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The next thing i knew, we were being whisked off to a secret location for a photoshoot. Somehow between rehearsals and driving, the PR team had managed to squeeze one in. 20 minutes after leaving the old theatre, we arrived at the set. It was an old indoor swimming pool, situated in the middle of an old warehouse. The huge space echoed our footsteps, and the sun shone through the large windows near the roof. As we neared the site, more and more people came into view. I'd say almost 100! Cameras, lights, chairs and tables set up everywhere.

'Hi everybody! It's lovely to meet you all,' a young man dressed all in black came up to us, headphones on and clipboard in hand. 'Now I'm afraid we are on a tight schedule, as these photos need to be approved and printed today to sell at the gig tomorrow, so lets hustle!' We all followed behind him as he introduced us to the director, Sam, and all of the stylists. The young man, who's name i found to be Olly, sat me down in front of a mirror by a table.

'Right, here we have Maisie, she will do your hair, make-up and outfit for today.' Olly then turned to the beautiful young woman, with dark brown hair and the most amazing outfit , 'Take care of this one, she is the new member so she has to look amazing!' He then skipped off to find Michael and Calum, who were distracted by the snack table.

'Right then missy, what should we do with you?' Maisie sang, and I smiled up at her.

'I have no clue, this is my first ever photoshoot!' I sounded nervous, shit.

'I don't worry, I've got this. Because your outfit is pretty punky, I'm going to leave your hair spiky, and do a smoky eye. But not too much, as you're still young,' then she whispered in my ear, 'And you don't really need it!' I laughed at the compliment as she started on the makeup.

I stared around the space, spying Luke and Ashton nearby me, also getting their make up done. Haha.

I grabbed a make up wipe from the table next to me, and threw it at Ashton.

'Heyy! Thats mean!' He chuckled, peeling it from his arm. 'Excuse me one one second,' Ash said politely to his stylist, then stood up and ran over to me. I gave him the 'what are you doing?!' face, but he just raised his finger to his lips and smirked. He took a few steps back, lifting his right arm in the process, clutching the wet wipe. In a flash, he threw the wipe, and it landed bang in the middle of Luke's face. We burst into laughter, Maisie joining in.

Luke just sat there, really still. Then we heard the biggest sigh from him, and the wipe blew up on his out breath. It was the funniest thing ever. I had to grip onto Ashton for balance as i laughed my butt off. Luke just flicked it into the nearest bin, then looked at us.

'You guys are so immature' He scoffed, making us laugh even more, then i noticed the little smile forming on Luke's face.

God, I love these guys.


'Walk this way, look over here!' Sam said, waving his hand up to the left. He stood behind the photographer, Holly, who was snapping away.

We were all in the old swimming pool (drained of water obviously), and we were walking down the slope from the 'shallow end'. It went Luke, Calum, Me, Ashton, then Michael. I felt awesome. It was hard not to laugh though, but the boys were so used to photoshoots they were so good at it! They didn't even break a smile, and kept so serious the whole way through. I tried my best to pull a posey face, i slightly opened my mouth, raising my chin up a tiny bit, looking down my nose at the camera. Sam seemed to like it, and clapped me. Maybe i wasn't so bad at this.

'Right, lets move to the edge.' Sam shouted. We then clambered our way over to the pool wall. Calum and Michael got over it so quickly, then left me Luke and Ash staring up at them from the pool floor.

As i was so small compared to the others, there was no way i could get out on my own, so Luke and Ash gave me a leg-up. I planted my foot on their clasped hands, then grabbed onto Michael at the top. Then Luke pushed up my legs, and kinda touched my butt. When i got up, i brushed my hands off on Calum, then looked to Luke, 'I felt that you weirdo!' I laughed when he raised up his hands in defence. 'Hey! I was helping!' He chuckled, earning a smirk from Ashton.

When we all got over, we sat on the edge, dangling our legs into the deep end. Sam and Holly stayed in, pointing the camera up at us, getting such a cool shot!

'Right uhh, Calum put your arm around Daisy's back, Ashton look down, Luke stay there, Michael tilt you head, and Daisy rest your head in your hands on your knees, and point your toes down.

I did as told, resting my elbows on my thighs. My outfit was a large Levi's denim jacket, with dark grey skinny jeans, a plain black top and black creepers. I had on a velvet choker, and a dark lipstick from Maisie. I posed and saw the flashes go from Holly's camera. Sam smiled, liking the shots popping up on his screen.

'Thats it! We have it! Thats a wrap!' He cheered, then the entire team whooped and clapped.

I smiled at the guys, as we stood up from the edge.

'Well done Diz, you look awesome.' Luke said, slapping my back. I punched his arm and smiled. The somehow we ended up in a band cuddle.

'I love you guys, and I love hugs.' Calum said, squishing his cheeks into my back.

'We know Calum.' The rest of us retorted.

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