Chapter 25

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Caroline's POV

I was in the kitchen eating some ice cream when Rebekah appears smirking at me.

"What?" I asked curious.

"Nothing. Just wondering how is sleeping every night with my brother or if there it is actually any sleeping." She said with a huge smirk.

"What are you suggesting?" I asked faking to be confused.

"Don't play dumb blondie with me. I was the one who invented that..." She said making me chuckle then added "Tell me, are you and my brother finally together?"

"What? We are friends. And what does that mean by finally?" I asked her curious.

"For God sake, it's completely obvious that you two still have feelings for each other. Why don't you bloody admitted and get together?" Rebekah asked.

"Who said that we had feelings for each other?" I asked.

"I'm not blind, I see the way you look at each other..."

"There's no looks and we are just friends. End of conversation." I said.

"Reunion in the living room!" We all heard Klaus yelling, I rolled my eyes for the way he announce but decided to not comment and just go to the living room.

"Why did you want this reunion?" Hope asked for all of us.

"I wanted to announce that we are all going to a party that Marcel will throwing in his mansion (AN: In my story Marcel has a mansion and not a loft or apartment) and he invited all of us, Stiles and Caroline included." Klaus said.

"Do we really have to go?" Hope asked bored.

"Yes. We all are going." He said to us then turn to his daughter and said "I don't know why you are complaining. You are always saying that you never go to any parties but mines..."

"Whatever" Hope said to herself.

"In the positive side, we can go dancing." Stiles said to Hope making me smile, because I liked to see Stiles finally get attach to someone other then me.

"Dance properly. Hope Mikaelson is not just any girl." Klaus said and I gave him a look.

"I didn't intend to disrespect you or your daughter." Stiles said nervous.

"Alright, we should go around 10." He said, I, Rebekah and Hope gather in Hope's room and start to preparing because it was 7pm and we still hadn't pick a dress or shoes.


It was 9:45 and we were all ready, I opted for a red dress, Rebekah a black dress and Hope picked a purple dress that was really good on her.

We went to the living room and I noticed that Stiles couldn't take his eyes off Hope, it was so cute.

"You are going to be the most beautiful woman in that party." Stiles said to Hope then looked at us. "No offense."

"Non taken." I said smiling.

"I gotta say that you look ravishing in that dress, love." He said making me blush.

"Thanks." I said and then Rebekah fake cough.

"You look beautiful too, sister."

"Wouldn't hurt you say once in awhile." Rebekah said.

"Let's go?" I asked, they all nodded and we went to Marcel's party.

Niklaus's POV

We arrived to Marcel's party and in the moment we get into his mansion, Marcel appeared to greet us and greet Caroline with a kiss on her hand. Why was he doing that? She come with me! And why doesn't she do anything about it? I need to stop with this, I knew what I was getting into when I decided to be friend with benefits with Caroline. She just see me as a friend who she has sex with when we want it and nothing more...

"Well, I am going to drink something." Caroline said and walked over to the bar.

"I am going to find out who that guy is." Rebekah said smirking to a guy who was having her glances making me roll my eyes.

"And I am going with Stiles dancing." Hope said and drag Stiles to the dance floor.

"Klaus, the last time I talk to Caroline, she told me that was an old friend of your family so I was wondering if you could help me out with this girl. Do you know if she is single or if she liked someone?" Marcel asked with a smirk looking at Caroline who was drinking.

"I don't think she wants a relationship..."

"Maybe Caroline and I could have just some fun for awhile, if you know what I mean..." He said with a smirk and I had to control me to not punch him so I just put my hands in a fist and didn't opened my mouth to not say anything I shouldn't.

"I don't know if she is interested."

"There's no way better to make sure then ask her to dance." He said and walked over her, she looked for a few seconds to me but then looked at him and accept dancing with him.

I had to get drunk if I was going to stay here see her dancing with Marcel, and after a few drinks I realized that I had to dance with some girl so Caroline wouldn't think that I am just a toy she can use to have sex with, besides I have the chance to maybe get her jealous even if it's just a little bit.

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