Calums' Pancakes

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'Daisy..' A low voice whispers through the door, followed by 3 soft knocks.

I squirm in the chair, stretching my arms and legs out to the fullest extent, and screw up my face. A strange yawn/song note escapes my mouth, causing the mysterious voice behind the door laugh.

Ashton, its Ash behind the door. I could recognise that demonic-yet-childlike giggle anywhere. Ashton Irwin just woke me up. Ha!

'Hey Ash,' I manage to say in-between a series of mini yawns. 'Morning.'

'I just wanted to let you know that Cal made pancakes, we are all down stairs if you would like to join us..'

'Yeah! I will be down in a minute.' I say, the excitement obvious in my squealy voice.

'Cool!' I hear him walk across the landing, then descend the staircase.


I walk over to the bathroom, stepping over my guitar and notebook which lay on the carpet by the chair. In hindsight, it wasn't the best idea to sleep in the chair rather than the giant comfy-looking bed, but oh well. At least i got a song out of it.

My eyes widen and glare back at me in my reflection in the huge lit-up mirror in the bathroom. Every spot and eye-bag is illuminated under these bright lights. I look like shit, but even my hideous appearance cant wipe the grin from my face. I just woke up in the 5sos household. Ha.

I ruffle my hair, and apply moisturiser o my face, just to add a hint of life to my dull complexion. I jog over to my suitcase still propped up against the foot of my bed, and grab my Paramore sweatshirt. I pull it over my head, and put on some white ankle socks. I take one last check in the mirror, re-do my hair, and head out of my room.

Hesitantly, I make my way down the stairs, only just remembering my way. To be honest, I just follow the sounds of laughter and the smell of syrup until i find the kitchen. I peer around the corner, and see the guys sitting around the table, wearing comfy t-shirts and trackies. Calum, I realise is topless. Score. I look around for Sarah, but i cant see her.

'SHE HAS AWOKEN.' My cover is blown by Michael, he stands up, holding up his mug to my direction. The guys follow up his statement with a chorus of 'HUZZAH's and a clap as i cross the threshold.

'Morning guys, ahah' I do the typical 'Queen' wave, and curtsey jokily. The boys respond with bows and a fake trumpet trill. I love these guys.

I cross my arms over my chest and shuffle over to the table laden with pancakes and toppings. Fruit off all kinds, nutella, lemon and sugar, chocolate sauce and whipped cream surround me as i sit next to Calum and Ashton, Luke and Michael opposite.

'Dig in Daisy, pancakes are kind of my thing.' Cal says, as he plops a large american-style pancake onto my plate. I grab the nutella, and spread on a thick layer, before adding raspberries and whipped cream, making a little peak with the can. Ashton claps at my artistry, and i smirk back which makes him laugh. They guys continue with their conversation, something about going into the city today to go shopping, as they need new outfits for the tour.

'Dont you have a stylist for that?' I say questioning the guys.

'That would be me..' Sarah appears from behind the wall, her large frame glasses balancing on the edge of her nose. Her hair is soo cool. I wish that i could pull of a pastel blue bob.

'Yeah, Sarah does most of it, but we dont like to burden her...' Mikey laughs, earning a sarcastic smile from Sarah in response. 'But yeah, I would love to go out today.' I say, tucking into my pancake, my mouth half full. 'Great, lest leave around 11.' Ashton says, finishing his green tea.

I look around the walls, looking for a clock. But realising that nearly half of them are made of glass, I instead find the time on the oven cooker nearby. It reads 10:23 am. Shit! Normally I would be able to get ready in 10 minutes, but as this is rather a special weekend, I would have preferred longer.

They guys carry on their chat, with Luke giving fashion advice to the others, and i grab one last pancake to finish off my breakfast. I opt for the classic lemon and sugar to cleanse my chocolaty pallete. I scrape my plate clean, then excuse myself from the table, telling the guys that I was going to get ready and take a shower.

'Towells in the cupboard!' Sarah calls after me, ad i thank her as i dash up the stairs and into my room.

I skip into the en suite, and turn on the shower. I then walk over to my case and decide on my outfit for the day. I go for my baggy grey sweatshirt and black skinny jeans, paired with my black flatform creepers and my vintage Levi's denim jacket. Happy with my choice, I get in the shower. I wash my hair and my body, filling the bathroom with japanese cherry blossom and mint leaf. My favourite.

I step out, and dry my hair quickly with the dryer by the sink. As my hair is cut pixie-style it only takes 5 minutes for it to be bone dry. I then put on my outfit, and grab my make up. Light concealer, so that my freckles are still visible, with clear lip balm, a winged liner and mascara. I look so grungy and tumblr, i am very happy with myself. Yay, go me.

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