" Chapter 41 ".

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" I am living in the night,When I watch the stars fall down,When they crash into the ground,With every breath, with every breath I take,I am feeling alive and know that I'm awake,So please,Make this an everlasting night "

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" I am living in the night,
When I watch the stars fall down,
When they crash into the ground,
With every breath, with every breath I take,
I am feeling alive and know that I'm awake,
So please,
Make this an everlasting night ".

( Zoe's POV )

I raised my automatic rifle in front of me and unleashed a continued bursts of fire, we had been attacked and for a moment there I've thought that we would be able to fend off the hordes of enemies that is until those huge monsters tore trough our ranks. They were the same as before and just like Fairview Lake Town we were getting decimated and everyone was fending off for themselves as best they could but those fuckers were strong and their skin was like a bullet proof armor due to the inadequacy our bullets seemed to have against them we we fired. We've been fighting this war for so long and still our enemies kept on coming relentlessly for us and honestly I was getting tired of it for where was the end of this conflict, there wasn't any end in sight allowing our enemies to evolve and keep coming for us. It all started with a road trip that if I've known I would have never gone on it in the first place saving me from so much pain but like the saying went,

" Time stops for no one ".

But then again I would've lived in complete blissful ignorance and wouldn't have ever made a difference in life, what I'm trying to say is that if I could go back in time the only thing that would have been different is that I would have tried to take a knife to Thomas throat therefore putting an end to an evil before it rose in the first place but now there was no point in the what if's or the I could've done this different memories.

As the soldiers in front of me were brutally clubbed to the side torn to piers by one of those fucking monsters my mind was brought back to the present, to my current nightmarish reality and as it zeroed in on me I barely had time to dodge it's attack as the place I've been standing moments before was pulverized by a devastating blow from it's spiked metal mace hammer. I swiftly started unloading a barrage of fire towards it's ugly fucking face but it was like birdshot to a rhino only managing to piss that thing off and so with it's putrid breath almost suffocating me the thing charged at me barreling trough several fellow soldiers unlucky to have stepped in it's path. My back hit against the trunk of a pine tree and resigning myself to my fate closed my eyes and awaited bracing myself for the stampeding impact that would shatter my bones and tear my flesh apart in gory and bloody pieces but then I heard it,

" Get down!!! ", I would know that voice anywhere, I would follow that voice everywhere if fate hadn't dealt us different cards, it was his voice and doing as it commanded me I hit the dirt just after the recoiled sounds coming from a pair of shooting pistols was heard.

The thing that had been about to gut me open howled in pain as a sickening slashing sound was heard quickly followed by an earth shaking thump, I opened my eyes and that's when I saw them standing in front of me, Rachael, Luke, Valerie, Thomas and another woman I've never seen before stood fully geared and battle ready to wage war but that wasn't all for behind an army of armed to the teeth mercenaries and warriors marched towards us and not knowing what was about to happen I stood up from the ground and raised my rifle in front of me. The Blackwell army just charged on forwards ignoring me completely and when it clashed against the two already fighting armies it truly turned into a bloodbath but the thing our side soon realized was that Thomas soldiers were engaging the horrendous army of mutant freaks and monsters, quickly reorganizing ourselves The Societies army soon charged again with more renewed strength and charged energized efficiency and at last the tide seemed to be turning in our favor, it was a momentary advantage but it was one we would take full advantage of for we desperately needed something to keep us going, to keep us fighting and if siding with our enemies meant that peace then so be it.

" Desperate times call for strange alliances ".

As the battle progressed eventually my family and friends along with Thomas own family formed a defensive circle while we fended off mutant attacks but our stand cost us ammunition and eventually we were going to run out having to resort to hand held weapons. All around us the three armies still clashed it almost seemed as if the God's and Titan's themselves were having a colossal battle at Mount Olympus itself because of how the earth seemed to rumble and shake under our stampeding feet. Blood, gore, body organs and parts bathed the forest landscape, even the sky had turned a blood red as the night fell and the sun rose signaling the beginning of a new dawned day but for us it just meant that we had to keep going, keep fighting and trying to take as many as these motherfuckers with us as we could. I lost track of where the members of my family were as I evaded, parried, slashed and tried to hack my way out of this massacre zone, our circle had been scattered, dispersed as those humongous gigantic mutant monsters had broken trough our ranks. I kept fighting until after the longest hours of the nightmare that were our lives the few remainder of those things retreated and disappeared into the forest but the silence was broken by an agonizing scream and a series of loud echoing gunshots and that's when I knew, I knew we had lost someone, someone had been killed and my heart froze completely wondering, worrying which face of my family members I wouldn't see smiling ever again. Today had been a devastating blow to us for the majority of our armies was decimated and the body count reached the thousands but right now I needed to run towards where I've heard the scream. I located a group made of my family members that were watching a heart wrenching scene and my heart broke to pieces for kneeling next to Rachael was Thomas and for the first time in a long time I heard him crying. Tears started freely down my grime covered and blood caked cheeks and face, as much as it broke all of us we didn't intrude on Thomas and Rachael's last moment on this earth. All of us stood there and if by coincidence or maybe it was faith crying out it started to rain and we kept our silent watchful vigil as Thomas continued to cradle the damaged beyond repair corpse of Rachael Elizabeth Dare. I subconsciously or maybe reflexively started gently twirling Thomas ring between my fingers murmuring an ancient Latin prayer for Rachael's soul to be allowed safe passage in Charon's Ferry unto the deepest vowels of The Underworld, she would forever rest in Hade's realm now.

" And The Heavens wept today for one of their angels had fallen unto eternal rest ".

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