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Garden Hotel.. the next day.


A familiar face pops her blue head around the corner.

'Sarah!' I rush up to her, and we have a little hug. Its weird to think I've spent just over a week away from her, but it felt like years. I turn back to my Mum, awkwardly stadning near by as her daughter hugs a total stranger.

'Mum, this is Sarah.. she was the woman who i stayed with in Birmingham.' She smiles, and comes to greet her.

'We are so glad that you were able to come today, its all very exciting! All the team are upstairs, follow me!' She grins, leading us to the lift by the check in desk. She presses the button with the number '3', and we start to ascend. As the mechanical whirrs spin around us in this shiny metal box, I feel the herd of butterflies rise up inside me once again. I felt sick, sick with excitement, but also with worry. What did they want? I mean, Sarah seemed excited so that must be good, but what if I cant handle whatever they plan on telling me?


We stop abruptly, and the doors split to show a long carpeted corridor. We all step out. Sarah takes us down the right hand side, and stops at a misted glass door. I can make out 6 dark figures looming behind the door. Is it freaky that i can identify the members of 5sos by their shadows? Yeah, yeah it is.

She swings open the door, interrupting the boys' quiet conversation.

'Guys, she is here!' Sarah beams, stepping aside to reveal me stumble into the room. I trip on my shoe lace and I see the floor get closer and closer to my face, my hands shoot out infront of me, stopping my fall. I end up in a sort of press up position. Well done. Luke reaches over and helps to life myself up.

'Lets not have a repeat of last time eh? Haha.' He whispers into my ear. I blush in response, earning another giggle in reply from him. I quickly recover, then proceed into the room, making my way over to the guys on the leather sofa. I hug them all, and I explain my black eye to the group, putting the elephant in room to sleep. My Mum sits opposite Sarah and the other 2 men from the 5sos team around a glass table in the centre of the room. Just was i made my self comfy on the sofa next to Michael, Sarah calls us over to the table.


Me and Michael groan in unison, then slump over to the table. I sit next to mum, opposite everyone else.

Shit. It feels like I'm about to be interrogated. The atmosphere in the room suddenly turns serious. Everybody is looking at me. Sarah begins to talk, patting the stack of papers infront of her.

'Well, just to say again, we are so happy that you could both join us here today, as we would like to discuss a very rare and exciting opportunity...' They boys nod in agreement. Its weird to see them so sincere, I was just waiting for Michael to crack a dirty joke, but he didnt. 'Ever since Daisy made her appearance onstage at one of the concerts, Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton have not stopped talking about you, Daisy.' I stay quiet, I dont know what to expect next.

'That is why we invited you to stay with us a few weeks ago, to try and see wether you were suitable for our idea.'

'What idea?' My mum interjects, I can see she is getting a bit aggitated.

'We want Daisy to join 5 Seconds of Summer, and be a new official member of the band.'


I stare at her, gobsmacked. My mouth stays open as i try to say something, anything! All that comes out are raspy breaths and squeals.

'Well?' Calum says nervously.

Mum shakes my arm. "daisy?!' She whispers.

But I cant hear her, its as though I'm underwater. My vision goes blurry and my body is stiff in my chair.


''Daisy, what do you think?

Its Christmas 2007, I had just opened my last present, and my parents had deIfinitly saved the best until last. My little 7-year-old hands had just ripped the red shiny paper open, to reveal my first ever guitar. It was a small electric one, navy blue with a white pick guard. Its shiny body gleaming under the tree lights in its box , it was so pretty. I squeal in excitement, its the one that i had wanted for so long! My dad comes over to me, and places the guitar around my neck, and helping me to strum my first ever chord. Mum quickly grabs the digital camera and captures the moment perfectly. Me and Dad grinning at the lens, still in my fairy pink pyjamas holding my first guitar,

'Maybe we could start a family band together?' My dad laughs, admiring his little girl, strumming away. Mum comes over to us, and we hug for seems like forever. He plants a kiss on the top of my head,' Your my little rockstar.'

'Daisy? Can you hear me?' I shake my head awake. Im on the sofa, my mum stroking my arm trying to coax me back to consciousness.

'What happened?' I say, my eyes spinning.

'You blacked out! But you'll be fine, drink this.' Ashton hands me a cup of cold water, and smiles. Everybody had gathered around me on the sofa.

'We never got an answer out of you!' Michael laughs, 'Do you want to join us?' All eyes turn to me.

I look to Mum, she is smiling sadly. I rise my eyebrows to her, and she nods to reassure me, her warm smile setting my decision.

Deep breath . 'Where do i sign?'.

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