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'Do you want to play?'

The boys look at me expectantly, biting their lips and folding their arms. They look worried, scared almost, that i would say no.

'Sure!' I say happily, opening my guitar case.

'YASS Daisy!!' Michael screams, pulling a face to accentuate his chins...

They make their ways to the stage-like set up area, plugging in microphones, and tuning.

Calum grabs a spare mic and stand from the corner, and Ash carries over an amp for me.

They help me out with pretty much everything, and i stand back a bit biting my nails watching them adjust my stand and everything. They finish, and straighten up, Cal wipes his hands off and heads back to his place, lending me a smile as he does. Ash turns round, and just started at me for a moment. It must have only been a second, but it seemed way longer than that. He quickly broke it off, realising that the others were waiting of him, and jogged back to his drums.

I take a deep breath.

Calm, be cool, stay focused. Dont fuck this up Daisy.

'Lets just go through the set list guys, we need to practise for the tour.' Michael gestures to the piece of paper stuck up on the wall. The others nod, but i stand there like a rabbit in headlights.

I don't know the set list.

'Oh shit, here you go D.' Michael chuckles as he ripped the paper off the wall, and reaches over to hand it to me.

'Cool, okay. So 'Don't Stop' first?' They all nod in reply.

'You do know it right?' Ash asks me, poking his head out from behind the drums.

'Yeah sure! Of course.'

Shit! I haven't played this one in ages.. here goes nothing i guess.

It starts, and Im going okay. I listen to what Michael plays, and i pick it up from him.

Luke finishes with the last 'know it', and i sigh of relief. Thank god it went well.

Surprisingly, there was no chat between songs. Michael went straight into She's Kina Hot and i was taken quite aback. Although they portray a relaxed vibe in their interviews, these guys actually work so hard.

At the end of the set, we were all sweating.

There's a few minutes of pure stillness. Pure peace. My ears were ringing, my hands shaking, my heart pounding in my chest. I let my eyes go out of focus, and loose myself in the moment. I feel dizzy and slightly sick with calm excitement. I feel weird. I have never felt like this before. Like I have created something huge, with so much effort and passion, and it worked. It just worked. We fitted together like clockwork, all cogs working together to make musical ecstasy. It just get right.

Calum broke the silence.

'That was amazing.' He whispered softly under his breath, his eyes wide with shock. He ran his hands through his hair, then wiped the sweat from his brow. I see Ash and Michael and Luke start moving around too. I watch them. They engage in what looks like a post-show ritual. They do their hair, walk around in a circle. Adjust their top, replace their instruments, then turn off every mic one by one. Its kind of sweet. You can see how much they care about each component, that all adds up to be part of their music, their life.

After this melancholic sequence had ended, the boys start to head up the stairs.

'I need a drink.' Michael wines.

'Dude, its 4pm' Ash replies as we arrive at the kitchen.

'So? We just played a fucking awesome set, and I feel the need for a reward.' He opens the large fridge, and brings out a can. Ashton scoffs, and flips on the kettle, opting for a green tea instead.

We? Does that mean me as well?

'Finally! I thought you were never going to bloody stop playing!' Sarah says in a sarcastic tone form behind her laptop. She is typing at an un-natural speed. 'Daisy, how was it? They weren't to hard on you were they? I think they forget that you're only 15...'

'No,' I laugh tiredly. 'Im okay! The set was amazing, it was so much fun.' They guys nod with approval.

'D, dya want a drink or something?' Luke says, his head hidden by the cupboard door, then pops his head round suddenly. 'You played amazingly back there.'

'Yeah Diz, you rock.' Ash smiles, taking a sip of his drink.

'Ditto' Calum adds

'Double ditto...' Michael chirps.

'Uh yeah. I'll have a drink.'

'Is beer okay?' Luke offers. 'Ah shit. Sorry i forgot. Umm we have lemonade?'

'Lemonade sounds great! Thanks' I go red and giggle as he hands a bottle to me.

They guys walk over to the sitting area, and I follow them, getting increasingly nervous about the seating arrangement. In the end, Calum, Mikey and Ash sit on the sofa. Me and Luke sit on the carpet, and lean on the coffee table to face them.

We sip our drinks, still recovering form the set. Calum reaches behind the sofa, and brings out an acoustic guitar. It reminds me of the one that Mikey played in the Amnesia video. I decide to keep this thought to myself, opting not th=o scare them with my fan-girling antics.

Calum starts to play, but i dont recognise the song.

Is this a 5sos exclusive? Am i really sitting here in the 5sos house, with 5sos, listening to an un-heard 5sos song? IS THIS ACTUALLY MY LIFE RIGHT NOW?!?

Calum stops at this one bit, obviously finding it hard. I laugh as i remember that Cal sucked at guitar!

'Stop Calum! You're ruining the moment! Go back to bass.. haha' Ashton giggles. God i could never get tired of hearing that.

'Fine then Fletcher. Lets see if Daisy is any better.' Cal looks at me and smiles.

Should i play them Vapor? I mean, its not completely finished, but I think they would like it..

Fuck it. Im going to play Vapor.


Hey guys! Hope you like it so far!

I just wanted to say that I know that the dates and songs dont really match up at all, but its just the way i imagined the story.

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