" Chapter 40 "

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( Name Of Video: Say Lou Lou - Instant Crush ( Daft Punk Cover )

" Even the greatest of evils once had their origins in something pure and beautiful called love "

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" Even the greatest of evils once had their origins in something pure and beautiful called love ".

( Zoe's POV )
( 3 months later )

It took us three months of intense physical therapy to be able to move again after our grueling and horrible defeat in the town of Fairview Lake but they say time heals all wounds and I found out it doesn't, time just makes you forget for awhile but never completely heals the wounds themselves.

" These woods are too quiet ", Melissa commented trough our helmet communicators, it had been several months after the attack at town of Fairview Lake, Thomas, Valerie, Luke, Rachael, Thomas and the rest of the Blackwell forces had fallen under the radar keeping themselves off from the grid and sight.

Our attention couldn't be focused solely and exclusively on The Blackwell Family at least not with our other enemies, the hillbillies and the mutant freaks we've seen before but those fucking giant monsters that had attacked and incapacitated most of us during our last encounter, now those were a different kind of monsters and a threat to all of us making the rules of the game change entirely. Our satellites had tracked Hillbilly movements in this area and after a quick sweep of all the continental US it Sweeney that they were concentrating on here almost as if it was a gathering, I wasn't fooled though I knew what this was, it was an army. And as much as we all knew what being here meant it was something that needed to be done, when we first arrived here a couple of days ago our forces had been backed by government run private military forces too because Thomas had become such a threat even the own government wanted him out. Government officials had gathered with the heads of the families that composed our " Secret Society " forces and it had been agreed that now with Thomas being public enemy number one he needed to be taken out at all costs, Luke, Rachael and Valerie were on the hit list too. This mountain and forest terrains literally expanded thousands of acres in all directions and immediately we all divided our thousands of soldiers into hundredths of units, each unit consisting of at least a dozen soldiers if not more that way we could cover more terrain. Our objectives were to search and destroy but not before first scoping out the terrain and locating all hostiles, the way hillbilly cannibal mutant families worked was they gathered in large groups, any enclosed terrain usually heavily naturally forties was where they made their settlements and colonies. My mind was brought back to reality as I quietly brushed aside a tree branch with the tip of my MP5 battle rifle and kept moving trough the pines, trees and boulder like natural made formations, it was hot arduous work and when your boot clad foot sunk in a hole or tripped over the uneven terrain a few choice of swear words became a symphony amongst the units. We couldn't search by helicopters because the forest canopy was so thick that from the air you wouldn't be able to see shit least of all the ground, all in all leaving us with no choice but to search by foot and in an increased death risk environment therefore if we came in contact with enemies hostiles the only option left for us would be to engage almost at near close quarter combat distances. The day started turning a bit more darker, the beautiful sun clear sky illuminated colors giving way to the mystically pale shades of the night and as the sunset passed the white stars in the sky along with the purity of the moon illuminated the night.

" All units stand down ", Melissa's voice spoke trough our communicators.

" We'll make shop in our current positions and take a break for tonight, no fires and no loud noises we don't want to attract their attention, no cooking either just grab an MRE from your packs and have that for dinner ", I tried not to grimace at this, the reason for my drop in my already crappy hot and tired morale attitude was because MRE'S let's just say they literally tasted like card board and another was that doing your human bodily businesses in a forest wasn't the most pleasant at least not for females. Men were so lucky they could literally just whip out their junk and pee almost anywhere without the necessity of having to squat down and pee with your legs spread open.

" Everyone will have night watches because it is at night our enemies like to come out best and that's when they'll strike, suicide watches at all hours and keep your shit, weapons and senses sharp and for the love of God everyone it is imperative to put, turn on and use your night vision googles we don't want someone who is trigger happy starting a war just because they neglected to identify correctly a threat from a fellow soldier ", Melissa finished relaying her commands and the unit I was in started setting up camp and securing a defensive perimeter around us, the possibility of an ambush was high and we knew just how deathly our enemies were.

I found a nice pine tree and smooth sandy slightly rocky to set my sleeping bag in and once's I did it was a somewhat comfortable spot to lay in and taking out an MRE and purified water from my canteen I began eating for it had been a long day and I was hungry. All of us held hushed voiced conversations as we ate and at the end of it we immediately set up a night watch schedule rotation and once's that was done I bundled up my blanket into somewhat of a pillow, the night was hot all right so I laid my helmet to my side grabbed my rifle securely tighter to my chest and after a long arduous day of searching closed my eyes and catches a couple of hours of sleep until a fellow soldier came and woke me up for my watch turn. I stood up and grabbing my helmet, rifle and putting on my night vision googles I took position on top of an elevated rock formation and just watched my surroundings, my fingers twirling the ring Tommy had given me such a long time ago when this all began. I had seen so much death, experienced so much pain and for what, for war without an end in sight, honestly I was growing tired of this war but in my heart I knew that it would only end when all of us were dead and nothing but rotting corpses. Who would have thought that girl who greeted Thomas that morning before embarking on the road trip that would forever change her life, this war had changed me, it had changed everyone but such is life, nothing to do but keep moving forward.

" If you are going trough hell keep going ".

My thoughts were interrupted by a snapping noise near my location, raising my rifle to shoulder level and looking around me with my night vision googles I scanned the perimeter, searching for whatever had made that noise. Whether it had been natural made, a fellow soldier or some nocturnal animal but just as I finished scanning the perimeter around me that's when I saw them, the ugly fucking deformed skull shaped forms of those things and without hesitating I pressed the trigger with my finger and opened fire. The night was suddenly filled with the rising crescendo of screams, growls, maniacal guttural laughter and gunfire, it soon became a war and one of the most bloodiest battles ever recorded in history, I kept laying suppressive fire killing dozens of those things but more kept coming and I found myself along with my family and friends in hell.

" There's no heaven or higher power, only hell and we are all living in purgatory permanently ".

( A/N ) - I would like to begin by apologizing for all the time it took for me to update, I had literally no idea how to continue but at last inspiration hit me.

Also thank you so much for all the reads my fellow readers and writers.

This story is unedited so a few spelling and grammatical mistakes are to be expected.

All opinions and feedback are more than welcomed and appreciated.

Another thing I kind of don't have a fixed updating schedule so just please be patient with me.

Thank you all so much for your comprehension and understanding.

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