" Chapter 33 "

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( Luke Garroway's POV )

Rachael and I had been on vacation enjoying the warmth from the sunny beaches of California, Los Angeles to be more exact, having been there with her was my paradise, I know that it went against normal conduct and Thomas, but even though Rachael and him used to be a couple and if Thomas knew this he would probably send me to the firing execution squad but I couldn't help it, I was starting to feel something for Rachael Elizabeth Dare. And I could tell that she was starting to feel something for me too, as I pondered over this, smiling I looked at Rachael who was next to me, she looked beautiful as she laid down on top of her towel, tanning herself with the sun rays, she was wearing a bikini that made her look divine and gorgeous, I wanted to wrap my arm around her and kiss her beautiful lips so bad, this was something I haven't felt before, for the first time in what seemed like an eternity my heart was beating again, it was beating for her, Rachael had uncovered this new undiscovered feelings within me and I loved how she made me feel.

" So what's stopping you Luke ", my concious asked me.

Just before I could tell my inner voice to shut up as if on cue my cellphone rang, as I reached for it and slid the screen with my thumb I saw who the caller was, the screen read Valerie Shade and I inmediatly answered it.

" Valerie, How's everything? Is every one all-- ".

" Luke please just listen to me we don't have enough time, this line is not secured and it could be jammed, Thomas is injured and in a grave condition ".

" What do you mean injured ", I asked, a little harsher than usual but when it came to my brother, my leader all those formalities flew out the window ".

" Luke just shut up and listen, we were ambushed at our safe house location, mutant hillbillies freaks attacked us and overran our perimeter, they breached our fortifications and Thomas and I were barely able to escape. I'm sending you the coordinates to the location in which we are now, Luke, you and Rachael need to come back, Thomas has summoned once more all Blackwell forces to him, once more we're at the brink of war, so please hurry ", Valerie ended her speech, I knew what needed to be done, Thomas had called to his forces and as such being his right hand, Rachael and I would answer the call.

Afterwards I clicked my phone's screen off and as I turned to face Rachael I noticed that she was looking at me expectantly, worried lines creased her beautiful facial features,

" Thomas has been hurt ", I told her, a somber grave tone in my voice, I also couldn't help but notice the way her face broke when I mentioned Thomas name, Rachael got up and picking her things started making her way towards our hotel.

I just stood there frozen for a few seconds, I mean how could I've expected her to feel something back for me, I was foolish to set myself up for a fall, so lost I was pondering over my thoughts that I didn't notice that Rachael had come back towards where I was still frozen standing, that is until she took my hand in hers and softly told me.

" You didn't think I would ever forget about you did you? Thomas and You are the men I care for the most in my life and I would never leave either of you behind ".

Rachael smiled at me and led me inside the hotel we had previously made reservations in and stepping trough the lobby and into the elevator we made our way upwards towards our room. Once's there we both started packing our bags, our clothes and personal items went into the bags, as Rachael was packing her intimate clothing I couldn't help but being captivated for a moment by the lacy bra's and underwear pieces my eyes managed to see for a few seconds and I imagined how Rachael would look wearing such sexy lingerie. I've packed unknown to Rachael before we came to this trip a box of condoms hoping that maybe there would be a possibility that Rachael and I would get intimate with each other but now that kind of went out the window, like the gentleman I was I insisted on carrying all our bags, Rachael had tried to protest at first but I had gently waved her off, as we stepped out of our room Rachael closing the room door behind us we made our way back to the elevator then downstairs to the lobby, we turned in our key room cards checking ourselves out, paying for our rooms we cleared the bill, of course I've insisted on paying for all our expenses, despite everything I was still a gentleman and would not let Rachael pay, afterwards we stepped out of the hotel trough it's main doors we saw that a couple of black trucks were waiting for us, when the drivers stepped out I recognized them inmediately, they were Blackwell's Security Members, I guessed Thomas had seen to it that Rachael and I would not be traveling without a security escort, not after the attempt on his life that he had just experienced a couple of the security escort members helped me put our luggage in the back trunk compartment of one of the trucks, one of them showed courtesy towards Rachael when he opened the passenger door for her as Rachael stepped inside the truck she smiled at the guy holding the door open for her. I stepped inside the same truck that she had gone in and once's everything was ready we drove out of the parking lot and into the city streets until we arrived at one of the many private airports The Blackwell Family owned, a private airplane was on the landing strip waiting for us. We parked and getting out of the trucks along with our bags, Rachael and I saluted the guys who had driven us from the hotel to here and unto the airplane we stepped inside, when the pilot was done doing the pre flight check ups the plane starting advancing trough the runway and once's it took flight we were off to whatever destination Thomas was currently in, I noticed how Rachael had fallen asleep in one of the deluxe plush comfortable recliner seats of the plane, I couldn't help but admire her beauty and seconds after I followed suit of her example and fell asleep myself.

( A/N - I want to apologize greatly to all of you my fantastic, wonderful and great fellow writers and readers for taking the longest of time to update my story.

I literally had the worst writers block and had no idea on how to continue the plot line of this story.

Please leave your opinions, comments , etc all of your feedback matters greatly to me.

Finally I would like to ask you all a couple of questions if you don't mind:

What did you think about Luke's feelings for Rachael?

Should I write more chapters in Luke's POV ?

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