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I dont know what to say. Ashton just opened up to me, about something so serious, so personal. Although, it is great to know that somebody else knows how i feel, how scared i am of the unexplored.

I look up at him, he sits with his knees pulled up to his chest, his black converse stick out from underneath him. His sandy curls gently sway from the slight wind in the air. His glowing hazel eyes seem to gaze somewhere far off into the distance, I wonder what he is thinking about. He looks to me, his warming smile melting my heart a little bit. I think about looking away, but somehow I cant.

'Its fine, I wouldn't know what to reply either.' He laughs quietly. 'But Daisy, you do know what Im getting at right? You cant self-destruct just because you are a little scared, you have to brave through it. And remember, you are not alone. You may be away from your friends and family, but you have us. Your new family.' He smiles, nudging my shoulder. I smile back, he is right.


I look down at my phone, but Ash quickly grabs it before i can.

'Who's this?' He asks with a smirk, showing me the message from Marcus

'Um, thats my boyfriend..' I whisper, and he raises his eyebrow at me, making me giggle.

'Go on, call him. I'll wait at the bottom of the steps.' He says, getting up to leave me. I smile in appreciation, ringing Marcus

He picks up straight away.

'Daisy! Ive missed your voice'

'Hey..' I say quietly

'Daisy? Are you alright? Tell me whats wrong, I hate that I'm not there..'

I tell him, I pour out every single last emotion and thought in my head and he listens. I can hear myself, and I know that it doesn't make sense, all of my feelings, but he listens anyway. I tell him about Gus, the boys, my future tour plans, and how I feel about them. That I'm excited and nervous, but most of all I'm scared.

'Its okay, Daisy. I hear you. You'll be brilliant, you're unstoppable remember?'

I laugh at the fond memory, but then it hits me. Thats all I have from Marcus, memories. I cant make any new ones without him.

No, No. You will make new amazing ones on this tour Daisy. Dont be silly.

Sigh. Its fine. Im fine. Marcus hung up, saying that he had to go to sleep now. I guess it is nearly 11 on a school night. Fuck, school. Im not going to school for 6 months! I know I will have a tutor soon, but is nowhere near half as bad as school.

I take a moment, enjoying the strange stillness i feel suspended above the business. Slowly, I raise myself up, walking slowly over the walk way. I come down the steps, and see Ashton sitting idly at the bottom. He hears me coming, and looks back to see me, and smiles.

'Better?' I nod and he takes my hand, leading me back to the bus. As we walk past the services, I peel off, telling Ashton that i want to go and use the bathroom. He nods, carrying on without me. I skip over to the entrance, and enter into the yellow lit service station. As i carry on through, I notice Calum in the newsagents. I enter, and go to him.

'Hey Cal' I say, trying my best to sound more chipper.

'Oh hey, are you feeling better? I saw you run off..'

'Yeah, um I'm good now. Just needed some air I guess.' He nods, taking a step forward to the till.

He asks for a box of Camel Menthols, and Im at first taken aback from his words. Calum smokes? I thought that all the photos online were edited, I guess not. He looks back to me.

'Do you want anything?'

Hmm, what should I say?I have to take this chance to get some more, Im not sure if I could last the whole trip without a new pack. I nod to the cigs behind the counter, trying to subtly suggest my answer. He raises his eyebrows in surprise, but gives in.

'Make that 2, thanks.' He hands over the cash, taking the boxes, shoving them into his hoodie pocket. We walk out of the shop in silence. When we get out, he hands me a box, and I quickly shove them into my pocket, and toss the old box into the bin nearby.

'So, uh, you smoke then..' Calum says awkwardly.

'Yeah, it helps with my anxiety I guess.' I kick a rock on the pavement. 'Thanks by the way'

'Nah, no problem. Its okay, just dont go crazy on them alright? They're not good.' I nod, he is complexity correct, but I appreciate his okay-ness towards it, after all he smokes as well.

We get back to the bus, and Gus starts it up. He asks if I'm okay, and I nod, thanking his for his thoughtfulness. They guys have accumulated on the couches, and Calum and I join them. Michael and Luke dont ask me if I'm okay, so I guess Ashton filled them in. Im grateful for that, I dont really want to go over it again and again.

The guys immedietely start joking around, talking about one time when Calum pissed himself on a night out once in Miami. I laugh along with them, and they include me. Its pretty great, they tell me all of these stories and anecdotes, and all i can think about is how I now know them so much better. Its odd going from a mega fan to a friend, because I can see the media's perception of the boys, and the real thing. Its strange, as some things are true. I can totally see Ashton as the 'Dad-Father' and Michael as the rude and outrageous one. But Luke is actually way more loud than you think, you just have to spend more time with him and he really comes out of his shell. And Calum isn't the cute little one, he is actually a bit of a bad-boy when it comes to partying. I mean right now, Luke is rolling on the floor demonstrating how a penguin would mate, and Calum is chugging back beers. Michael is filming it and laughing while zooming in on Luke on snapchat. Ashton watches in amusement as we sit together on the sofa, taking a step back from the action to see it in all of its glory.

Watching these guys get increasingly more drunk and giggly makes me realise what this tour is going to be like. One heck of a lot of fun.

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