Untitled Part 20

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"Espada," Ichigo was confused at her words. He had never met them before.

Karin started to shake. She hadn't dealt with the espada on her own, she always fought them with her dad. She quickly took of her jacket as there was many things in her pockets. She quickly ran back to give the captains her belongings.

"It's 2 espada's." All the captains looked confused. Karin nearly cried at frustration. The soul reapers weren't good at handling a mere arrancar with a rank in its 40s and above.

"I will explain later, just keep a distance. A flash step is not fast enough for them." Karin returned to her brother standing in front of him.

"Ichigo, please let me deal with this. Please go back to the soul reapers." Ichigo just ignored her. Karin grabbed her brother then pushed him to the bookshelf. "Please go back... Your not strong enough to fight against them. You will get killed within a second. " she pleaded to her brother. Ichigo heard the urgency in her voice but he too was a Kurosaki and so he was stubborn.

"Karin, I can defeat this."

"You can't. You can't defeat an arrancar with a rank of 40 and above. These guys are much, much stronger. Now go back." Karin heard footsteps coming from the darkness.

"Your sister is right Ichigo Kurosaki. Head back if you don't want to die." Two men stepped out the darkness. One had blue hair with a mask on his jaw. The other had black hair and a mask on his head. Karin took the chance to grab her brother and pushed him to the others. Ichigo fell back but Byakyua had caught him. Karin took good glances at the two espada. Making sure to never to take her eyes of them.

"So what brings two here, Grimmjow and Ulquiorra?" She already knew the answer but she wanted to toy with them. She was already starting to panic but her zanpaktou calmed her down.

"Oh you know, someone touched Aizens book." Karin gasped at Grimmjow's response.

"No the book I pulled out was the history of the Getsu family. As you know my zanpaktou, Kazengetsu, my brothers zanpaktou, Zangetsu and my dad's zanpkatou, Engetsu. Who all belong to the Kurosaki family." Pronouncing 'Getsu' very clearly to them. Grimmjow quickly flashed over to cut Ichigo while Karin was chatting but Karin jumped in front of her brother with her sword pushing Grimmjow back. Karin gently rested in her brother to kick Grimmjow in the stomach. Grimmjow jumped backwards to stand by Ulquiorra again.

"Don't bother." Her voice getting slightly deeper and more fierce. Ichigo was slightly shocked, he didn't even see the espada in front of him until he felt Karin lean on him. He couldn't believe that his sister managed to keep with such a speed. Grimmjow went to attack Karin. He held his sword up in the air. Karin gave a gentle smlie as he was clearly open. Karin grabbed her sword and flashed right past him. Grimmjow had a large slash across his stomach.

"You bastard. I must say you have gotten faster last time we encountered. You are my type of opponent." Karin took a step forward then turned around so Ulquiorra and Grimmjow was in her view. Grimmjow dropped his sword and rushed to punch Karin. She skilfully threw her sword in the air then caught his wrist then kicked him in the head with her foot. Grimmjow managed to swat her foot away with his spare hand. Karin jumped up and caught her zanpaktou then flashed stepped away from the pair. Ulquiorra caught up to the girl and pinned her against the bookshelf. Karin dropped her zanpaktou whilst doing so. He had one hand around her neck, the other pointed at a single point on her chest. The same spot where his hole was.

"You have became a massive problem for Aizen, I shall finish you off now." Ichigo and the other captains were about to step but they knew that they would be dead. Karin smirked then whispered into Ulquiorra's ear.
"Manifest, Kazengetsu" he didn't understand her words. He jumped when he felt a sword pressed against his neck. He heard a deep and eerie voice behind him.

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