Untitled Part 24

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'I will crush Aizen in the war. Just you wait Aizen, I'll make you regret pissing me off.' Kazen nodded as if he agreed with every word she said.

Karin had slightly a sore voice from all the shouting during football practice. She had to be heard from the other side of the pitch. Then after that she had to go to band practise to make her voice even worse. The band were creating a love ballad and it made Karin made her voice more powerful so people could understand the emotion and story behind the lyrics.

She walked down the streets of the soul society with an energy juice in her hand. Karin had bought more and more energy since she had become a captain. She had to take it so she wouldn't collapse from exhaustion. She also figured out that once the energy burst dies down she sleeps more soundly at night.

The night was surprisingly dark. Her other hand rested near her dagger just in case anything happened. She was slightly humming to herself as the songs were in craved in her mind. She placed her juice can in her haori pocket and brought out her song book. She flipped to the next free page and started to write down some lyrics.

She walked into the hall still writing down the lyrics. Karin wasn't looking to where she was going. She followed her recent journeys and sat in her seat. She placed her book on the table and her juice. She brought out her guitar and started to strum it.

"Sorry, I have a tune in my head if I don't play it, I will lose it." The captains didn't really mind. No one was really talking to each other. They were all too scared for who the 8 guests were. Karin began strumming away at the song. She wrote the chords above the word in her book. She brought out her capo and placed it on the neck of the guitar. The guitar started playing spaghetti western music. She took a quick note of its position and placed her guitar away with her book.

"Who taught you to play the guitar?" Shunsei asked her as he was enjoying the musical playings. Karin grabbed a plate of chicken curry. Many of the captain looked quite sick as she ate the curry. No captains even touched the curry. They all saw that she was highly enjoying it.

"Chad." she simply said making sure not to have food in her mouth. "Oh, Ichigo, you asked a while ago to who taught me piano. He is coming here tonight?" Karin happily dug into her food. Enjoying each bit she took as she was starving. She grabbed a roll and began knawing at it. She heard her phone beep. She shoved the roll in her mouth and looked at her phone. She quickly finished her roll and stood up.

"Head captain, they are almost here." Karin gestured for him to follow her out the room. She grabbed her drink then left the room with all her things. For once, all the captains left the room together. Their lieutenants were slightly worried about what was wrong.

When Karin was walking to the hall she had sent her zanpaktou to go and greet the guests and bring them to the hall. Now Karin was standing in line with the captains. She was just waiting for her zanpaktuo to come back to her. She could sense their spirits pressure was near so she walked forward.

"I want to say a few things before the guests come. First, they are only coming to help put as I asked them to. Secondly, they only agreed to do this as they could beat the daylights out of you so do not take them lightly." Karin heard zanpaktou return and appear back in her head. Karin heard the door open and she automatically grabbed Zaraki and captain Kuromara and pulled them down with her.

"Hiyori, we told you to behave." Karin and the two men stood back up.

"So what Shinji, I have to get back at her." Karin stepped out and walked to Shinji giving him a hug.

"Thanks so much for coming." Shinji hugged her back. She looked over his shoulder to see the rest of the visoreds. They were all smiling at her. Karin was released from the hug, she turned round to the captains and spoke.

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