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I look at the clock, waiting impatiently for it to strike 3:10.





The bell tolls, and the whole class bolts out of the room, including me for once, as I have History next.

I weave my way through the winding corridors full of hormonal teenagers and slow down as i near my History room. I stop by a window, and quickly do my hair in the reflection. I check my face, rubbing away the mascara that had crept its way under my eyes. I applied a little more lip balm, and pulled down my hoodie. I kept my sport kit on, as after my little rendevous I couldnt be bothered to change.

I pop a mint into my mouth and head into the classroom. I take my usual seat at the back, and I wait for Marcus. The class starts, Mrs Red already writing up notes on the board. Upset, I start to copy them, making sure i keep checking the window in the door, looking out for him.

15 minutes into the class, and Marcus finally comes in. He walks straight to the back, and i signal to him the empty seat next to me. He nods, and comes to my table. He sits, gets out his books, then whispers to me. 'Hey, sorry I'm late.' He smiles apologetically.

'Its okay, where were you?' I ask under my breath.

He pats the pocket of his P.E shorts, then winks at me. Ahh. Thats where he was.

We spend the rest of History stealing quick glances, and try our best at conversations. Unfortunately, Mrs Red has super hearing, and stops us from talking all together, but that doesn't stop us writing notes.

10 minutes left of the lesson, and Max writes in the corner of a piece of paper.

What are u doing after skl?


Haha me too! do u want to skip? We could hang out..

OK, where?

Skate park? Marcus gestures to his skate board propped up against the table leg.

I nod, and he beams back. I notice he bounces his knee up and down for the rest of the lesson. Excited? Nervous? I don't know, but I do know that I am very much looking forward to this lesson ending.

Finally, it does, and to my surprise Marcus grabs my hand and rushes out of the room. My bag barely on my shoulder, I clumsily follow him, my hand behind dragged through the school. We run away from Mr Davis as he shouts after me. 'Stop! Daisy! Double detention!'

People point and laugh, but i don't see them. Its like I'm flying. We run past them all not caring, leaving them as well as school itself behind us, physically and mentally.

We get past the school gates, and we stop by the bus shelter. We laugh and catch our breath. He nods, and we start to make our way down the pavement, peeling away from the crowd of buzzing students toward the skate park.

Ive never been here before, but I love it already. The colourful graffiti decorating the concrete walls brings the place to life, as well as the sound of wheels scoring the ground. Music plays from somewhere, and I can see a group of stoner kids hiding out underneath the bleachers by the ramps.

'watch this.' Marcus says, as i sit down on the edge of the bowl-shaped hole scooped out of the earth, my feet left dangling over the edge. He jumps onto his board, then zooms down the side of the bowl, he goes across the middle, up the other side then back down again. He crosses the centre, then up the far side, then glides across the rim of the bowl on the edge of his board, creating a scarping sound. Seeing him glide, fly even, you can see that he is truly happy. He zooms back to me, and smiles. I clap him, and by judging from the other claps he receives from other ids here, he is pretty good.

He reaches down his hand to me. 'Your turn!' He grins. I laugh at the suggestion.

'You wish! I would kill myself!' I reply, the high pitched tone of my outraged voice makes Marcus laugh even harder. 'Come on, I will help you.' He says, calming from his giggling fit. 'Fine, but I blame you if i die.' I humph, getting up. He takes my hands once again, as i hop onto the board which balances over the edge the bowl. I look over the edge, and the face turns pale.

'I cant!' I scream.

'You can! Its simple, keep your weight centred, and keep your arms out for balance. I will be at the bottom to catch you.' He runs down the side of the bowl, and holds his arms out ready for me. I nod. Then slowly, I lean forward tipping the board over the edge. Suddenly, I am falling off the drop, and I slide across the concrete, coming to a stop right by Marcus' feet. Shit.

'Are you okay?!' He says concerned, helping me up to my feet. His skateboard rolled away from us, but he only seems to care about me. I bring up my hands, feeling a stinging sensation. I see a large cut along my left palm, and my eyes widen as the blood starts to seep out of the open wound.

'Shit' I breath, this hurts.

Before I can do anything, Marcus had taken my hand, and raised it to his mouth. He gently starts to kiss the wound, his spit calms the wound. He stops, realising the oddity of his actions. He looks down to his feet, obviously embarrassed.

'Spit is a natural pain-killer. It cleans the wound and calms the pain.' He looks up to me, nervous to say the least.

Still holding my hand to my chest, I smile to him. 'Thank you.' I whisper sincerely, earning a genuine grin from Marcus in response. I guess he does like me then.

'Does it feel better?'He asks hesitantly, looking at my cut.

'Still stings, but the bleeding has stopped. Thank you for helping.'

'Its the least i could do, I mean it was my fault.'

'What? No it wasn't! It was mine, I didnt keep my weight centered like you told me to!' I squeal back, desperate to shift the blame to me.

'Yeah, but it was my idea, you weren't ready. Im sorry.'

'Oh shut up,' I reply playfully. 'Let me grab a plaster from my bag, then Im going again. One little cut won't stop me.' I say, reaching up for my bag, grabbing the plaster from the inside pocket.

'I like that about you. You're unstoppable.'

Becoming the Fifth Second of Summer - a FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now