" Chapter 1 "

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( The video featuring Justin Bieber's song titled " Sorry " is following the picture of Selena Gomez on the chapter cover, make sure to check out the video too if you like )

My I - Phone starts to beep and vibrate, rushing towards it I picked it up and read a new message I've just received,

" Zoe, I'm outside, are you ready?, open the door so I can help you carry your bags to the car ", - Tommy.

I walked out of my room and headed to the door, my bags were packed and ready to be carried and loaded, I opened the door and there stood Tommy, now I had to be honest I've had a crush on him like since forever, Tommy wasn't the most popular guy, or most popular with the ladies for that matter, but ever since I have known him Tommy would always come to my apartment for our weekly Friday Movie Junk Food Night. We were just two shy souls trying to fit in and find our purpose on this world, maybe that's why I hoped so fervently that we could be more than friends. I was just to shy to tell him how I felt about him.

" Tommy ", I said his name softly, a smile on my face.

" Hey Zoe ". the way he said my name made the butterflies in my stomach flutter, I opened my arms and Tommy stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, I hugged him close to me, I could smell his hair, his scent, soft musky, male and wonderful. Our brief hug only lasted a few seconds though, I wanted to hold him like this forever.

" We should get going Zoe, we have to meet up with the others, most of them already left ".

" You are right Tommy, my things are ready, I just need to grab my toiletries bag and my womanly special things ".

" That's all right Zoe, on the way we are going to stop by an I Hop pancakes house, my invitation for breakfast, my treat, its barely seven in the morning and if I'm hungry I know you are too.

" Always the gentleman Tommy, are you ".

" I'm nothing if not old fashioned, miss ", he replied giving me one of those smiles of his that made me want to kiss him. But of course I didn't, even though I wanted to feel his hands on my skin.

After a few moments, I made sure my alarm was turned on, the windows and doors were properly locked and we neatly packed my things in the trunk of the car, when we were loaded and ready, Tommy opened the co pilot's door for me then he got in and proceeded to turn on the engine. After letting the motor warm up for a little while, we drove off from my driveway and driving trough various neighborhoods and streets we got on the nearest interstate highway. We had been for a while, Tommy didn't so much as looked at me but continued to gaze forward trough the glass, I knew it was silly of me but it kind of hurt, I had taken extra pains to getting dressed, applying a soft layer of makeup and even braiding my hair into a pretty hairstyle, but Tommy didn't even noticed.

" Can we put on some music ", I asked after a while, the silence was unbearable to me, Tommy looked put out for some reason, I wanted to ask him why, but did not dare to.

" Hmm-hhhmm ", Tommy just mumbled, nodding at me, I plugged my I Phone to the car stereo and then Justin's Bieber song " Sorry " started to softly blare trough the speakers.

" You have good taste in music Zoe ".

" Thanks ", I gave him a smile, Tommy just half way grinned at me.

I tried to start up a conversation, anything to keep Tommy from just fading silently into the background.

" Who's going on the trip Tommy ".

" My sister's, Mandy, Melissa, Mary and Anna, then there's Matthew, Max, Paul, Chris, Ian the rich boy or so he says and by the way Zoe could you scoot over to the back, I'm picking up Rachael too ".

Something shattered inside me, maybe it was just my imagination, but whatever.

" Rachael Elizabeth Dare ", I asked.

" Yeah, she's kind of my girlfriend, we started going out casually as friends for the last couple of weeks and I invited her to come along, I'm hoping she will love me back. What do you think Zoe? ", Tommy was looking at me a really hopeful and wistful expression on his face.

Girlfriend?, when had that happened?, don't do this to me Tommy, please I beg you.

" I think that she will be happy with you Tommy ", the pretend smile on my face hurt so bad, inside my heart had just broken to pieces.

Tommy gave my hand a gentle squeeze,

" Thank you Zoe, I love you like a sister, we are best friends after all ", Tommy started singing along to a Justin Bieber song titled " I'll Show You ".

Sister?, friend?, no Tommy can't you see that I love you, please just say you like me too, I've had loved you for a long time now, hoping you might notice me.

After a while, we drove off the interstate and we started weaving in trough streets until and unfortunately we parked in front of Rachael's house, Tommy got out and walked towards her house, Tommy rang the doorbell and out stepped Rachael and enveloped Tommy in a hug, she gave him a slight kiss on the cheek. They both walked in and then after a few moments Tommy stepped out trough the door carrying a couple of bags, Rachael waved good bye to her parents and she walked towards the car, Tommy opened the trunk again and packed her bags. Just before Rachael opened the door on her side Tommy got there first and displaying the same courtesy he had before with me, he opened the door for her, Rachael smiled at him and softly caressed his cheek. Seeing Tommy display the same affection with her as he had with me, it really was hard to watch. When Rachael was settled Tommy started up the engine and we started driving, when Rachael glanced trough the mirror and saw me, smiling she turned towards me and greeted me.

" Hey Zoe, how are you ", she was really friendly and a nice person, just because she had Tommy's heart didn't mean I had to be cold and rude towards her, she was friendly towards me after all.

We chatted happily the rest of the way stopping only when Tommy parked in front of I Hop pancake house,

" My darling Zoe and I had cravings for pancakes so this will be our breakfast Rachael, my treat ", Tommy was smiling so big it looked like it would hurt his cheeks. I loved it when he smiled like that, I just figured it would be to me not to another girl.

Rachael opened her arms and Tommy stepped into them, hugging her around her waist, Tommy started twirling her in circles, sweeping her off her feet and like a couple they twirled all the way to the entrance, leaving me alone to walk behind them. Tommy gently set Rachael down and held the door open for her, Tommy held it open for me too, Rachael gave him a kiss, I gave him a pained sort of happy smile.

It was an all you can eat pancake buffet, and each of us grabbing a plate started loading up and proceeded to eat, it was wonderful sitting here with Tommy and Rachael, there were literally dozens of topping choices for the pancakes, and there was various drinks available to choose from. After my first plate and a half of pancakes and several cups of coffee I was really full and couldn't eat a single bite more, Rachael was full too and occasionally would sip her Iced Tea while she chatted happily with me. Tommy being the big boy he was continued to stack up, after his fourth plate he patted his yet but somehow impossibly still flat stomach and just sat there tenderly holding Rachael by her hand. They looked at each other, smiles on their faces with such love and tenderness on their expressions. It was excruciating and painful for me to watch. After a while, Tommy asked the waitress for the bill, when it arrived he just scribbled his signature on the receipt and handed a couple of cash bills to her, we stood up and once's again Tommy opened the door for us and walking out of the I Hop restaurant then getting inside the car we continued to drive trough the interstate highway.

( A/N - This story is currently going trough the editing process, a few grammatical and spelling errors are to be expected.

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