A/N: This will be deleted after I post new chapter

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First off, I apologize for not updating for so long. So I read the comments and wow...... I didn't know that you guys wanted him dead that badly...... I'm starting to feel a little bit bad for them, but thinking about all the bad things they did, the sympathy's gone :(   

Anyways, I'll be getting the new chappy hopefully by next week if I can. Also on another notice, I'm putting "The forgotten Past" on hold until I finish this and "Remember Me". If anyone is interested here's a preview:



Naru and Sasuke charged at each other with their attacks. Naru couldn't bring herself to hit Sasuke and dispelled the Rasengan at the last minute. Meanwhile, Sasuke impaled his fist throught Naru's heart (Sasuke didn't know he impaled her through her heart). Sasuke caught her before she fell to the ground.

"P-Please don't leave" Naru cried. Sasuke leaned down and kissed her on her forehead.

"I'm sorry. Goodbye...." Sasuke said and left his hitai-ate with her and left. She tried to follow after him but collapsed at the edge (They battled on top the statue Madara) and plummeted down the waterfall.

'Gomen, Kurama-nii' Naru thought and closed her eyes.


If that was interesting, please check it out!!! Anyways, until next time, Ja Ne!

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