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I feel a drop of rain land on the tip of my nose, trickling down my cheek onto Marcus'

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I feel a drop of rain land on the tip of my nose, trickling down my cheek onto Marcus'. We break, our lips parting, to stare up at the sky. Dark clouds gathered over the stars and started to rain down upon us, slowly then all at once. The flat surface of the roof began to collect the water, slowly pooling around us. I screamed in surprise, and lowered myself down back through the window, closely followed by Marcus. We had calmed from my news, taking it in and processing the consequences. As much as i hated leaving him, this opportunity was too big to miss, and he knew that. Im so thankful that he understands, he wants me to do this, to do something with my life, even if that means him getting left behind. He is so selfless, and i love him for that.

We stumble through the frame, kicking off our wet shoes at the foot of the bed. He closes the window, the rain now hitting harder and harder on the roof. The sound thunders around us, the attic bedroom under attack from the skies. I find the noise calming in a sense, I feel sheltered.

Marcus looks to me, his hair wet from the rain. We laugh at our wet clothes, and he shakes his head like a dog, ridding himself of the loose droplets hanging onto each hair. He looks up after, and i cant help but laugh! His hair sticks out in all directions, making him look like he has an afro.

'Shhh!' Marcus stumbles over to me, pressing his finger to my lips, grinning like a goon. 'Mum and Dad will hear us!' I giggle quieter, blushing at his closeness. I look down, biting my lip, Marcus does as well. Both embarrassed and giggly from the situation, Max steps away, pulling at his t-shirt.

'Shit, its soaked! Wait, I'm just going to change my top..' He turns away, heading to his draws. I turn away, facing the door a cheeky smile crossing my face. 'I won't peak!' I whisper sneakily. He scoffs, and i hear his draw closing. I turn, thinking he was done, but was met by a topless Marcus, staring at me like a rabbit caught in headlights.

'Sorry!' I gasp, throwing my hand over my mouth and spinning round again. 'I thought you were done!'

'Its fine, I dont care haha' He comes up behind me, resting his chin onto my shoulder. I turn my gaze down to the side to meet his, and i cant help but smile again. This kid makes me so happy, I never want to leave this room.

My eyes trace around his bedroom, looking and studying all of his things. Suddenly, my eyes stop at th clock. 10:00pm!!!!! Shit.

'Shit, I have to go, i didn't realise how late it was!' I say, starting to slide on my shoes.

'No, dont go! Just.. stay.' He bends down to my level, giving me his puppy eyes. Fuck that melts my heart.

'I have to, i told my Mum i would be back.'

'Just say that your sleeping over at a friends!' He suggests, I think it over, could i? I mean she knows i dont have many friends, if any, but my cousin does live in town. I could say that i met up with her and decided to sleep over..yeah.

'Okay, let me just text her.' I grab my phone and begin to type.

To: Mum

Hey, i met up with Melanie, and she invited me to sleep over- hope thats okay! I will get a bus straight to school in the morning, so i will see you tomorrow evening.

Love you xx

That should do it. I smile at Marcus, settling the subject, I will sleep here.

'Um, I dont have any PJ's...' I say, awkwardly smiling like that emoji.

'Oh yeah, uh, you can borrow one of my tops, here.' He says, grabbing a top from the draws behind him. Its a white adidas top, it has a few tears in, you could say it was well-loved. I hold it up, and smile.

I open my mouth to say something, but Marcus answers my question before i could even ask it.

'The bathroom is the door opposite mine..' He beams, liking how I like the top. I skip out of the room, and tip-toe across the small landing, hoping not to bump into anybody. I turn the handle and sneak in. I quickly slip out of my jeans and top, and pull on his shirt. It stops around mid-thigh, and i keep my pants and bralette on, the maroon lace showing through the white top. I check my self in the small mirror over the sink. I do my hair, and wipe some of the mascara from under my eyes.I then take a small swig of the mouthwash sitting on the side, conscious of not being able to brush my teeth. I swirl it around my mouth, counting for 60 seconds, then rinse. I bunch up my clothes into a bundle, and exit the room. I hold the bundle low, around my thighs, scared about flashing Marcus as i enter. I knock gently on the wood of the door, then hear a quiet 'come in', then proceed to enter. I open the door to see a camp bed set up next to Marcus'. It already had all of its sheets and a duvet. I smile at his thoughtfulness, as i have to admit, i was getting increasingly anxious about the sleeping arrangements.

'Thanks! I say, dumping my clothes by the camp bed, pulling the hem of the t-shirt down a bit. I sit on the camp bed.

'No, this one is for me! You can have the nice bed.' He says, nodding to his.

'I cant sleep there! Thats yours.' I laugh and pull the covers over my cold legs.

'Honestly, its yours.'

He is so sweet <3

I tuck my lip between my teeth, and hop out, and skip over to his bed. I bounce onto the mattress, and he was right, this one was way more comfy. I smile at him again. I notice that he himself has changed. He is now wearing a navy long-sleeved top and black and grey check pj bottoms. He collapses onto the camp bed, and we pause at the loud squeaky noise it makes under his weight.

We erupt into a fit of laughter, partly at the dodgy bed, and partly due to the overall awkwardness and giggliness of the whole situation. I guess we are both quite nervous about seeing each other in such an intimate setting. Bed. Ha, i kind of love it.

We both snuggle under the covers, making ourselves comfortable in our own beds. Marcus reaches over and switches out the light, plunging us into darkness.

'Thanks again for letting me stay, its really sweet of you.' I say blindly into the darkness.

'Its okay, I just didnt want you to leave just yet.' He replies.

I blush, I cant believe this is happening! 'Oh and thanks for the top, its really soft.' I whisper.

'Its fine, you look cute in it anyway.' I can hear the smirk in his voice, and giggle internally.

'Night then..' I giggle quietly.

'Sweet dreams.'

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