" Chapter 3

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We continued driving trough the interstate, as we weaved in between cars I sadly watched how by each passing minute that wen't by I lost Tommy more and more, which kind of blows because to begin with he was never mine to loose in the first place. Tommy and Rachael it seemed were having a pretty great time over there in the front after listening to most of the Justin Bieber songs I had on my I Phone, Tommy suddenly said.

" I think it's time to get our rapper faze on Rachael, don't you think it too ".

Rachael took out a couple of OBEY caps out from somewhere in the front, and smiling put one on Tommy's head and hers.

" Definitely Tommy, how about if we connect your I Phone and star cranking up the beat to MGK ( Machine Gun Kelly ) ".

" And that woman is one of the many reasons you complete me, you know me better than I know myself ".

Rachael connected the phone and after scrolling the screen with her finger she clicked on a song, then Machine Gun Kelly's " See My Tears " song started blurring trough the car speakers. I have to admit some little part inside me felt kind of left out, and a little bit hurt too. Tommy and Rachael started rapping out to the beat and lyrics of the song. Smiling mutually at each other and still singing in synchronized duet. Suddenly as I sneaked another glance to the singing couple in the front I caught Tommy looking at me trough the mirror, I don't know what he saw but he must've seen something because he then took off his own cap and passed it back to me.

" Rachael how about we make our duet into a trio, Zoe has an awesome voice and she would make a beautiful addition to our singing ".

I blushed, truth be told I sang horribly but my heart warmed up the same, I knew Tommy must've sensed my distress of feeling left out and this was his way of making feel accepted. It also made me love him even more.

" Awesome Zoe join us we need your skills girl ", Rachael said turning towards me, smiling and giving me a high five clap. I felt happy and accepted and most of all it gave me hope that maybe just maybe Tommy felt a minuscule part of what I felt for him.

" That or he's just being a good friend ", my mind told me mentality, I decided to ignore my logical and wisdom thinking inner voice.

Tommy was still driving at a moderate speed within the legal speed limit, Rachael reached for the phone again an after scrolling the screen with her thumb for a few seconds, she clicked on a song she liked and pressed play. Machine Gun Kelly song " Gone ft Leroy Sanchez " started playing trough the speaker's, it was an awesome moment there we were the three of us rapping off the lyrics accordingly, my voice was off key in some notes but my happiness was such that at the moment I didn't care. When the song was over just as Rachael was about to change the song track, she stopped as the following song started.

" I love this song, it reminds me of what we went trough Tommy, dark, sad but happy times ", she said smiling at Tommy, he tenderly grabbed and held her hand, wounding her fingers trough his gently and softly and quickly kissed her on the lips, then Tommy kept focusing on driving, his attention on the front.

MGK's song titled " Dark Side Of The Moon " started playing, Rachael and Tommy didn't sing to the songs lyrics but just sat there in silence, occasionally glancing up on each other, the smiles on their faces so full of love and care, it broke my heart just by looking.

And I just kept on losing Tommy more and more, my heart could only break so much or so many times.

Feeling like I was intruding on a private moment I instead focused on listening and paying attention to the song as it played trough the speakers, Rachael had said this reminded her about Tommy's and her dark past times. When the song finished I had no words, the lyrics were sad and it made me wonder what had exactly happened to them before, I've known Tommy for all my life since our childhood's and never did he mentioned all this to me before. It made me love and admire him even more, which I already knew would only end up with me crying and with a painful broken heart but I couldn't help myself.

More songs started playing but I just looked out the window and watched the scenery as it passed by, we were now driving trough a forest mountain terrain, the pines and trees looked beautiful and I took a picture of the landscape with my I Phone camera. Rachael's voice suddenly snapped me out of my reverie, Tommy started deviating from the road and on to the earthy land road terrain, I looked up at Rachael, it is then that she said.

" Zoe would you mind stepping out for a little while, Tommy and I need a moment if you catch my drift ".

I didn't understand at first but then I saw Tommy taking out a box of condoms and suddenly I realized what Rachael meant and that I indeed did catch her drift,

" Yeah sure Rachael, I'll give you two some privacy ", my voice sounded shaky and hollow, but grabbing my phone I stepped outside and into the terrain, I was on the point of crying, sobs were starting to welled up in my throat, I just couldn't cry in front of them. Plugging my ear buds and putting them on my ears I clicked on whichever song my finger landed on and just continued to walk forward, between pines, rocks, local plant life and trees, finally I sat down on a nearby boulder and that's when the tears started to fall freely down my cheeks and splashed into the rocky surface. All this time I've been hoping desperately that Tommy might see me as more than a friend but now him and Rachael were having sex back on the vehicle. I couldn't even feel my heart anymore it had already broken a tad too many times. After for what seemed like an eternity suddenly there they were Tommy and Rachael holding hands and walking towards me, they approached me and making space for them so they could sit down I tried my best not to notice Rachael's and Tommy's flushed faces or the several hickeys now visible on their necks. I might've started crying again but I swallowed back my tears and sobs and painfully pretended to be happy and that everything was back to normal. We sat there the three of us just taking in nature's peacefulness, I guess we needed a break from all the driving anyway, then we would once's again be on our way towards our destination.

How was I supposed to know how wrong I was at the time.

A/N - This story is currently undergoing the process of revising and editing.

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