The start of it all

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_Wembley Arena, 27th May 2016_

'HOW IS EVERYONE DOING TONIGHT?!' Ashton screams into his microphone, standing up from behind his drum kit. The crowd erupts. Thousands of hands reach upwards towards the band, bracelets and wristbands dangling, iPhones flashing.


'Shut up Michael!' Calum laughs, 'Liz is always watching!' The band laughs together, Ashton's unmistakable giggle pounds out of the speakers.

Luke presses his finger to his ear piece and talks away from the mic, as if asking a question to his backstage crew.

'Right, how about we get somebody up here?!' The excitement in the crowd is at a whole new level. Luckily, my best friends won these tickets on the radio, and we were in the front row! We pressed our bodies against the security barrier, throwing our hands forwards as far as we possibly could. We felt more and more bodies press against us from behind. I felt like i was suffocating, but it was worth it. I was so close, so close to the band i have become obsessed with over the past year.

'Woh who guys! Calm down!' Luck jogs over towards my seating section. 'Chill out, you're crushing her!'

Is he talking about me? No, he cant be. No way.

Luke tapped the shoulder of the large security guard closest to him standing between the stage and the barrier. He pointed to me, and the guard nodded. He walked over to me, and held out his hands. I took them, not believing what was happening, and managed to get myself up, and over the barrier. Luke knelt at the edge of the stage, with a cheeky smile, his lip piercing sticking out. I took his hand, which he was holding out to me, and clambered onto the stage, my back to the crowd.

I brought my hands to either side of my face, as Luke looked me up and down and said that he liked my outfit. Really? Did Luke Hemmings just compliment me?!?! I'm wearing black skinny jeans with my back Dr Marten boots, with a 5sos t-shirt which i ripped the sleeves off of, with a black lacy bandeau. My pixie cut hair is all spiked up in different directions, and I'm starting to cry.

Calum and Michael start to walk over to me, and pat my back and ask how I'm doing. I can only but reply with sudden squeals of excitement and the occasional 'good' followed by giggles. I turn around to see the vast amount of people stretching away as far as i could see. I start to wave at them, causing them to scream even louder. I look over to my friend, who i could tell was DYING over the fact that i, Daisy, was on stage with 5 Seconds of Summer.

They bring me over to centre stage, towards Luke's mic. Ash makes his way down stage to greet me also, enclosing me into a huge hug, his ripped muscle tee clinging to his body with sweat. Jesus, they are all so hot. We stand as a five in a line around the mic. Ash grabs the mic.

'So, uh, whats your name?'

He turns the mic to me, 'Uh, hi! My name is Daisy!' I start to giggle, and i cover my face with embarrassment.

'I am in love with your laugh!' Ashton says as he starts to laugh himself, the other guys odd in agreement. The crowd screams again, creating the biggest grin on my face.

'So Daisy,' I feel my face blush as Luke says my name. 'Do you play?' Thrusting his guitar toward me.

Gulp. Ohmygod Daisy, do not screw this up. You are in front of thousands of people and the hottest guys on the planet.

Secretly, i am so glad that i learnt their whole album on guitar. I meant it when i said i was obsessed.

I nod nervously and I take Luke's guitar, still dazed from this whole situation. It hangs so low on me, its practically on the floor. I laugh along with they boys, seeing how stupid i looked. Mikey comes to help me, and adjusts the strap to suit me. Calum then takes a pic from the mike stand, and hands it to me, with a wink.

Deep breath.

I walk up to the mic, and start with a slow C cord, testing the sound. I turn around and see the boys smiling, Ash becons me to carry on. I start to play Jet Black Heart, i get to end of the first chorus and i stop, concious of the fact that the fans came to see them, not me. They boys clap in amazement, and I start to give the guitar back to Luke, but he holds up his hand to me, and again speaks into his mouth piece. I stand their awkwardly for a split second and feel like a fool. But, Ash came to rescue me! He came up behind me and whispered into my ear.

'That was insane. You are really talented.' I sense the smile in his voice. I blush as i feel his warm breath on my neck.

This is happening, this is happening. I keep having to remind myself as I feel as though it's a dream.

Luke finishes talking to his crew, and puts his arm around my shoulders and grabs the mic from the stand.

'Right guys, slight change of plan. How would you feel if Daisy stays up here and plays our next song with us?'


The crowd screams again, and i see more and more phones being held up to record us. The boys clap and shout 'yeah!'

A member of the crew runs out on stage in all black, she hands me a spare guitar and a mic with a stand. Michael helps me set up between him and Luke. Ash and Calum are ready and waiting in their designated positions. I give Michael a quick hug, getting more confidence from being on stage.

I look out. Beyond the crowd and into the sky. I'm thankful for this open top arena as i can see the starts. I am starting to appreciate this moment for what a special and rare opportunity this is. I feel amazing.

I look to my left and smile at Luke. He smiles back and mouths. 'You okay?' I reply with a beaming nod.

Ashton shouts from the back 'ONE TWO THREE FOUR', and the song begins.

I am nervous to start with, my vision still blurry from the tears from earlier. But, my fingers remember the familiar pattern and i relax into the rhythm. I enjoy this. I can feel the energy form the crowd as they sings back every word, and the lasers and lights dance around me, I feel electric.

Sadly, i play the last chord and the song is over, as well as the concert. I suddenly feel like myself again. Not a rockstar, but a small and insecure 15 year old girl. Luke presses his mouth against the mic.

'Everybody give it up for Daisy!' The crowd screams again.

'The FIFTH SECOND OF SUMMER!!!' Calum adds, they guys laugh and so do I. I take off my guitar, taking my cue to leave. They boys rush to me and hug me goodbye. Ashton whispers to me again as i hug him,

'Remember how talented you are, we will be in touch.'

I can feel the severity in his voice, but i brush it off, and i climb down the stage and give my friend a huge hug.

'THAT WAS INSANE WHAT EVEN WAS THAT DAISY OMFGGG!' The arena starts to empty. I laugh in response, and go to look back at the boys. But, they stage was empty. The house lights start to switch on, and my moment of fame passes.

We walk out of the arena, random girls come up to me and pat my back. People talk to me, but i cant listen. Im still in a dream. I walk slowly, my face blank and expressionless. My eyes are wide, and my mouth sightly open. I start to breath heavily, and we stop. She asks if I'm okay, I reply with


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