Untitled Part 36

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'It seems that every time we plan a special night, you always get injured." He kissed her lips, softly then place Kazengetsu on the stretcher.

All the captains trained everyday to get better before the war. They had to be good as Karin. They had to know their own skills, their own zanpaktou also know their enemy. Karin helped them to know Aizen and also gave them information on the 2nd and 3rd espada. Karin had explained that she didn't know a single thing about the primo espada.

Everyday Toshiro and Ichigo visited Karin in the hospital. She had been asleep for the past few days. Recovering from her battle. Squad 4 kept her in just to make sure all her organs were working again.

Toshiro sat beside her bedside for ages, talking about work. He talked already about Rangiku and how his squad was improving. She didn't make a sound but he knew she was listening. She was breathing slowly but she didn't need help to breath. He could only wish that he was with her all time. Toshiro did miss sleeping with her.

Just her presence not being there, upset him. He felt lonely in his bed. There was no warmth, comfort, or heart. He needed her to be beside him in bed. It was just empty without her.

He held her hand and gently stroked it. She didn't flinch at all. He looked at her, hoping she would just wake up. Captain Unohana explained that she just needed time to recover her energy after her large battle.

"Captain Hitsugaya, there is a captain and lieutenants meeting." He turned around to see Shuhei standing at he door. Toshiro lowered his head then stood up. "How is my captain?" Toshiro walked up to him and patted his shoulder.

"The same." He looked back to her and lowered his gaze. He hoped that she would call out to him but she never.

Shuhei stood there alone without his captain. Karin had changed his squad for the better. They were stronger fighters. Even their unranked officers were stronger. They could hold their own against an arrancar. Many of the officers were now much more flexible and could easily perform hakado to its minimum.

"I called you here as it been brought to my attention that there is a video tape of the recent fight of captain Yoshida and the espada. Aizen had taped it to find more about our newest captain." Toshiro, Ichigo and Shuhei growled. That was just cruel to tape someone while they were fighting for their life.

Mayuri stepped forward and pressed play on a little remote. A screen came down and played the video.

Karin stood in the middle of a circle of espada. All of them had their their swords pointed at her. Karin flash stepped away and jumped on
Yammy's head. He was down in an instant. She punched Grimmjow in the stomach he was sent flying backwards. She quickly turned around and blocked an attack by Nnoitra.

All the espada were now in their resurrección forms. Karin had also released her shikai. They saw her spin her sword and slash right through someone's arm. Karin quickly turned around and caught Nnoitra's blade. Karin already sent on of her blades flying behind him.

"Why do you chose to live?" Ulquiorra spoke up. Karin moved her gaze to the side of her eye.

"I am not ready to die. I want to get married to the one I am in love with then have kids." Toshiro blushed. She wanted to marry him then have children with him. She wanted a family with him. Shunsei patted his back telling him to go for it. Ichigo smirked at the first statement she said.

Karin yanked on the chain then pulled it out to the side. The blade scratched Nnoitra's lower back then scratched Ulquorria. Both males rushed towards her. Karin jumped up and punched Grimmjow in the stomach. Karin held her hand in front of his mouth. The blue haired espada was struggling to breath.

She broke her hold when the large espada that looked very much like a spider slashed her back. Karin turned round and kicked him but he slashed her first. A large mark appeared on her arm. Suddenly her arm that had the mark on reached for her neck. Karin slashed her arm then kicked him at a faster pace. Karin held her hand in front of his body then quickly pulled it back. The large espada fell to the floor. His friends didn't seem bothered by their comrades death.

Karin came into a one to one battle with Grimmjow. They both were excellent hakado partitioners. Karin and him were head to head. They both easily blocked each others attacks. She gave a round off kick but he caught her leg. Karin kicked his arm, with her other foot, to release her body. Karin brought out her dagger and slashed his body.

Only two remained standing still. Karin had took many hits from Nnotiora and Grimmjow. Only Ulquorria and Sazel Aparro Granz was still standing though they were badly injured by Karin's blade. Karin ran towards Ulquiorra. He throw a blue light at her which looked like a javelin. Karin caught it and let it melt it in her hand. The captain noticed that it didn't leave a burn mark. Everything she did, they could do. They just never of thought of doing it that way.

Toshiro turned around after Ulquorria was down. He knew it was soon that she was will be going down. Shunsei grabbed the young boy and held him in his spot. Toshiro covered his face with his hands. He couldn't watch anymore. His girlfriend was going to be killed by the loss of her organs.

"She is fine now. You should look." Shunsei whispered into Toshiro's ear. Toshiro slowly uncovered his eyes and looked at the screen.

He saw that the pink haired espada had a doll a lot like Karin. He took out a little plastic stomach and crushed it in his hands. Karin fell to the ground and spat out water. He took out another object from the tub and crushed it. Karin spat out blood this time.

The head captain stopped the video after that. It was too grusome to watch the girl lose her organs. Everyone knew what happened after the video so there was no need to watch the rest of it.

"We need to be just as good as miss Karin to fight against Aizen. We really need to know our skills." The captains all nodded. "Alright meeting dismissed." Every quickly vacated the building.

Toshiro ran straight to squad 4 to be with his girlfriend. He wanted to see her sleeping face rather than her fighting for her life.

When he arrived there, Karin was in the same position he had left her with. She was lightly breathing on her back. Her arms beside her. She looked like she was sleeping in a coffin. Toshiro sighed then walked in the room and sat in the seat.

"Why wouldn't you ask me for help? I am a bother to you?" He asked her. No reply. He sat on the edge of the bed and pressed his forehead against hers. "Please wake up. I miss you." Again there was no reply. He reached down and grabbed her hand and just gently held it. He studied her sleeping face.

Toshiro sat there talking to her all night. Mostly he begged her to wake up and look at him. He wanted to see her beautiful grey eyes that she hated so much.

Toshiro lied down on the side of her bed and fell asleep. He had a great feeling that the war was tomorrow. He wanted to be with her the night before. Karin had explained that the war would start at the end of November or the start of December. Tommorow would be December the first, it was very close, now. Aizen had already decreased the competition by hospitalising Karin.

He moved his face to her neck. Toshiro wrapped his arm around her body. He felt Karin relax a lot more with his touch.

"I love you." He whispered into her ear. Then he fell asleep with Karin. Both of them never felt more at rest.

Captain Unohana came to check on Karin in the night. She was surprised that Toshiro was in bed with her. He still had his clothes on but his haori rested on the chair. His shoes were sitting neatly at the end of the bed. She wanted to wake him up and tell him to sleep in his bed but Karin had rolled over and was hugging into his chest. Captain Unohana slightly awed at the scene. With that she left the two to sleep in peace.

Toshiro woke up abruptly when Rangiku ran into the room. He turned around to see Karin hugging into him. He gently pushed her onto her back.

"Captain! Aizen is making his way to the world of the living." Toshiro rolled of the bed and grabbed his haori and Hyorinmaru. He kissed Karin on the lips.

"I love you." Then he ran out the room. He didn't hear Karin whisper,

"Love you too." Karin heard as her boyfriend, her brother, her lieutenant and all her friends rush to the world of the living.

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