Happy birthday Ruki! Ruki x reader

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In celebration of Ruki's birthday. Please enjoy!

Note: this is my first time writing so, sorry if it's cheap.

9:45 am.
"Alright, that's perfect! Can't wait to see the look on his face! See you guys tonight."
You smiled with pure joy as you ended your call with Reita.
Both of you and your guys' friends had planned a surprise party for Ruki.
You stood at the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee/tea, (whichever you prefer) resting your chin in the palm of your hand, smiling to yourself as you thought about what to do with Ruki for the day while the guys set up everything at the house.
'Maybe go out for lunch together, a walk in the park, or maybe I should just ask what Ruki would like to do...'
As you were lost in your own thoughts, you didn't realize the pair of warm arms wrapping around your waist until you were squeezed tight.
You looked down at your waist then felt something on your shoulder.
"Good morning, babe"
Ruki greeted you by holding you close to him while resting chin on your shoulder.
"Good morning, sweetie" you reply with a grin, kissing his cheek. "Happy birthday!" You turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck giving him a big hug. He gave you a soft kiss on your lips when you guys pulled out of your embrace.
"So what do you want to do today?" You question as you move the hair out of his eyes. He inhaled and exhaled while averting his gaze down, thinking what he would like to do.
"Well... the guys texted me wishing me a happy birthday and saying they don't know if they can come over or do anything.."
He said in a monotone, keeping his eyes on the floor. You felt bad seeing him disappointed, but you knew that would change. The plan you and the guys had, will put the brightest smile on his face.
"But, I have you. And you're all I need." Ruki said, smiling at you while he caressed your cheek.
You smile back and gaze into his beautiful brown eyes. You admired his handsome features.. you loved his eyes, lips, his... you smirked to yourself as you focused on his nose.
Ruki slowly leaned his face closer to yours for a kiss. You cupped his face and let him lean in closer, and closer.. with your lips being only centimeters apart, you raised your head up and kissed his nose. You chuckled as you backed away from him and saw his flush face. He chuckles at you and strokes your head then starts to walk upstairs.
"Get washed up and dressed. We're gonna go out for lunch."
Ruki hollered from upstairs to you. You giggle and make your way up.

"Good morning Koron!"
On the way upstairs, you met a little koron-chan. You pick him up and give him a kiss on the head.
"Are you and Sabu-chan (yes, I'm putting Sabu-chan in) ready to give your master a surprise?" You whispered to Koron, he licked your cheek which made you giggle.
When you got to the bedroom, you sat Koron down on the bed next to Sabu-chan who was licking his paws and cleaning his face. You smiled at the dogs and then got your clothes together for the day.

(Time skip)

After you and Ruki washed up and got dressed, you two made your way to Royal Host for lunch. You two sat across from each other at a two person table with smiles of joy. You texted Reita to 'commence' the plan and that you left a spare key under the doormat so they could get in and fix the house for the party.

You and Ruki spent about an hour eating lunch-which you guys were eating slowly, enjoying the food and the atmosphere while chatting about the little things in life, how happy the both of you have been together for the past 5 years.
You guys then went around town doing things together, you window shopped, tried sweet treats from food vendors, and maybe even bought Ruki a blazer he was looking at for a bit too long. You got for him and said Happy Birthday as you handed him the bag from the nice cashier who neatly packed it into a dress bag to keep it from damaging.

You sometimes got a text from Reita or your friends saying how they're doing so far and stuff, Aoi got himself tangled in the paper crape after he dropped it and it began to roll across the house, or that Uruha spent 30 minutes trying to blow balloons up with the power of his lungs rather than use the helium tank Kai had bought. it sounded like they were going to take longer than you had anticipated. Ruki asked who you were texting and you told him you were texting your sister, and he believed you. You two then went to the mall and window shopped. A few things really caught Ruki's eye's and you had to gently persuade him to not buy them, because some of the things he wanted, you knew were gifts, you made sure to write down and ask for pictures of the things they got him. Although he begged you for a few things, and you gave in on the things that weren't gifts, a blazer wasn't enough for your boyfriend and you'd buy him more if he asked.
As the day went on, and time fell late, you and Ruki saw a movie together and decided to go home and spend the rest of the day there.
As you sat in the passenger side of the car, you pulled out your phone texting Reita to get ready and that you and Ruki were on your way home.

(Time skip to home)

"Why is the house so dark? I could've sworn I reminded you to leave the kitchen light on for Koron and Sabu."
Ruki said as he drove up in the driveway. You tried your best to hold your excitement in and act like you didn't know.
"I don't know, I thought I reminded you to leave the light on." You replied with a casual tone. You got out of the car and dashed into the house leaving Ruki behind.
"Hey, (y/n)! Wait!"
Ruki hollered from the car, barely getting one leg out.
Ruki grabbed his bag of stuff he got at the mall before closing the car door and locking it.

When Ruki opened the front door, it was dark, but then the lights flicked on and...
You and your friends shouted with joy as Ruki stepped into the house. You walked up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss.
Reita then walked up and hugged his fellow friend, then Uruha, and then Kai came up and hugged him and brought him into the living room with everyone else.

There, everyone gathered around and had their gifts on a table.
Some were small, some were normal, and a few were ridiculously big.
"Happy birthday buddy!" Miyavi said, wrapping his arm around Ruki and walking him to the couch.
You and Kai went into the kitchen and grabbed the cake and lit the candles. When you two got into the living room, Kai motioned Aoi pointing at the cake, making him tap Ruki's shoulder and point at you and Kai with the cake. Reita walked over and helped you carefully set the cake down on the table in front of the birthday boy.
As Miyavi started singing the birthday song, everyone else joined and sang along.
Ruki smiled happily, that cheeky grin of his warmed your heart. Seeing him happy made you happy, because that's all you wanted him to be. Happy!
"Now blow out your candles and make a wish!" Uruha said, sitting across from the table.
He kissed his soft hand and blew the kiss at you which also blew the candles out.
"Yay!" Kai cheered, and clapped their hands.

Uruha grabbed his gift off the table and handed it to Ruki.
"Happy birthday!" he gleamed, patting Ruki's shoulder. Ruki grabbed his gift and began to unwrap it.
"I should've expected this"
He said with a smile pulling out the champagne bottle from its box.
"It's an expensive and excellent tasting champagne! You'll love it, believe me!" Uruha said, raising a thumbs up, Ruki chuckled, and bowed his head in thanks to his friend.
"Happy birthday Ruki-san! That's from me and Miyavi!" Melody said pointing at the large yet, kinda thin gift.
Melody and Miyavi smiled as he walked over to the gift and started unwrapping it.
"Wow! Is this hand painted!?" Ruki asked in amazement as he fully unwrapped the large painting of him, Koron and Sabu-chan from Miyavi and Melody.
"Yes, it is!" Miyavi answered happily. "We had it commissioned from a friend who does art!"
Ruki walked over to the couple, giving them a hug in thanks.
Everyone smiled and laughed in joy as Ruki unwrapped all of his gifts.
Reita got him a series of manga, Aoi got him a cool pair of shoes, Kai got him two shirts and Kai didn't tell you about the second shirt and it ended up being the same one you bought Ruki today at the mall he begged for. Luckily, you and Ruki are pretty equivalent in shirt size, Ruki gave you the one you bought and kept the one Kai gave him for himself, now y'all could match on date nights.
After Ruki unwrapped all his gifts from his friends, you called Sabu-chan and Koron over. You whispered something to them and then they ran upstairs and came back down with a little box in each of their mouths.
"Happy birthday Ruki! This is from me, Sabu-chan and Koron!" You said handing the boxes to Ruki.
He kissed your cheek and then opened the smallest box.
In it, were two necklace charms.
It was a star in two pieces with his and your names engraved on it.
"This is beautiful!" Ruki said kissing you again.
"I'm guessing in this box is the chain"
Ruki said with a chuckle as he opened the second box. And in that one, was a pair of sterling silver chains.
"A necklace in two pieces, yet are one." Ruki said, amazed realizing the necklace charms belong on separate chains, but are one charm when put together.
He put them on the chains and smiled as he handed you one.
You put it on him and kissed his cheek, Ruki put the one in his hand on you and kissed your cheek.
You grabbed the charms on your necklaces and put them together as one. With them together, the star is whole and your guys' names are complete.
Melody admired the gift and now knew what she'd get for Miyavi when his birthday came.
Everyone complimented on your guys' necklaces and said happy birthday to Ruki with a hug.
"Who wants cake!?" Ruki said after his last hug.
Everyone cheerfully raised their hands and took a seat to have a piece of cake.
"Happy birthday again Ruki." You said giving him a kiss.

Yay! Hope you all liked it!
Vote and comment what you think. Thanks! ♡
Happy birthday Ruki! ☆

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