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I arrive at Marcus' house, and i cautiously walk up to the porch, and knock on the front door

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I arrive at Marcus' house, and i cautiously walk up to the porch, and knock on the front door.

'Hello..' A woman answers opens the door slowly, eyeing me up and down. I quickly tuck my pack of smokes further into my pocket, suddenly aware of the bulging box pocking out from the denim. 'Sorry, I'm Daisy,' I start, introducing myself to who i expect to be his Mum. 'Im Marcus' friend.' She quickly shakes her head, a little twitch almost, shaking her wild auburn curls around which hover over her shoulders. 'Of course, come in.' I smile and enter.

Its weird, seeing Marcus' family without him here. Its as though Im at a party and i dont know anyone. I awkwardly smile again, and stand pressing my knees together in the hallway. 'Tim, come here and meet Daisy!' She calls into the kitchen. A tall man emerges into the hall, surprised to see me i think.

'Hi Daisy, Im Tim Marcus' dad.'

'Hi..' I laugh awkwardly. Jesus where is he? I feel as though the news is going to burst out of my chest if i dont tell him soon.

'Mum? Dad?' He appears at the stairs, slowly stepping down the last few to join our strange little circle in the hall. I smile at him as though to say 'hey', he returns it with an eye roll, obviously sensing the uncomfortable situation.

'Yeah, so, uh, Daisy do you want to come upstairs?' I nod and start to follow him up.

'Wait guys!' Tim calls, we halt mid-step. 'No funky business, keep that door open.' I bow my head in embarrassment and giggle to Marcus'. We carry on, up and up to the attic floor, and into Marcus' familiar room. I walk over to the large triangular window over his bed, and peer out. I hear the click of the door shutting, and snap my head to face Marcus.

'Dont shut it! What if your parents see!' I whisper worriedly.

'Dont worry,' he laughs. 'They never come up here!' He walks over to me and joins me at the window. He reaches forward, and opens it. He pushes the pain of glass out and upwards, making the triangle cavity now completely free to the air outside. Max now steps up onto the bed, putting his arms through the frame, and pushes himself through the hole. He disappears up, his feet left dangling at the top of the triangle.

'What the hell?' I exclaim, sticking my head out of the window, and looking up to see him.

'Come up!' He says patting the space next to him on the roof. I copy his movements hesitantly, but eventually end up next to him.

Sigh, thank god I'm alive. That was scary.

I shift my bum back a bit further, securing my seat on the edge of the roof. The bit we are on is flat, a cut out section of the slanting roof, looking out onto the town. The darkening blue sky is lit up with the orangey haze from the street lights, reminding me of last week. I smile fondly at the memory.

I feel i tug at my sleeve, and i turn to see Marcus playing with the denim. I smile at him, his icy blues connecting to mine, and his pinky lips curving into a smirk. I blush, and pull out my pack. I flip the cap, and pull one out. I put it too my lips, then look to Marcus. He just stares at me, biting his lip ever so slightly. Fuck he is so hot. His dark hair is messed up slightly, his spiky fringe poking at his forehead. The dark grey t-shirt he wears under his plaid shirt hugs his figure well, showing his lean physique. His jaw line casts a shadow over his neck, and his eyes shine so brightly in the moonlight. I stare back, just studying his perfect features again and again.

The wind picks up, and i go back to my actions. I slip my fingers into my pocket, and get out my lighter. But, as i might have suspected, Marcus takes it from me. Leaning close, he hovers the flame, and lights it for me. No words are needed, we just lie back against the cool tiles, and stare at the the twinkling stars above us, the moon watching us back. I hand out the cigarette, and we share like before, our spare hand twitching to the others touch, slowly caressing each others palms and fingers. Our little Utopia. We finish the smoke, and i carefully stub the butt on the tiles, I watch it deplete and crush under the pressure, the ash spilling from its tip, painting the slate.

I look back to him, and I see he wants answers.

He reaches his hand over to me, and strokes my cheek with the back of his fingers. I feel the fire rise inside me, my skin burning to his touch. I raise my own to link in with his. I hold it tightly, struggling on how to phrase my next words. But he speaks first.

'Where were you?' He says softly, the cool air spilling out as smoke from his mouth. I take a deep breath.

'Well,' I stutter, i didn't realise how hard this was going to be. 'I have a confession.' I decide to bring some humour to lift the sad vibes. 'You know the band 5 Seconds of Summer?' He nods, innocently hanging on to every word. 'I met them that weekend, and they liked my playing i guess. And well, today they ask me to see them again.' I stop to look at him, he looks worried. I switch my gaze to the blackening sky, i dont want to see him upset. I have to tell him, but I dont want to. I want to keep our little world safe, in tact, but i can do that anymore. I have ruined everything that we have, and i cant do anything about it. I bite my lips to stop the tears pricking at my eyes.

'They asked me to join the band, Marcus.' I sit up, turning to him, our knees now touching. 'Im leaving.'

He snaps his eyes down. I cant see his face, and i can help but feel distressed. I just turn away, and lean my head back on the roof.

What have you done? You cant take it back, you can never have this again. You have lost him.

After what feels like hours pass, he speaks, keeping his gaze on the floor.

'When do you leave?' he mumbles.

'2 weeks.' My voice breaks as i choke out the words. Knowing the harsh reality, i look to him. He is pointing his face away from me, his eyes gaze over the town played out before us.

'Marcus.. I-'

'Dont, I dont want to hear it.' He says, the sadness emits from his body, pushing down the air around me, drowning us in his emotions.

I feel the tears arise my my eyelids. The salty drops start to swim down my cheeks.

I lean to him, cupping his face in my palms, staring into his eyes searching of some kind of forgiveness.

He takes my face in his hands also, and stares right back.

'Then lets make these 2 weeks the best we can okay?' He starts to cry as well, keeping his crystal blue eyes open wide. I nod, my lip starting to tremble. Marcus pushes his forehead into mine, wincing his eyes shut. I move my mouth to his, and take a breath, grazing the skin of his lips.

He closes the space between us, and moves his hands to my waist... and kisses me softly.

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