Chapter 35

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Klaus's POV

I was walking down stairs and noticed Caroline and my sister talking and laughing, Caroline had such a beautiful and bright smile...

"Good, you're here. Now I can go without feeling bad for letting you be here alone." Rebekah said and got to someplace, I seat next to Caroline and smirk.

"Hello again, love." I said with a smirk and she gave me a nervous smile. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She lied and I gave her a look.

"I can't continue doing this. I'm sorry..." She said and I looked at her confused not wanting to accept what she was saying.

"What are you saying, love?" I asked.

"I think it's for the best to just be your friend and nothing else. We shouldn't even had started this... I" she continue and I put my poker face so she wouldn't see how I was hurt right now.

"I understand love." I said and then added "Now, if you excuse me I have something to do."

"Sure. But before you go, I just want you to know that when you get back I won't be here, I'll be in Marie's motel. To not get weird between us." She said when I was starting to walk away and made me stop to turn to see her, I didn't want her to go but I wouldn't ask her to stay either. I'm not her puppy, or anyone else's for the matter.

"If it's what you want..." I said and get out then took a person to a corner and drink from her, I heard her scream but didn't care, I just drink until drain her out.

Caroline's POV

Klaus didn't care, making me feel like the stupidest person ever. Why would he care? I hated what I did but was the best thing I could do. I was already making myself foolish enough to even think that he wanted something more then just sex with me, I am just a challenge succeeded and was just making myself get hurt because he would eventually find someone special.

I pack my stuff and went to Marie's motel and went to the bar that was in the motel to drink away my feelings, I hated him for making me fall for him.

"Another drink!" I order to the bartender.

"No. You already drink way too much" the bartender said.

"I didn't ask you anything. I order." I said now pissed off.

"I won't get you any drink." He said.

"Caroline? Finally! I looked for you everywhere. Why did you get out of the house?" Stiles asked me.

"I can't stay there. I stop being with him, I broke whatever we had and now I am here drinking my problems away." I said drunk.

"Why? Why did you break up with him?" Stiles asked.

"Because I love him. There I said it. I love him." I said and then Stiles made me go back to the Quarter because didn't trust me about not getting even more drunk or do things that I would regret later.

Klaus's POV

After a few hours of draining some people to forget about Caroline breaking up whatever we had, I went to the hours and a few minutes later Stiles appeared with a really drunk Caroline.

"I already told you that I don't want to be here." Caroline said to Stiles and gave me a look, it almost seemed she was hurt, but it was probably my imagination.

"What happened?"

"What do you think? She got drunk." Stiles said and added "This is all because of you and her so it's going to be you to handle her."

"No way. Klaus has more important things to do like Stella..." Caroline said making me get confused about her behavior but I just took her to my room.

"Just sleep a little that you will be fine in a few..." I said after taking Caroline to my bed.

"Why are you doing this? I'm nothing to you."

"What? How can you say that?" I asked hurt about her thinking that.

"Came on! I am not blind. You just fake that you care about me because I was your sex buddy. And that is the reason why you take so well when I told you that was over the sex." She said.

"Caroline, I'm not going to talk about this when you are in this state. Your drunk and don't know what you are saying."

"I know very well and if I am wrong then why didn't you got sad or hurt when I stop our agreement?" She asked and I didn't said anything "Exactly. You never cared about me, I was just some girl that had sex with you."

"That's not true." I said.

"Are you seriously lying to my face right now?" She asked.

"I'm not. I care about you." I snapped again to her.

"I don't believe you. If you did then..."

"I fake it!" I yelled at her "I am not fine with us breaking up whatever we had but it was your decision. So you shouldn't be the one who would talk to me like that, should be the contrary. Don't you think?" I asked now pissed off "How come do you get drunk and start to cause me of that when it was you who ended it?"

"Because I love you! I love you Klaus and it sucks because I know that I don't have a chance to be with you. Are you happy? You did it, you get me to fall for you. I guess I'm now another challenge competed. Congratulations! I am completely and unbelievable in love with you and I can't hide my feelings anymore. I hate to see you with other woman, I don't care if it's just talking or drinking from them, I hate it. I hate to see you looking at other woman that isn't me and I hate that I'm so in love with you that makes me be this jealous person that I don't want to be. I hate how much I love you." She snapped at me and vamp speed to someplace, I tried to go find her but I got paralyzed with her words. I can't believe she loves me.

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