Untitled Part 3

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" I'm here" she panted When she looked in the room, she saw two Yuzu's. One was lying on the floor like an empty shell. The other was sitting beside her father, holding his pale hand. "Yuzu" she whispered. The one who was sitting with her father, turned around. "Karin, why can I see my myself on the floor? What happened to you? Why are you Ichigo's pyjamas?" Karin didn't say anything she just held back the tears that were determined to fall. She didn't know how to tell her sister that she is dead. Karin slowly walked over to Yuzu with her hair covering her eyes. Yuzu stood up knowing what her sister was going to do. Karin embraced Yuzu in a sisterly hug. So that she could say sorry. She wasn't going to see her sister anymore. Karin let her chin rest on Yuzu's shoulder. "Yuzu" Karin let the tears fall from her face. "I am so sorry. I couldn't protect you. If it wasn't for my stupidity you will still be here" just then the door slid open and a boy walked in. "Eh, don't go up there. Let them have their moment" Jinta said holding back his own tears. The soul reapers were shocked 'What had happened' was coursing through all their brains. The others heard someone whisper a name and then he climbed up the ladders. The others followed him. The person at the door was shocked at what he saw. Karin and her sister were hugging. Tears flowing down both there faces. Toshiro didn't know if he should interrupt them or not so he chose to wait in the room and be there for Karin. In the room, Toshiro saw a man who was badly injured even though there are no wounds ,the scars still remained. Toshiro recognised the man. It was his old captain, Isshin Yoshida. 'Why is he here' Toshiro thought."Karin, do you think Ichigo would ever come back?"

"Yuzu, he's been away for 3 years. I don't think he cares about us anymore. He didn't even bother to phone or get in contact." hearing Karin saying that upset Toshiro. Their family was falling apart. "Karin why can I see myself" Yuzu said again. He saw how Karin looked. It was worry spread across her face. She hasn't told her sister about soul reapers or anything. He saw the way Karin looked at him. Asking for help. Before he could say something. Karin spook up."Toshiro can you bring Ichigo and Jinta in" Toshiro stood up doing as she requested. Yuzu's eyes widened. Her brother was here. She was finally going to see him after all these years. When Toshiro passed Karin, he patted her on the back. Telling her everything would be okay. Toshiro was only gone for a second. When he came back Ichigo was shocked at what he saw. Yuzu was in soul form. She had died and he didn't even know about it. 'Maybe that's why Karin came to the soul society' Ichigo thought. Behind Karin was another man. It was his dad. 'What has happened here' Yuzu was dead, Karin coming to the soul society all injured and his dad lying there like a statue. Ichigo wanted to shout out but he held it in. He didn't want to touch on something so sensitive at the moment. They would tell him when they were ready to."Ichigo, you are here" Yuzu squealed. Jumping to her brothers arms, happily. They both gave a soft smile. Tears were swelling up in his eyes.

"Brother, why can I see myself lying on the floor. Karin won't tell me" Ichigo couldn't find the right words to say. Karin used this chance to go to her dad. Toshiro sat beside her to comfort her. She felt her dads wrist for a pulse. It was there but it was faint. She tried to summon some of her strength to apply some kido on her dad's wound. Even though you could not seen the wound, the damage was still there. "Please open your eyes dad" Karin whispered. She already lost three people in her family. Her mum then her sister. Ichigo doesn't stay in touch. He was to distant to the family. It was like he was actually dead. She doesn't want to lose the last member of her family. She couldn't cope with that her dad opened his eyes. "Hey there kiddo" Karin smiled. It looked like her dad would be fine after all. "Hey" she said with a smile "Dad have you met my friend, Toshiro Hitsugaya" Toshiro was shocked his ex captain was the father of the Kurosaki's. 'No wonder the Kurosaki's were so strong. They took after their dad. Karin did say her dad was crazy. So he hasn't changed then' Her dad gave her a small smile back. "Long time no see Hitsugaya. Oh I see your the captain now. How's the squad? How's Rangiku? Still as lazy as ever" "Yeah, hi captain. The squad is doing fine. Rangiku is the same as always. She is now my lieutenant but she is still lazy." Karin gave a confused look. Her dad knew her best friend know each other. Least Toshiros knew how he could be at sometimes. Isshin saw the look on her daughters face. "Yeah, honey Toshiro used to be my lieutenant" he put his hands in his daughter's. You can stop now Karin. You don't have much energy left." Karin gave a small wince. Her father had touched her bad arm. Her dad noticed this and carefully rolled up the sleeves. "Honey, how did you hurt your arm. It looks shattered in a few places." Karin didn't know whether to tell him or not. She had hurt while running away from Toshiro. She couldn't tell her dad while Toshiro was sitting right there. He would feel responsible for it. So she decided to change the subject."Dad, if I stop applying kido in your wound. You won't get better. Don't worry about me. I'm fine" Toshiro and Isshin knew she was avoiding the question. Toshiro looked down at his lap. It was his fault that her arm is shattered. Toshiro put his hand in Karins back to tell her that she could go and tell him. Karin looked down. "I lost my footing on a roof and I fell." Isshin took Karin's hands of his wound. "Dad you'll never guess who is here" Karin said trying to change the subject again. Her dad gave a confused look. She leaned to the side so he could see who she was talking about. When Isshin looked past Karin he saw his son hugging Yuzu. He was so happy he could see his son again. "Hey son, come here" Ichigo looked up and walked to his dad. "Hey dad, how did you get yourself in this mess?" Karin stood up letting them talk alone. Toshiro stood up, he didn't want to intrude in the conversation with Ichigo and Isshin so he walked over and stood in a corner of a room. In the back if her mind she knows that her dad won't make it. So she walked over to Jinta. "Jinta, can you do me a favour. Erm before I send Yuzu on I want you to do that thing that you were going to at the prom" "What if she says no I couldn't live with that""What if she says yes and I know for a fact that she won't say no" Karin gave him a tiny push in Yuzu's direction. She staggered over to Toshiro. She could finally feel the pain in her back and her arm. When she got there she leaned against the wall beside him. "Toshiro I wasn't strong enough to protect my family, now look at them." Toshiro was shocked that Karin would say those type of things. He didn't know what to say. He put his hand in Karin's sore arm. Cooling it. Hopefully numbing the pain. "I'm sorry. I hurt you" Karin turned around giving him a gentle embrace. "It's okay" she let go of him. Leaning back in the wall watching Jinta and her sister.

"Erm, so Yuzu I was going to ask you this at the prom. " he said while getting down on one knee "Yuzu Kurosaki, I have loved you since I was ten years old and I was over the moon when you said you would go out with me. So Yuzu Kurosaki will you marry me' holding out a beautiful ring. Yuzu had tears in her eyes. She couldn't say anything she just nodded out her hand. He put the ring on her finger, stood up and kissed her on the lips. Karin couldn't help but smile. She grabbed Kazen and put him behind her back, walking over to her sister."Congratulations Yuzu" Yuzu smiled back at her sister. While Karin was hugging Yuzu she managed to unsheathe Kazen with one hand. Now the tears were flowing. "Bye Yuzu, we all love you" when Yuzu looked up Karin placed the end of the hilt on Yuzu's forehead "Be safe. See you soon" as soon as Karin saw her sister turn into a black butterfly and head to the Rukongai district she collapsed to floor in tears she had lost her only sister. The person she loved dearly and swore to protect. Ichigo rushed over to his sister giving her a brotherly hug. Tears were flowing out his eyes. He failed to keep them at bay. Toshiro and Jinta used this time to slip out of the room, they couldn't stay there the Kurosaki's needed to be together for now. Toshiro head to the other to talk to Rukia while Jinta headed the other way. His fiancee had died. Gone Toshiro went to the other room, he saw Uryu, Byakuya, Renji, Rukia, Jushiro and Shunsui sitting having a cup of green tea with Kisuke. When they all saw him they looked worried. He walked over to Rukia and whispered to her,"Yuzu has died. Their dad is in bad shape. Something serious has happened but we don't know about it." When Rukia heard the news about Yuzu she head shot up. Tears were trying to force there way down her cheek. When Rukia lived with the Kurosaki's she thought of them all family. Everyone looked at Rukia with sadness in their eyes. They didn't know why she was crying. Rukia stood up and excused herself. Toshiro followed Rukia, he had to be there for Karin. This time rank does no matter to him. He care about her way and Toshiro silently slipped back into the room and stood in the corner of the room. They both had the same idea stay out the way but silently be there for the ones they care about. Karin and Ichigo were sitting beside there dad. Their dad's condition looked much worse. His hands showed no wrinkles just one or two left. His colour was almost white. "Dad please don't say things like that. I'll see you again in the soul society" Karin whispered "Honey, I'm already dead. I'll go back and restart the cycle again. Now Ichigo I just want you to know that what happened to Yuzu and me is not Karin's fault. She did everything she could. It was like she was trying to juggle twins while doing something else." Isshin now placed his hands on Ichigo's and Karin's hands "Ichigo I want you to protect her. Also make sure you both have an amazing life for me." normally Karin would argue that she was not weak and didn't need someone to protect her but right now she needed her brother. "Hitsugaya come here" Isshin said. Toshiro did what exactly what his ex-captain told him to do. Toshiro knelt down beside Karin. "Yes, captain?" "I want you to look after Karin. She listens to you. Don't let her do anything reckless also..." he motioned Toshiro to come closer so he could whisper something into his ear. When Toshiro sat back up he had a faint blush on his cheeks. "Karin I want you to live your life. Take over the business or be a shinigami. Do what you feel is right." Isshin started to cough, his eyes getting heavy. "Remember. Daddy. Loves. You. Both. Very. Much. " tears finally swelled up in Karin and Ichigo's eyes. Karin leaned forward letting her face rest on her dad's stomach. Crying softly. Soon Isshin started to disappear. "Dad!" Karin yelled

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