Untitled Part 4

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"Dad!" Karin yelled The other shinigami looked up, they were wondering why the heard

yelling. Kisuke took of his hat placing it at his chest bowing his head in respect. He and Isshin were very good friends. Isshin and Kisuke had been good friends in the Rukongai district. They always had each others back. Even when Kisuke was excused for experimenting for Hollowfication. Isshin had helped him get away from the soul society with the help of Yoruichi. Even though he was classed as a traitor, he still helped him out. He would always be thankful to Isshin for what he had done.

Jinta was sitting on his bed. He was wondering why Karin had made him

do it. Why would she make him propose to Yuzu. Even though he was happy that she said yes. He was sad that he probably never see her again. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang which was on the bedside table next to him. He really didn't want to speak to anyone but he still answered it. "Hello" Jinta said trying to hid the fact that we was crying. "Yes it is. What do you want?.. Uhhu...Uhhu. Okay I will bring her straight away."

Jinta quickly stood him from his bed. He chucked a jumper on. Grabbed a pair of shoes and another jumper from his closet and quickly exited his room. Karin was busy crying into Toshiro when Jinta came bursting through the door. "Karin you have to come with me now. " he grabbed Karins left hand pulling her into another room. "Go back into your body and put these on" throwing her the purple hoodie and converse at her. Karin quickly did what she was ask. She was sort of scared. She had never seen Jinta act this way. While she was slipping on the clothes that he have her, he was explaining how he had found her body, just roaming the streets. She had difficulty putting in the hoodie without hurting her arm. The pain had increased by double when she was back in her body. She didn't bother to tie her laces in, she just tucked them in. Karin didn't really care that she was wearing a blue knee length dress, a purple zip up hoodie and a pair of black converses. Jinta took her hand again and lead her out the door. Toshiro, Rukia and Ichigo were confused, they didn't know what was

wrong with Jinta. All of them walked through to the others with the others. Ichigo kept his head down. He didn't want the others find out that had been crying. His eyes are still ready and puffy from before. He had a reputation to uphold. "Ichigo what happened in there" Renji said. Rukia and Toshiro head whipped round giving him a death glare. "What I'm just wondering" he said defensively. Ichigo didn't bother to look up he was too upset. He kept think of how this could if happened. "Hey man, I'm sorry for what happened" Uryū said. The others had no idea of what happened. They all jumped when the door was slammed open and Karin and Jinta came running through. Everyone was shocked that the intruder was

wearing a dress. Toshiro had to look away because he had to hid his blush. All the time Toshiro had known Karin, he had never seen her wearing a dress. She had looked so beautiful in it. "Whoa, Jinta where's the fire" Kisuke laughed."Kurosaki's" Jinta shouted back."Ha-ha. Wait what!" Kisuke smile turned into a frown. He realised that Jinta was not kidding. He quickly stood up and followed them. The others all followed behind. Ichigo was the most worried, his home was on fire. Karin didn't really hear what Jinta had said to Kisuke the pain was far to great to ignore. They ran past houses. Jinta still holding her hand. "Jinta slow down. I can't keep up" Karin panted. Her legs felt like they were on fire and she was going to fall any minute now."Sorry but I can't slow down, he have to get there quick" he did let go of her hand so she could follow him from behind. They ran past a street corner where two people were making out. They were wearing very formal clothes like they have been to a dance. Karin had to stop to catch her breath. When she looked up and saw the two people making out, she thought she knew them. When the couple stopped kissing and took a breath, Karin instantly recognised them. It was her boyfriend, Airi Tomomi with the girl she absolutely despises Kanejo Daiki. Karin and Kanejo both never seen eye to eye. Kanejo was popular, she was girly, talented at everything. While Karin was more of the tomboy though she was talented at everything as well. Karin got on well with the boys in her class since she is their captain at most sports. Karin had been dating Airi for two years now. At first they hated each other, she couldn't stand how all the girls would swoon after him. After a fight that they both got in together she figured that he wasn't so bad after all. Soon after 3 months of them being good friends he asked her out. When they were going out he was such a gentleman. He would never rush her. They only held hands, they didn't get to a first kiss. It took Karin a while to get used to the fact that she was dating someone.

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