Chapter 37

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Caroline's POV

"Hey Care! So... Did you really decided to leave the Quarter? You know that you are more then welcome there." Hope told me.

"I prefer this way. But thanks. Now I better go to start working."

"Is there something wrong that you're not telling me?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing special. Just realized some people thought of me as someone horrible, nothing else. I don't really want to talk about it." I said and start to attending the costumers.

Klaus's POV

I felt horrible after my discussion with Caroline and was behind mad for her making very clearly that she didn't want to be with me as a friend or anything else. And I was questioning myself right now what she had meant by being naive before, she was never naive...

I went to see my daughter, forgetting that Caroline worked there and when I appeared, she gave me a glare like I never saw in my life and continue attending the costumers.

"Hello Hope! Give me the strongest thing you have." I said and she did.

"God, what's with everyone today? Everyone seemed waking up in the wrong side of the bed." Hope said and I gave her a look. "You and Caroline, for example. You both seemed so angry and pissed off."

"Maybe she doesn't see what people do for her and just starts a fight with no reason." I said when Caroline was coming to prepare some drinks.

"And maybe your father is just too self-center thinking on only his problems and is a jerk making people fight with him." She said to Hope while looking at me mad.

"You have a lot of nerve. You know very well that I was just trying to know if it was true or not." I told her

"But when you saw it wasn't going anywhere you continue with your questions and make us start to fight." She said really pissed off which made her look very sexy but I couldn't think about that right now.

"Well, you guys should solve whatever happened outside because people are now staring at you two." My daughter said.

"It's not my fault you have a father that can be such a douchebag." Caroline said and walked over to a client that had order a beer and I decided to walk over to her.

"How dare you talking to me like that in front of everyone?" I asked pissed off.

"Oh, right... I totally forgot. You are Niklaus Mikaelson, the King of New Orleans and nobody can say anything without your permission. Get over yourself, Klaus! Not everything is about you." She said and walked over to my daughter. "I have to go for awhile. Can you handle this?"

"Sure." She said and Caroline walked away but I wouldn't let her go away just like that, I pushed her to the corner of the street she was in and make her be prisoner because her back were facing the wall and my hands were in the wall, with my arms not letting Caroline go away.

"Let me go Klaus!" She said mad.


"Why? What do you want?"

"I want us to be okay." I admitted.

"That won't happen. I will never, ever, forgive you for the horrible things you said."

"What? I just said the truth, love."

"Don't call me love. In fact, don't even bother to talk to me. Unfortunately, just now I realized that you weren't even my friend." She said with sadness in her eyes and tried to get out but I still didn't let her.

"How can you say that? I did my best to protect you from your father. I did everything to make sure you were safe and you now say that I don't was your friend? I might not have many friends but in my dictionary, friends protect each other."

"You weren't protect me because I was your friend. You were just protect me because I was having sex with you." She said making me feel hurt about how she thought about me.

"You really think so?"

"Before I believed that you truly cared about me but now I can see that you don't see me as a friend. I mean, I am just a person who used you like a toy, wasn't it?" She asked.

"Caroline, you need to see that you weren't exactly honest with me in Mystic Falls."

"I never lied to you and I never hide what I thought about you, being good or bad, I always told you. However you...? I just found out this morning that you think I am a bitch who doesn't care about anyone and uses guys like her toys to get what she wants." She said with a fake smile and fighting the tears that wanted to come out.

"I never thought of you that way, but you have to admit that..."

"What? That I went to talk to you sometimes to help my friends? Yes, I did. I don't regret it because was to save my friends. The only thing I regret right now is defending you when my friends talk bad about you in your back." She said while looking down.

"What? I didn't know about..."

"That's right. You didn't, and you know why? Because you don't know everything. Now let me go." She said.

"No. I'm really sorry about what I said to you. I know that you never intend to make me feel like your puppy."

"Then why did you said all those things?" She asked while crossing her arms.

"Because I was mad about wanting to know what you fee for me and you didn't tell me." I admitted and ash just stared looking at me.

"Don't you really believe that I used you."

"I think you used me to help your friends without realizing because you always put your friends first. One of the many things I admired about you, your loyalty..." I told her and she gave me a small smile.

"I'm sorry for saying that you were too self-center. I lied, everyone can see that you care more about your daughter's safety then your own and I see how much you care about you family... And also for calling you douchebag and jerk." She said making me smirk.

"Apologies accepted." I said and in a blink she was hugging me, I was surprised but quickly hugged her back.

"Please say that we can be friends again." She said still hugging me. I still wanted to know if she had feelings for me now but decided to let her tell me when she felt ready.

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