barked my order at my three halfwitted brothers, they circled Ian and using their superior combined strength they managed to immobilize him until he was completely still. I grabbed a pair of long sharpened industrial barbed wire scissors and  clipping them together approached Ian slowly. He tried to struggle and when that didn't work he resumed to cursing me with every insult he knew, I just smiled,

" Hold him ", in quick motions my brothers held Ian and open his mouth as much as it would go, at this point Ian pissed himself because he knew what was coming. He was struggling to say a couple of words, out of boredom I told my brothers to let him speak, when they did for some fucking reason Ian started laughing. He looked at me and said,

" You stupid dumb fuck piece of worthless shit, kill me if you will but all this time someone else had been seeing and hearing everything ", something fell out of one of his pant pocket. I froze it was Ian's cellphone and when I picked it up, an unpleasant surprise shook me to my core because there on the screen, face timing with Ian was none other that my sister's Mandy face, contorted in terror and revulsion.

" You shall be cursed for this, you are no brother of ours ", and with that the screen went black. Complete and utter anger overtook me I crushed the phone with my foot and trembling with rage I turned to face my brothers, they were cowering on near the door trying to scurry away from the explosion that was about to happen.

I told you to fucking check everything!!!!! ", I grabbed a wooden axe and yelling in rage threw it like a deadly projectile towards my brothers. The axe im palled itself on the head of one of my brothers, his body dropping to the ground, the remaining two seeing their dead brother laying on the floor dead turned towards me. One of them grabbed an axe the other a wood hacking saw they started stepping towards me, anger towards me plain on their faces. I grabbed a bludgeoning spiked metal cudgel in my hands and stood my ground.

" Let's see who the real monsters are you pieces of shit, I should've let you die a long time ago, killing you myself ", I snarled at them. They moved in synchronization and they swung at me, I managed to dodge the wood saw and brought my weapon down on one of them, I crushed it's skull, splattering brain matter and blood all over me and the walls, the second one wielding the axe swung  at me but I dodged his attack too. The fucked thing was that I was now weaponess, I speared my hillbilly piece of shit brother to the ground and started fighting him, after a couple of few struggling moments I managed to grab his own axe and smashed it in his head, splitting his skull on two. Panting slightly and wiping the sweat and blood from my face with my shirt I turned and received another shocking surprise, Ian was fucking gone, his binds were sliced open a small knife laid near them. The motherfucker must've escaped while I had fought my brothers, I gave out a ferocious screaming yell, afterwards I changed and stepped trough the already fucking opened door. Looking around I saw the remains of my family old state mannor, the forest was eerily silent but I knew that somewhere out there something or someone was watching me. Ian was lost in the woods but he wouldn't get very far there were still many hillbilly families out there and they were always hungry, they would kill him, thing was they would come for me too. I had murdered members of our own kin and that was something unforgivable. I had made myself new enemies but worst thing of all my friends and family now knew the truth about me and the things I've done.

For some reason Zoe's face flashed in my mind.

I whispered her name before stepping back into the darkness and ruins of my home. Knowing them they would all come for me and I would await them, blood would run and death shall walk amongst us once's again.

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