Chapter 2

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{Editted, help from Forbidden_Twinkle}

Naruto's Appearance:

Dark Blue Anbu pants

Black shirt with a small Uzamaki symbol on his arm

Wears the wepon pouch on his left leg


-Naruto's P.O.V-

"N-Naruto why is your hair white?" Iruka asked.

"I don't know when, I woke up it was like this. I might dye it back to its original color some other day" I said/lied.

"No, Naruto-kun~ you look so cute with white hair" Ino said.

"Um, Naruto since when did you have fangirls? " Iruka asked nervously.

"Since this morning, when I entered the class room" I replied.

"Okay um, time for class" he said laughing sheepisly while scratching the back of his head.

- Genin Exams-

"Okay we will be starting the exams today. When I call your name out please follow me." Iruka said.

"Hey, why are you being secretive? Tell me what happened during the last attack. I'm your brother alright?" Sasuke whispered to me.

"It's not that, I just need some time to sort things out" I replied.

"Sasuke Uchiha" Iruka said.

I looked out the window. Then what seemed like half an hour later Iruka said:

"Naruto Uzumaki, please follow me"

I followed Iruka into a room seeing Mizuki with a smirk on his face.

"Okay Naruto, I need you to do the henge and 3 bunshins" Iruka said.

I transformed into Light Yagami. "Die Mizuki" I said taking out the death note and writing his name in it. (A/N: JK)

I transformed into the Hokage.

"Okay, Naruto, now do the bunshin" Iruka said.

I did them without hand signs and Iruka handed me a Hitai-ite.

"Could I get a white one" I asked.

"Sure" Iruka said.

As I exited the room I saw Mizuki with a death glare in his eyes.

"Hey dead last this room is for people who passed" Kiba exclaimed recieving a bonk on his head by Sakura.

"Are you saying my Naruto-kun~ isn't smart enough" Sakura said.

"He's mine" Ino said.

"Fine then Sasuke-kun~ is mine" Sakura said leaning on Sasuke.

Then both of them started fighting over me and Sasuke as I sat down nex to him.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes.

-Time Skip-

"Please listen carefully, I will be announcing your teams" Iruka said and then I stopped listening and stared at the Hokage monument.

"Team 7, Naruto Uzamaki" Iruka said and I started to listen again.

"Sasuke Uchiha and...... Sakura Haruno" Iruka said causing Sakura to be excited.

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