Untitled Part 18

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He slowly brushed a strand of hair away from her face. Then walked out the room in a great mood.

Karin had spent her Sunday in the library, researching on Aizen's weakness. She was trying to avoid the soul reapers. She was still to angry to talk to them at all. She didn't eat anything either in that day, she was occupied in the reading. She had brought her laptop along with her and typed the information she had found. When she found out something new it didn't bring her any closer to her hunch. Many soul reapers saw sitting in the library scrunching up pieces of paper. They saw the frustration on her face and left her alone. She heard that everyone was talking about Momo waking up and the mysterious person who had woke her up. She had been called to a meeting but she ignored the hell butterfly floating around her.

Monday and Tuesday the soul reapers noticed Karin's strange behaviour. They didn't even see her at the dinner table. Toshiro noticed that she was coming back at 8 o'clock at night much later that her usual time but then she would vanish. When she went back to the house, he saw that her arms had terrible burns on them. When he asked about them she would apply a kido on them to heal the burns then tell him he was crazy. Karin realised that they all knew about the career day that was coming up. Ichigo had asked her why she didn't tell him but she told him that she didn't want him to come. He saw that she lying to him but he ignored it. He didn't want to upset her anymore if he continued on.

Karin groggily woke on the couch. She gave off a massive sigh then went to get ready for today, she didn't really want to go in as it was career day but she had a job as captain to go in. Career day was a day the school could show of the talents of the pupils. Karakura never hosted many festival, so this was a chance for people to see the talents of the school.

Karin had woken up earlier than usual, she grabbed her things then headed to Sokyoku hill. She found that sitting on top of the two tall white posts to be very relaxing. She carefully jumped up and set an alarm clock for her to leave for school while she mediated. She had to calm herself for the stressful day of Kanejo Daiki annoying the hell out of her. Karin would love to wrap her hands around her neck and choke her. She also had to put up with people talking about the funeral and the names that she always get called. With a big sigh she opened her eyes then left the soul society.

Karin got to the class early and casually sat on Jinta's desk then started to talk to him.

"Hey how was your weekend?" Jinta asked her but he could see how tired she was.

"Oh great." She said sarcastically. "I kicked a captain in the head then fought an arrancar who told me that Aizen is after me and Ichigo and he was also responsible for the death of my mum. Just great. So how was yours?"

"Not as exciting as yours." Karin laughed then stopped as she saw Kanejo come in the door with Airi. Karin gave a dirty glare then went back to chatting with Jinta.

"Oh I finished the music for the song." She said as she grabbed her laptop and showed him the music. "I also adapted the lyrics and the tempo up." Jinta started to follow the music with his eyes, nodding his head at points.

"I love it, send me the music. " Karin nodded and with in a few clicks on the touch pad, she sent the document.

The bell rang and Karin and Nagisa, who had showed up just after Karin, went to their seats. Karin took her usual position staring out the window watching the clouds float by.

'Clouds are lucky, they don't have to worry about anything. I want to be a cloud just floating in the sky.' Her zanpaktou laughed at her thoughts. Karin scrunched her face up at her zanpaktou laughing at her. 'Don't laugh, it's true. I could rain on people I don't like.' Her zanpaktou shrugged at her. He knew who she would like to rain on.

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