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'So, we have pushed back the dates of the world tour to the 10th October, so that Daisy can come unaccompanied, as she will be 16 by then. It will be mainly on a tour bus, and she will have to sleep around the guys, but there is a room at the back with a proper door, so we can give her that for her privacy reasons..' The man informs my Mum, as she signs the multiple documents played out on the table. I still cant believe this is happening.

'Right, thats it i guess!' Mum turns to me after writing the last signature. 'Im going to miss you sweety. Now, Ive talked to Steve about having an on-tour tutor-'

'Mummm nooooooo...' I moan

'Im having none of that! Now, you will be missing half of year 11, meaning most of all your GCSE lessons, so you need to have a tutor come with you. You must know Daisy, that this is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I will not let you miss it. But that does mean a few conditions.'


'You phone me everyday, and you dont make any silly decisions, you work hard, and you have fun. But not too much fun, Ill have Sarah make sure of that.' Mum laughs, a hint of sadness shadows her smile.

I hug her, squeezing her tight. Im going to miss her so much. 6 months away from home. But I honestly cant wait.

We stay in the room for 3 more hours, running through the future events. Flights, plans, shows, meet and greets, rehearsals. Everything. The guys start to give me tips on tour-living, making me even more excited! They even show us pictures of the tour bus that they have for us!

After going through everything, and still not coming to terms with the whole thing, me and mum leave. The next time I will see the guys is when we leave the country in 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS.

They have scheduled in rehearsals between each stop, to compensate for the time we lost by pushing the dates back for me. For me! They pushed the dates of the GLOBAL TOUR FOR ME. Haha this is insane! We get home, Mum seems quiet. She lets me go to my room for a bit, to sort of work out what the hell I'm going to tell everyone whats happening. Mum phones up my Dad. By the way, the Dad lives in Scotland, he and my mum divorced when i was a baby, and he moved up there to get away from us for a while. I guess they had problems that they just couldn't solve. But its okay, they are friends now.

I grab my phone from my desk, I left it there this morning. I guess i was distracted.


MARCUS: where r u? :(

MARCUS: are you okay? pls reply i miss you

MARCUS: come round mine after school if u get this, rlly want to see you!

I check my watch, 4:30pm. Just enough time to get ready and catch the bus.

I reapply some powder, and grab some change for the fair.

I rush down the stairs, and tell my Mum that I'm going out to town to get some stuff, and that I will text her when I'm coming home.

I open the door, regenerating my poor choice in clothing. My oversized denim jacket is thin against the harsh wind, and the cold is seeping through the holes in my jeans. But, fuck it. Im out.

Becoming the Fifth Second of Summer - a FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now