Chapter 15

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-No One's P.O.V-

"Naruto!" Sasuke screamed snapping his eyes open. He found himself in the hospital.

"Sasuke calm down" Tsunade said.

"N-Naruto....No, it's all my fault" Sasuke said covering his face with his hands.

"What do you mean it's all your fault" Jiraiya asked.

"I KILLED HIM!" Sasuke cried out. Kakashi stumbled a few steps back.

'Minato-sensei, I failed you.......'

"Sasuke it wasn't your fault, you were under the influence of the curse mark. And apeaking of that do you feel any different?" Tsunade asked.

"No why?" 

"Because the curse mark is gone, you have a weird seal on your stomach. I looked through it and it contains part of the Kyuubi's , Rokubi's , and the Ichibi's  chakra. And also Naruto's....... You also somehow have the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.... and rinnegan. What the hell happened?!?!" Jiraiya asked.

"So that's what he meant" Sasuke said looking down. Tsunade stared at him with an 'explain' look.

"When he died he touched my forehead anf told me to use 'it' wisely. Now I understand that he meant these powers........................ Wait a seco- "Sasuke-kun!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy your okay!!" Sakura interrupted. "So...... anyone know where Naruto-kun is?" she asked and everyone in the romm looked down. 

"N-No y-you don't mean......"


Naruto's funeral was held a week later. They couldn't do much since they couldn't find Naruto's body. Current time is 2 weeks after Naruto's death. Team 7 was in Tsunade's office. Unknown the Sasuke there was a small blob that was following him. Jiraiya trained himto try and control the biju chakra but due to his depression half the time he wasn't even paying attention.

" 'ahem' I would like you to meet your new team member Sai" Tsunade said. They saw a pale looking boy with black hair and his face..... well, emotionless.

" I would like you to get along. Your mission today is........... capturing the lost cat Kuro!" Tsunade smiled and Team 7 paled. 

"Tsunade-sama, with all due respect, why do we having capture that demon cat?? Can't we go on a C-ranked mission or something. I swear that cat is like the reincarnation of Tora." Sakura asked. (Kuro is a cat that belongs to a family living in the village)

"This D-ranked mission will let you get along better with Sai" Tsunade said.

-Time Skip-

" 'sizzle... sizzle' Blossom here, Kuro is on the run and heading towards training ground 7. Sasuke-kun catch it before it heads in" Sakura said over the walkie talkie.

" Roger" Sasuke said and waited at the entrance for theig ball of fluff. Kuro managed to get past Sasuke. He finally caught the cat in the middle of the training ground.

"Hello Otouto" Sasuke looked up to see Itachi.

"oh.... it's you..." Sasuke said in a not caring tone. 

"What do you mean 'oh it's you'? Aren't you gonna you know, attack me? " Itachi said in disbelief.


"Well little brother tell me where the Kyuubi brat is" Itachi said making Sasuke somewhat depressed again.

"gone" Sasuke muttered.

"Where...... Fine if you won't tell me I'll just have to hurt you Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu" Itachi said. Sasuke wasn't in the state of mind to react fast enough. Just before the jutsu hit him, he could've swore he heard Naruto say baka......


And done! By the power of a new chapter, I revive you, @AnimeOtaku_Weeb  back to life!!!! How did I do for this one? Please tell me in the comments or PM me. I think I made it a little confusing..... Did I? Please tell me ;). Until Next Time, Ja Ne!!!!


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