Untitled Part 7

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"I've missed you too" hearing him saying that cheered Karin up somehow. Karin put the mask back on and let sleep fall over her. Soon she would be out of there.

Karin had been in stuck in the hospital for 2 days. She was so restless. Luckily for her the bed had been upgraded, she could now sit up and stare at the wall. Sometimes she was thankful that she was all alone. It allowed her to think about loads of things. Like the game plan for her school football team and think of lyrics for her band. Captain Unohana gave her a pen and paper so she could write it down. Unfortunately Karin is right handed so she had to use her left. She did like it when people came to visit her. Usually it was Toshiro and Ichigo. She did like the company of a member of squad 4 who comes to check on her. Hanataro Yamada. When he first came in, he was quite scared. He knew how strong she was plus he was never good around girls. Over the two days he got to know her better. Since Karin couldn't write neatly with her left hand, she asked Hanataro to do so. Karin was also helping him in return. She would quiz him on different symptoms as kido could only do so much. Like Uryū used to do to her when she was with her dad.

# you're losing your memory#
"So what do you think." Karin asked him
"I can't help but think it is about someone close to you. But I love it."
"Yeah. It's about my sister" she didn't want to say anymore than that. "We'll it's not quite finished. I have to give this to the others and put some instruments in. Then it will be finished"
"Well it sounds amazing now" he said, hiding a little blush.
"Haha, thanks. Erm Hanataro I feel a bit tired. Do you mind if I go to sleep."
"Y-yeah sure. I've got to go back to work anyway". Hanataro lowered the bed so it was flat then left the room.

Ichigo was standing in a captain and lieutenant's meeting with Rukia slightly behind him.
"Well does anyone have anything to report about the intruder" Yamamoto asked. Some of captains and lieutenants shook their head.
"Captain Ukitake, I believe you followed the intruder to the world of the living" Ukitake stepped forward.
"Yes, sir that's true. When we got to the world of the living. We were in Kiskue Urahara's basement but I don't know very much on what happened, Kiskue would not let us through to the back room. Only captain Hitsugaya, captain Kurosaki and lieutenant Kuchiki were allowed to go to the back room" Ukitake stepped back into place when he had finished talking. Toshiro, Ichigo and Rukia all looked at the floor. Toshiro and Rukia didn't want to bring up the death of Yuzu and Ichigo's dad in front of him.
"Is this true captain Hitsugaya, captain Kurosaki and lieutenant Kuchiki. You were allowed entry to the back room"all of them nodded in their spot. Not wanting to move forward but they knew someone had to. Soon Ichigo stepped forward.
"Yes we were allowed access to the back room. It was to do with family matters. I cannot say anymore on it." then he stepped back into line. Captain Yamamoto wanted to know more of what had happened but he knew that he should ask the intruder about it.
"Okay I understand. I will ask the intruder then. If she is willing to speak in a more civilised manner now" Ichigo stepped forward again
"Erm, the intruder has asked me to tell you captain Yamamoto that she will not talk to you when she is in the state that she is in but when she is able to, she will come to you"
"You will make sure that she will" Ichigo nodded and stepped back. "Captain Unohana, is there any injuries since the intruder has been here."
"There has been none. The only injuries I treated was hers. I must say that the first time she came in, it looked like she had been in a terrible battle before she came to us. When I examined the wounds they looked familiar but I cant remember where I have seen those injuries before." Yamamoto was puzzled 'The intruder had not injured anyone, this is strange. What is she planning? What us she up to? Maybe she did come go see Ichigo Kurosaki but then what is she to him?'
"Alright meeting over. You are dismissed" everyone quickly exited the room not saying anything. They were to about thinking about the intruder.

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