Just Get Through Today

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_Three weeks after the email, Im back at school_

_The day before we leave_

Why do they want to see me? What do they want with me? I doubt the situation, maybe they asked 100 random fans to go see them play or something, maybe they don't even remember me.

Still, i shake off the depressing thought, and try and focus on getting through school. Just for today at least.

I get on the bus, plugging myself into my fantasy world, blocking out the super-ficial gossip surrounding me. Jet Black Heart plays, and I close my eyes, taking myself away from this filthy school bus, and back to the gleaming stage with blinding lights and thousands of people enjoying themselves. I relish in the memory, remembering how the boys greeted me, laughed with me, smiled at me, whispered to me. My fingers lightly tap out the rhythm on the metal window sill, as my eyes trace the path of a single rain drop gliding down the glass, past my face and out of sight, into the puddles racing past below. I hum the tune, quiet enough so nobody else can hear me. I feel the low notes vibrate throughout my body, and I imagine myself playing again. I visualise every chord change, every bar on the sheet music, every rest.

The song stops.

I feel empty as silence ensues. I feel myself decaying from the inside, dissolving into mere cells which disappear through the material of the seat beneath me, and disperse into nothingness. I always feel this way after listening to Jet Black Heart. I guess it just affects me in a different way to anyone else.

I feel as if it was written for me.

We arrive at the school gates, and everybody on the bus suddenly jerks upwards as we go over the familiar speed bumps on the way in.

I step off last, deliberately wanting to be late and have any sort of chance of missing as much of school time as possible. I walk slowly in the light rain toward my tutor room. I dont mind the light drizzle, whereas very other plastic just runs past, bringing their blazers up over their heads to protect their false faces from sliding off onto their shirt collars. I laugh to myself. It all ends up rubbing off by break time anyways. My rucksack gets bashed by one of the girls running past, and it slips off of my shoulder and into a puddle on the path. Fuck. I walk over to it, inspecting the damage. All of my books were soaked, and the bag itself was ruined. Nice idea getting a denim bag, Daisy. Idiot.

As I start to pick up the sopping hunk of matted paper, I hear a skate board traveling toward me. It was Marcus. He was the screw-up boy in my year, his face always hidden my his beanie. As he comes closer, I realise he is actually quite hot. His dark brown hair shot out in tufts out from underneath the familiar dark grey beanie, and his piercing blue eyes staring down at me. Shocking, yet kind and welcoming. He steps off of his board, bringing it under his arm, and hold his other hand out to me. I stare at it for a second, unsure of what to do in such a strange situation.

I take it, dragging my wet bag up with me. I straighten up, brushing off my skirt and I raise my eyes to meet his.

'You alright? I saw that girl push past you, is your bag okay?' His deep voice echoed within my head.

I suddenly feel my face blush red.

'Yeah, I'm okay. Just my bag, its a bit fucked' I laugh a tad, as we both look at the sorry sight at my feet.

'Well shit. Im sorry.' He takes the bag from my hands, and takes out the books that aren't completely damaged, and puts them into his bag.

'Oh, wait no. You don't have to do that.' I say, appreciating the kind gesture.

'Don't worry about it.' He says as he drops his skateboard to the floor, gesturing with his hand for me to get on it.

'Wanna try? I have to cheer you up somehow!'

I giggle as i step onto the board, wobbling slightly. I start to roll down the path. Marcus holds both bags, and walks along side me. I go over a rock and I suddenly jerk forwards. I throw my hands out to stop me from loosing my balance. Marcus grabs my hands, and smirks.

'you're okay, Ive got you.'

He loosens his grip on my hands, and starts to guide me along towards the building. I cant stop smiling.

We arrive at the doors all too soon, and i get off the skate board. Awkwardly, we look at our feet for a bit, nervous to engage in eye contact.

'See you later then' I walk off.

You idiot Daisy! At least say thanks or something! Uugh too late now. Just play it cool and look back or something.

I look back over my shoulder, and see that Marcus was already looking back. I smile and mouth 'Thanks' .

He replies 'Any time' followed by a small wave and a smile.

I look back, finding it hard to keep my smile from spreading across my face.

The rest of the school day is a blur. A mix of reading rude words carved onto desks, headaches and busy corridors. It seemed that my eyes were out of focus the whole day. I wouldn't be surprised if i just blacked out the entire day, it seems to happen a lot in my mind anyway.

I rush to eave school, hoping to see Marcus on my way home. As i walk back up the path toward the bus, I stretch my neck looking around for him. I was too busy looking for him, I didn't notice the bus doors slam shut. I see Marcus fly off on his skateboard around the corner just as i hear the bus engine start up.

I run toward it, waving my arms and shouting.

Thankfully, the bus driver was feeling kind today, and stopped for me.

I hop on, smiling to him as he grunts in my direction. I head to the back, and sit in my usual spot by the window.

As the bus slowly starts to pull out of the school and make its way along the road, i see Marcus up ahead. Headphones in, hands in pockets. He looks so cute. As we drive past him, I secretly hope that he looks up and sees me.

Funnily enough, he did. He caught my gaze, and flashed me a smile before we sped away.

Today was a good day.

Lets hope tomorrow goes well as well.

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