Chapter 21

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Niklaus's POV

After a few rounds, I had my back with blood from the times she scratched my back and her nails went so deep that made me bleed, but not too much thanks to the perks of being a hybrid. She was now sleeping and looked like an angel, she is so beautiful and perfect that made me want to stay there looking at her all day... She was flawless!

And of course that someone had to call me, ruining the moment that I was having by enjoying just being with Caroline, she with her arm around me and her head resting in my chest making me want to be with her like this forever, but I had to answer.

Caroline's POV

I woke up and realized Klaus had left, for some reason I was disappointed and sad, I didn't knew why but I liked to wake up in his embrace where I felt safe and when I was ready to get out I saw a post-it in the door from Klaus saying that he had some business to take care of and to not miss him too much. He was such an idiot... A cute idiot. What? What am I thinking? Klaus is just a friends with whom I have sex with and nothing more. Nope, no feelings... Fine, I might have feelings but I do what my father had told me when I was a kid, when I have feelings in my way I just pushed them down and hide them.

I was getting to the kitchen when one of Klaus's minions walked over me, he had brown hair with eyes in the same color and was good looking.

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"Fine why?"

"No reason." He said and then I felt someone behind me snapping my neck.


I woke up in a dark place and saw that I was chained, I yelled and didn't took too long to appeared my father.

"Seriously? You are so afraid that I can beat you that you need people to help you trying to kill me and you have to have me chained."

"No. They are going to take you from there but you will need to make a choice." He said and after the guys took me from the chain.

My father took me to another room and I saw Stiles, Niklaus and Hope chained, Stiles had vervains ropes, Klaus was chained with things that were making him weaker and Hope was hanging trying to use her magic but without success.

"They have nothing to do with this."

"Actually they do. Specially the hybrid, if he didn't had turn we both still be human, we would have a regular life and..."

"How can you hate me this badly?" I yelled at him.

"Because you stop being my daughter to be this monster. The girl I knew would know being a vampire isn't correct and it's against the rules of life but you... You are no longer my daughter." He said.

"Let them out."

"No. You will have to choose one of them, one will live, the others will die. You will kill the others."

"How can you ask me such a thing?" I asked him and he just stayed in silence. "Fine. Let Hope get out."

"No. Save my father." She said with desperation.

"It's okay" Klaus said and I just look at the ground, when my father walked over to Hope to let her go, I snap his neck then took them from where they were prisoner.

"Go." I said after them being free.

"What about you?" Stiles asked.

"I'm going to solve this once for all..." I said.

"Caroline, you don't have to"

"Just go" I said with a low voice and then heard them walking away.

I was now alone with my father and chained him to where was Klaus and waited until he woke up then with a knife that he had I start to make him bleed to take all the vervain.

"You won't remember anything about me since you come back to Mystic Falls. I never turn to a vampire, I died in a car crash and the operation that I made wasn't successful but you are okay, you got through it with Steve's love and now you go to try to chase your happiness, it doesn't matter if is with Steve or not, what matters is that you are making everything you can to be happy and you are going to embrace everything good about being a vampire. You are going to someplace far away from here and never come back to New Orleans. You are going to be happy." I compelled him and after he repeating everything I said he went away and I felt my tears wanting to get out, when I was wiping my tears I felt a pair of arms around me pulling me for a hug and I accept it without thinking twice.

"You're okay now." Klaus whispered and stroke my hair but I didn't had strength enough to answer him, so I just stay there hugging him.

"Do you think I did the right thing?" I asked after a few moments of silence and broke the hug.

"Yes. You could think only about you but you opted to make what was safe for you but wouldn't ended or ruin his life. You did what a good daughter would have done." He said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry. I knew this would happened and I went to live with you and your family anyway... I am truly sorry, I didn't want you to get hurt but didn't took so well." I said.

"Even if you didn't wanted I would make you live with us. Your safety was and is too important to me."

"But I got you, your daughter and Stiles in troubles..." I said feeling sad and guilty about what happened to them.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked and I nodded "Why did you choose to safe my daughter so quickly?"

"Because she's an amazing person and she's part of you. I couldn't live with myself if something had happened to her..." I said and he Kaiser me getting me off guard.

"What was that for?" I asked after we broke the kiss.

"It's a thank you" he said with a smirk and I gave him a smile.

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