Down the Rabbit Hole

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Marcus takes my hand, and I follow him out of the house

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Marcus takes my hand, and I follow him out of the house.

'Where are we going?'

'You'll see...'

Marcus leads me down the path, and we turn down an un-made track hidden by the trees on the edge of town. It has started to get dark, and I cant help but feel a little anxious. The darkening blue fades into black and the stars come out to shine over us, illuminating the path ahead. We walk through the woods for around 5 minutes, and we come to a clearing. The pumping music becomes louder with every step, until we reach the site. White bell tents are set up everywhere, fairy lights are twinkling amongst the leafy branches. A large bonfire burns in the corner, people crowded around it, bobbing to the music. I look to Marcus, did he really do all of this for me?

'Marcus, i-'

'Shh,' He pulls me in close, his hands trailing up my forearms, stopping at my elbows. 'Happy sixteenth!' He says smiling. My heart flutters as he leans in, his lips grazing my own. Softly, he kisses me. I move my hands to his back, the black rose still in my grasp. We break, and I beam up at him, then look over to the party. Its so perfect. I start to skip over, Marcus following behind. I recognise people from school, and i sigh of relief as i realise that the he didn't invite not-so-nice people. I also see guys from the skatepark, and i see them greet Marcus, and he introduces me. We make our way around the circular clearing, meeting new and familiar faces, all of them wishing me a happy birthday. I feel quite happy that I'm meeting all of these new people, and actually socialising. I think that Marcus wanted me to get out of my shell, and for that, i am so grateful.

We finally settle in one of the tents, Marcus holding open the flap of canvas for me. I bow down, and sit on the carpet by the warm little log fire in the middle. The tent was empty apart from us, and I was secretly very happy about that. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love the party, but i would like some alone time with him i guess. The music system was in this tent, the large speakers blaring out right next to us. Marcus leans over to take the phone from the speaker, and he changes the song. 'Sirens' by Make Out Monday starts to play. I gasp, my mouth forming an O-shape. He smirks back, he knows this is my favourite song at the moment (apart from every 5sos song obviously).

He shuffles closer to me, and stretches his arm around my shoulder. I pull myself into him, my head resting on his shoulder. We slowly start to sway to the music, then laugh at our peculiar rhythm. I stare up at him, loosing myself in his wondrous icy eyes, like Alice down the rabbit hole.


After a few hours of dancing outside, everybody had left, leaving me and Marcus back in the tent alone. The song switched to Ed Sheeran Tenerife Sea. I look at him, giving him a 'this song, really??' look, but he brushes it off holding his index finger up to me. I give in, and i kneel up, copying him. He waddles over to me on his knees, finding his balance by holding onto my waist. He mouths the words closing his eyes, making me giggle. I love this Marcus. He slows, opening his eyes then biting his lip. I widen my eyes to his, giving him my best puppy dog face, as i know it drives him crazy.

It sends him over the edge, and his lips find mine quickly. We make out, and he quickly becomes more passionate with every kiss. His fingers fiddle with the hem of my top, and i smile inside, knowing what he is getting at. I do the same to him, slowly raising the soft fabric up his back. He takes it off, flinging it to the other side of the tent. Nervously, I slowly raise my top. I quickly fling it away, not wanting him to see my tummy, and quickly get Marcus' attention by kissing him again. His hands travel up to my shoulders, his fingers lightly tracing lines up my arms. I lower my head, suddenly embarrassed as Marcus now plays with the black strap of my bralett. He notices, and tips my chin up with his knuckle. His eyes search my face, landing on my chapped lips once more. My breath hitches as he start to swirl circles just under my ear with his thumb. I swear i could just live in this moment, the yellow canvas illuminated by the ditsy lights spotted around us, the crackling fire warming us gently, and him. Our bodies touching lightly, and his eyes locked with mine.

I think i'm falling, hard.

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