Untitled Part 39

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"Very well, all captains and lieutenants may be excused to rest up. Myself is very tired after using all my spiritual pressure. Isshin take Momo Hinamori and Gin Ichimaru to the cells and place a binding and sealing spell on them." Everyone nodded and went their separate ways. Isshin took Momo and Gin off the head captain and lead them to their cells. Everyone gave a sigh as things were now going to be peaceful.

Toshiro took his girlfriend back to their house and placed her in their bed. He stripped her to her bra and pants and placed on of his shirts on her. He placed her under the covers then climbed in himself. As soon as he wrapped his arms around her, he instantly fell asleep.

It was not unexpected that once a captain or lieutenant hit their pillow they would fall into a deep sleep. Toshiro was happy as he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Karin. Toshiro and Karin lying on the same pillow with his arms wrapped securely around her waist. His face nuzzled into her hair. Karin holding onto his arm.

Toshiro woke up with his girlfriend still sleeping. He looked at the date it was the it was the 3rd of December. He had been asleep for two days. He looked over to Karin to see she was not waking up at anytime. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. Then climbed out of his bed, getting ready for work.

Toshiro sat at his desk looking at a small red box. He was thinking, what he would say to her. It had to be perfect and romantic. It had to be enough for her to say yes.

"Captain!" Rangiku cheered. Toshiro quickly shoved the box in his pocket. Rangiku saw his action and ran over to him stealing the box. She opened. it and squealed. "Captain your going to pr-" Toshiro placed his hand over his mouth.

"Don't say anything to anyone." Rangiku nodded. Toshiro sighed and removed his hand. Rangiku ran out the room with the box. Toshiro quickly chased after her.

Rangiku ran through the barracks screeching while Toshiro chased after her. Many squad members laughing as Toshiro chased his lieutenant. Toshiro's third seat joined in and Rangiku tossed the box to her. Luckily Ichigo stepped in and caught the box.

"I really hated it when bully's did this to little kids." Ichigo tossed the box to Toshiro.

"By any chance did it happen to Karin." Ichigo laughed then wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"More than I can count but she did kick the guys in the shin." Toshiro laughed at the thought of his girlfriend defending herself at a young age. He placed the box back in his haori pocket and walked away with Ichigo.

"When are you asking her?" Toshiro shrugged his shoulders. Ichigo ruffled the boys hair. "Ask her soon." Ichigo and Toshiro became closer as Karin made them hang out a lot more. If Toshiro and Karin got married they would be each others brother in laws.

Toshiro walked around the town enjoying the peace and quite. Everyone was training much harder, after the war. Enemies were much more advanced and were very skilled. The soul society needed to be on their game.

Karin had not woken up that day either. When Toshiro headed back to house, Karin was in the same position he had left her in. Toshiro placed the box in his top drawer. Tomorrow he would ask Karin. He headed out for dinner after freshening up a bit. Sleeping in for a few days made him very dirty and sweaty.

He woke up again while Karin was still asleep. It was five o'clock in the morning, far too early for getting up even for him. He decided to look at Karin as she slept. He just wanted to see how lucky he was to have her in his life. She melted his cold exterior allowing him to bring people closer to him. Though he was more fragile when his loved ones got hurt but that was the price to pay for love.

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