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4 hours in, the bus travels steady along the motorways. The empty carriage rattles, and i look around. This is where i will spend the best moments of my life. This is where i become not only a new member of their band, but hopefully their friend. Part of me is worried that because of the gender divide and obvious age gap will exclude me from the boys, and the fact that they have grown up together, and they only met me properly months ago. The anxious feeling builds up inside me, and every metre that we travel closer to them, I regret my decision more and more.

What am I doing? This was such a stupid idea, you will never survive in this band. You are not right for this life, you dont deserve this. Its all some practical joke, and somebody will jump out with a camera crew any moment now and shout 'You've been punked!'

I shake my head, I've got to get over this. I have to accept this, this is my life now. Sarah talked to me and Mum about fame, and how I will have to come to terms with the press and the millions of fans across the world. She explained that it will scare me at first, and that feeling might not ever go away. She's right though, I dont think i will ever truly understand. Although, I will have the unique experience of being both fanatic and famous, and i hope that that will pull me through.

Since we pulled away, I've had several texts. One from Dad telling me good luck and all the rest. One from Mum basically listing all of the things that I'm not allowed to do, and one from Marcus. It reads simply:

You're unstoppable.

Thats all i needed to calm my nerves. The fond memories of the skate park flood back, and I now grin knowing full well that I can now sort of skate. Go me.

I lean my head over the end of the sofa and decide to head over to talk to Gus. My bare feet pad long the carpeted floor, my shoes were flung off hours ago. I decided that if this is truly my new home, I might as well get comfy.

'Hey Gus.' I say, sitting carefully on the steps down the the drivers cabin.

'Hey love, how are you holding up?' He says caringly as he flashes me a smile, quickly returning his gaze to the road.

I pause, I have to think about it. How am i?

'Fine I guess. Just... thinking about stuff.' I rest my head in my hands, and lean against the wall of the bus.

'What are you thinking about?'

I smile, he cares. Im getting the sense that Gus is going to be my Tour Dad. I like him a lot.

'Just about home, and I guess that I'm worried about the band and the tour. Its like, I'm such an outsider! These guys are best friends, and have been for years. And who am i? Im some weird stalker who has loved them for just as long, and some how landed the new spot in their band. I mean they dont me, and i only know them from the articles I've read and their twitcams and keeks. Like honestly, how the hell am i going to do this?' I seem to be slightly out of breath after my little heartfelt rant, and i take a moment to gather myself.

'Yeah, well thats what I've been thinking about really.'

Gus hums, deep in thought. 'I have to admit kid, I found this whole thing a little strange myself. Ive never gone on a global tour with someone as young as you. But they way they just plucked you from the crowd, its gotta mean something right? I mean, it has to be fate. I believe that you're meant to be here. I really do.' He nods to me, what he says really soothes me, and i start to feel better already.

I get up, steadying myself on the side, and lean over to Gus. I tap his shoulder appreciatively, and receive a smile. I giggle back, and make my way to the back of the bus.

'Oh that reminds me. You'd better secure yourself the back prison as you're bedroom. Pull the bottom of the sofa out and thats your bed. If you dont grab it, Michael will!' He yells to me.

I laugh, oh my lord. The keek replays in my head, and makes me think. Will I be in a keek? Or even a livestream? I place my hand over my mouth in amazement. Its weird isn't it? I become a new member of one of the biggest bands in the world, and i get excited about little videos posted on the internet instead of the hundreds of shows. I guess its because Im really still a fan, and livestreams were the closest i could get to them. And now, i'm going to live with them. I may not be their best friend at the moment, but to share this much time with a group of people, and see each other in such personal and intimate situations, I'm bound to become like one of their family.

Im going to be an official member of the 5sosfam. For real this time, and i count be happier about it.

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