" Chapter 7 "

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I woke up the next day shivering despite the morning sun's warmth, it had been a horrible nightmare my memory still reeled from the shock, even though I still didn't know what exactly was wrong deep down I knew that things would not be the same anymore. Still slightly dazed I fumbled for the spare change of clothes I had left folded next to me last night before going to sleep. I stripped out of my pajamas and changed. I realized the blouse did not match with the skirt I've chosen but at the time I didn't cared, I had more urgent things on my mind than my wardrobe. As I unzipped the tent entrance, grabbing my I Phone I turned the screen on it was barely 6:30 am, wow it was early, suddenly the smell of delicious cooked meat reached me and my stomach grumbled, I was kind of hungry. I looked around me and there several yards to my right stood Tommy, he was tending a makeshift grill and with a pair of metal cooking pliers turning several strips of meat, there was a small cozy warm bonfire. The smell wafting in my direction carried by the wind smelled delicious. I figured he must've returned sometime during the night then gotten up early morning to hunt and make us breakfast. I approached Tommy as he was cooking, he didn't even glance backwards as I got near to him but his ears seemed to be moving front and backwards as if hearing the sounds my shuffling feet were making on the ground. For a moment there he seemed like a hunting dog hearing the sound of his prey.

For a moment my mind thought,

" I am the prey and he's the Hunter ".

Rachael I noticed still hadn't gotten up,

" She must be a heavy sleeper ", I thought to myself.

" Good morning Tommy ", I called out a greeting to him as I finally reached him and sat down next to Tommy's side, the fire's heat felt warm against my thank God they were shaven legs, on an impulse I stretched out one of my legs the sun reflection making my leg look about a yard smooth and sexy skin looking long, but to my disappointment Tommy didn't so much as looked at me, he just grunted a quick greeting at me. The coldness he was displaying towards me immediately alerted my female womanly senses, something was seriously wrong, surely Tommy couldn't be regretting the events of last night could be. I tenderly grabbed Tommy by his shoulder and spun him towards me, making him face me, what I saw made my blood run cold and freeze completely solid. His skin was cold and pale, his cheeks were sunken, his lips almost blue mixed with purple from the cold on his skin, his eyes seemed empty, even his pupils were dilated and the sleep deprived bags that had formed under his eyes made my heart ache and caused me to worry about him even more.

" Tommy what's wrong ", I asked him, my voice shaky and worry lacing my words, on an instinct I stretched my arms wide open and Tommy stepped into them, wrapping my arms around him I hugged him close to me, our hearts beating in harmony and synchronization against our chests. I didn't know what was going on but I knew that I needed to offer solace and comfort to Tommy, maybe help him easy whatever pain or burden he was carrying. In this moment all the reasons I've fallen in love with Tommy on the first place came back to me. Tommy didn't answer my question but suddenly he pushed me away, shoving me slightly, then he turned to me, all the warmth from the moment before gone, then he said.

" Zoe if you don't want to get hurt, then don't pry in that of which doesn't concern you, ok ", with that he turned back towards the bonfire and continued cooking the remaining strips of uncooked meat that were left. I felt like I might start crying at any moment, but first I needed to clear the air out, some things which needed to be said before the matter was close.

" Is it because of last night ", I said.

" That has nothing to do with it ".

" Didn't it mean something to you, I unveiled myself for you, left almost all my body, me self uncovered for you and you are telling me it has nothing to do with it, when clearly it does ".

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